• expired

ALDI Special Buys: Kitchen Appliances (Next Wednesday), Motorcycle Apparel/Gear (Next Saturday)


20L Microwave Oven with Grill $79.99 - 3yr warranty
Glass Toaster $49.99 - 3yr warranty
3 in 1 Slow Cooker $59.99 - 3yr warranty
1.7L Glass Kettle $34.99 - 3yr warranty

Torque Motorcycle Jacket $129 - CE EN 13595, level 2 certified
Torque Motorcycle Pant $99 - CE EN 13595, level 2 certified
Torque Men's or Ladies Motorcycle Leather Jacket $129 - CE EN 13595, level 2 certified
Torque Men's or Ladies Motorcycle Denim Jeans $49.99
Carbon Knuckle Leather Motorcycle Gloves $29.99 - CE EN 13594 certified
Torque Motorbike Helmet $69.99

Action Video Camera $49.99 - 3yr warranty

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closed Comments

  • So how do you take faulty items back to Aldi?
    They have a lot of big warranties on their appliances and don't have a service desk. I'm assuming you would line up at a checkout?

    • +7

      Within 60 days you can return it to any Aldi for a refund or replacement. After that you'd be ringing whatever the number is in the warranty card that comes with every product. Works extremely well in my personalexperience.

  • +4

    jv - where are you :)

    • +17

      Just got back from our Hell's Angels monthly meeting.

      Will email the boys about the Motorcycle Apparel/Gear Aldi Sale next week !!!

      Those Comancheros will be sooo pissed off when we show up in our new threads… :)

      • +1

        I think they have better things to worry about based on this mornings raid…

      • +1

        Please jv, I beg you to buy all those Torque motorbike gear and cover up. The pic of yours in tight denim shorts has burnt a permanent disgusting image in our brains :D

        • where is this lovely photo you speak of?

        • +5


          where is this lovely photo you speak of?

          here you go…

  • +1

    The Coffee is also on sale now at Woolworths online $10.00 free pickup. Ground only unfortunately.

  • +1

    Thanks was waiting for the Motorcycle accessories.

    • +1

      me too…

      the gear I bought from the last sale wasn't high quality, but did the job… the boots were uncomfortable for quite a while, the heal dug into my leg, the pants inside ripped, but both were OK.

      would like another set of pants for the wet.

      might see if I can get another set as the price is decent.

      • I have a textile jacket that I got from Aldi a few years back, its the one which I think was around 400D (IIRC) nylon with leather stitched into the impact areas. I wear the jacket quite a bit and is in great nic still. It's an awesome jacket for $100 and the pants are also decent but I don't wear them often.

        However, I bought a jacket last year for a friend and I wasn't too impressed with the quality. They have changed the design to 800D nylon (IIRC) with no leather on the impact areas. Overall the jacket felt much less comfortable due to the stiffer nylon (wearing it might break it in a bit) and I think it would potentially not hold up as well in a slide.

        On the other hand a few years back the quality of the gloves was junk and the stitching came undone quickly. Last years gloves seemed decent but not the most comfy (so test them out before buying).

        Last year I grabbed a set of Kevlar jeans and whilst their construction is not as good as others out there (RHOK/Motolegion I directly compared to) they are still decent for the prices that I paid.

        The paddock stand a few years back was flimsy crap which I returned. They have now added a cross brace but their are stiffer stands out there for not much extra.

        The socks and thermals are great (especially the balaclava - best item to have in cold weather) and well worth the coin IMO.

        At the end of the day, try it on in store. If you think you like it then buy it, you can always return it within 60 days no questions asked!

  • What do people think of the glass kettle or slow cooker? Or slow cookers in general.

    • +3

      I've got a friend with a glass kettle, as the picture suggests they look cool to see the water bubbling away. After the first or second use you're probably not going to stand around watching water boil so if $$ are tight a cheaper option will do the same job just as good. For all Aldi's hits and misses, it's pretty hard to bugger up boiling a cup of water!

      As for slow cookers they're a similarly simple device. I find they cook a little… slowly.

      • +2

        Excellent, thanks Hyena. I am in the market for a new kettle and might pick up this one. Regarding slow cookers, I've heard you can chuck in all your ingredients and just let it cook for several hours and end up with a delicious meal. Not sure how true that is though.

        • That's the basic method - it's an excellent way to prepare stews. You should be able to pick up a cheap slow-cooker cookbook at a remaindered book store.

        • +1

          I've used my slow cooker a lot over 5 years but cannot remember 1 meal that blew me away. It is convenient because I can set it up in the morning, go to work and come home to dinner but if the meal can be slow cooked in the oven, which they often can be, the oven version will be the much tastier meal.

          You are also going to need to prepare some ingredients on the stove top to get the best taste out of it. Yeah you can throw everything raw into the slow cooker and it will work, just wont taste as good. For example, I like to sear my meat and fry the veg up because otherwise all that water in the veg is released in the slow cooker and it comes out too watery.

          It's ok but considering I cook every day, I dont remember last time I used mine. Much prefer slow cooking in oven.

        • I am in the market for a new kettle

          consider https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/147809 :)

    • +1

      My Mrs. has tried to prepare dishes in a slow cooker but they always seem to end up too watery. I suspect she's not doing it quite right as cooking is not one of her strengths. The appliance is rarely used.

      • Be careful with water level in slow cooker, I will sear meat for brown bits, and soften and brown onions, leaks and garlic in same pan. But that's it. When I can get away with it I replace the water with red wine, or whatever is at hand. Great for pot roast, pull apart pork.

        It really is a trial and trial deal. Porridge is hard, as it often cooks too long overnight leaving brown crunchy bits on top and side to get through, but there are fun apple and oats breakfasted meals on the net.

        Pulses still perform better after soaking.

        And there have been times when family left the meal just for me!

    • +1

      Much better to get a pressure cooker- similar results in 1/20 of the time… Or get a combo unit…. And you will never use the slow cooker

  • +3

    My review of previous purchases of Aldi Torque brand motorcycle gear , I notice their style is different this year so this review isn't for the exact same items.

    • the protective pants - crotch split within a few weeks, I stitched them back up myself but they were never very water resistant in that area
    • the pockets of the jackets and pants were poorly made, they quickly tore open at the seam, so I would lose my keys straight down the inside of the pants lining and have to fish them out from the botttom.
    • The velco and button snaps/tabs are cheaply attached and tore loose pretty quickly.
    • The zips and fabrics are fine though.

    Other than that they've survived 3 years of daily riding and are warm and comfy - especially with the layers of extra warmth you can zip in Winter. I'd probably buy them again thanks to the cheap price.

  • +1

    similar experience here. I use it for my daily commute with no major complaints

  • +1

    The kuchef cooker has been 'roasted' in reviews at the Aldi mums FB group:
    Think I'll wait for when Target sell the Bellinis again.

  • Not sure if the Motorcycle gear counts as a bargain, since it's a bit more expensive than it was last year:

    • +1

      You're right, much more expensive this year for jackets and pants - denim jeans $20 cheaper though

      Jacket - 2013 edition was $99, 2014 is $129 (different style in the picture though)
      Pant - 2013 was $79, now it's $99,
      Leather Jacket - 2013 was $99, now $129
      Denim Jeans (2013 was $69, 2014 is cheaper at $49)
      Carbon Knuckle Leather Motorcycle Gloves $29.99 (same)
      Motorbike Helmet $69.99 (same)

      And i don't see the $49 rain suit in the 2014 catalogue either…

      • if you look at the graph, apparently the new 2014 gear is rated better than the older gear. Giving you 13 seconds of protection sounds pretty decent for the price.

        Most brand name gear would probably cost double?

        But i do agree that most of the gear looks ugly. Sadly i've already bought all my gear already so dont really to buy anything else.

      • +2

        You're right, much more expensive this year for jackets and pants

        it's the 1st time they've been level 2 certified :)

        And i don't see the $49 rain suit in the 2014 catalogue either…

        sorry i hadn't scanned the whole catalogue originally - the full motorcycle section is now uploaded, with the rain suit now sold as separates to save 1c together :)

  • I haven't bought any Aldi motorcycle jackets and pants, so I don't really know how good they are, but from the look of the materials, threads, zip, etc, they don't look very nice. I prefer to buy from Bikers Gear Australia
    (bikersgearaustralia.com.au). Their normal price is more expensive, but if you sign up for the newsletter and wait for the sales, the price is similar. I have no association whatsoever with them. I bought a kidney belt, a balaclava and a pair of gloves from Aldi before. The kidney belt was quite good and comfortable. The balaclava was too loose for my head (I wear small size helmet), so it shows too much of my face to use for bank robberies. The gloves were quite uncomfortable, I didn't wear them much. So check before you buy, not just because it's cheap.

    • +2

      I've bought some stuff from BGA and it's been good quality, but then again some of the aldi stuff has been great. Last years textile jacket has been great so far, as have the socks and balaclava. I'll be picking up some mid-layers and socks this time around for sure.

    • i've low-sided on the left with both the BGA summer textile and Aldi jackets on separate occasions at similar speeds and slid roughly the same distance.
      The BGA jacket came off the worse for (abrasion) wear, ripped fasteners on the arm. Whereas the Aldi one fared much better.

      With that said, you'd boil wearing the Aldi jacket in summer but I'm wearing it for my daily commute this winter.

      Whereas the BGA one is nice and breezy and the detachable inner liner is handy. Does soak up the rain like a sponge though :-(

  • got the leather jacket and kevlar jeans two years ago - still going strong with the daily commute on my bike
    the jeans are getting a bit worn but thats to be expected after two years and will be picking up some more these sales

  • The motorcycle gear would be fine commuting to work where your relatively slow speed means you wont hit the pavement too hard coming off so less chance for the seams on this stuff to disintegrate and leave you sliding down the road in your batman underwear.

  • was wondering if anyone has any feedback or experience with the Action Camera.

    A quick look seems to be that its not full HD, also most likely 30fps not 60, and 135 degree viewing angle instead of 170.

    interested to see if anyone has any good feedback as may use it for my $140 return trip to PH that I also scored of Ozbargain :)

    hmmm, i could take a photo with my action cam on a bike in PH suited up in the torque gear to show how much is achievable from just this website :D

    just need someone to post a cheap motorcycle rental in manila i guess ! :D

  • +1

    For those considering the disc lock; I got it for my bike last year and it fell to pieces after about 3 months of riding around with it in my top box.

    • I was considering it, thanks for the feedback, I shall stick with my non-alarm disc lock.

  • I don't have a pressure cooker nor a rice cooker. My slow cooker has proven to be insanely useful. Stews, soups, rice, stir-fry,…

    • +1

      I got a Pressure/Rice/Slow cooker all in one from Aldi, at a cheaper price point than the thing offered here - I find it much more useful than the (cheap) slow-cooker I had before.

  • Grabbed a helmet last time round for track days. No complaints :)

  • Anyone know how much stock the Horsham Aldi usually gets of the motorbike stuff? Sorely tempted to nip down there on Saturday morning (from Adelaide) to get some motorbike gear.

    Don't want to drive for 4 and a half hours to realise theres no stock!

    Aldi open up in Adelaide already :(

    • +1

      Sorely tempted to nip down there on Saturday morning (from Adelaide) to get some motorbike gear.

      Don't want to drive for 4 and a half hours to realise theres no stock!

      fyi it's not this saturday but the next :)

      • That would have sucked massively LOL - can't really do this weekend anyway so all good!

  • Glass toaster, wow so cool. If my kenmix toaster spoils, I'm going to get a glass toaster next!

  • +1

    I bought a lot of motorcycle gear last year. But the shopping experience ruined it for me. You need to be there like an hour or more and glue yourself to the door because as soon as the door opens the crowd is all over you. You will be running to get the items you want and if you are lucky you will score. People will grab two or three different sizes of each item they want because they can't pause and think it through. You will go home with a size you are not happy with and come back next day hoping others returned your preferred size.

    I just don't understand why Aldi stocks so little on items high in demand.

    • I've never had trouble rocking in a few days later for the motorbike gear. Must depend on the suburb factors - popularity of Aldi
      - the cheapness of the locals
      - the number of ozbargainers (see above)
      - and obviously the number of Motorbike riders.

    • No problems shopping at the local Aldi's here.

      3 or 4 people there at shop opening time and most things still available a few days later.

  • Gahh! They have the guys leather jackets up to an XXL, but ladies only to L. Apparently large guys ride bikes but not large gals?

    • +1

      argh! so many comments to make in regards to this… but I'm not going there….

      • LOL! I see what you mean… XD

    • +1

      If you are that large just buy a mens size?

  • Is the glass kettle strong enough to withstand multiple boils within a short time period?

    If you put cold water on hot glass, won't it crack?

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