• expired

[Steam] PAYDAY: The Heist for Free from 16 October


PAYDAY: The Heist will be free on Steam on October 16th 10am Pacific Time, which is October 17th 4am AEDT here.

Conditions: I'm not sure if this is actually necessary but you may need to be part of the official PAYDAY 2 Steam group to be eligible for your free copy. Joining is free to everyone.


Note the date was originally October 18th but was bought forward, according to IGN this will be free for 24 hours only.

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closed Comments

  • +37

    Starts in 83 days.

    Dang. Oh well, time to watch paint dry.

    • +6

      I need walls painted and yes it is free to watch it dry if you paint it.

    • +4

      Gonna need some paint deals. Anyone?

      • +3

        Many had stocked up from Wattyl's free sample pot promo. Sadly, that's gone.

        • +1

          "Wattyl's free sample pot promo" in approved US States only :P

  • +9

    Good to hear, but I reckon we'll probably need another post to remind us in October!

    • +10

      OzBargain has the "Add Reminder" feature for a reason. :P

      • +3

        Well yeah, but it won't show up for people who missed this. And I bet it'll be the new post that gets all the discussion on the day.

        But thanks for letting me know about the feature - reminder added. :)

        • For people who have not seen this post, we generally sticky popular posts like this on the front page when this deal is on (as it has been posted well before the start date).

          For people who have seen this post, there is also an add reminder feature as mentioned.

        • +2


          I just added my first reminder :)

          How many other features are there on Oz Bargain I don't know about?

        • @tomsco:

          same here and probably many

      • +8

        OzBargain has an "Add Reminder" feature?

      • well i added to my phone calander.

    • +5

      There you go. Click this to add to your google calendar.


  • I think I bought this for $2 and I still haven't played it

    • -5

      Same. And now I feel slightly pissed that it will be available free

      • It isn't free, yet. You can install it now and get your $2 worth of entertainment.

    • yeah.. this game is no better than max payne… !

  • +3

    FYI 18th October marks Payday: The Heist's 3rd birthday…more info here:


  • +1

    so bad compared to the Payday 2

    • +1

      Hmm, I still play the original from time to time, I much prefer some aspects, progression tree has its it's benefits, levels feel more epic in pdth too, even if they are a bit more unforgiving. But yes pd2's rng and card system generally has me going back to it much more than the original.

  • +2

    October 18th!!
    Got excited, now disappointed.

  • sounds good!

  • +2

    Damn I thought it was already available at steam until I saw starts in 83 days -_-

  • there's so many games coming out around that time.

  • +1

    Just get payday 2 its worth it (on sale)

    • I'm cheap so nty. :P

      • One of the few games on steam worth having if you like multiplayer games.

  • Awesome news, thanks as I just bought payday 2 was looking to buy the first one as well (obviously at a highly discounted price!!). I'll hold of for sure!

  • Time to add "Reminder" service in OzB :)

    Saw that on top :P

  • I hope those who paid for the game previously will get some sort of bonuses like they did with Team Fortress 2 for paid owners. But then that was only a stupid special proof of purchase hat.

    • -2

      Entitled much? It's a one day giveaway not free to play forever.

  • This is a really fun game, got it for <$10 (can't remember how much exactly) on the summer sale, it's quite fun.

    I still don't understand some of it (I don't play over the top amounts), but it's really easy to get hooked.

  • +1

    Wasn't this supposed to be free for anyone who joined the PayDay 2 official Steam forum?

    • Honestly, I'm not too sure. Can you find any statements by the developers about this? Nonetheless, I'll add this to the description.

        • +1

          I saw that earlier. I've seen several third party sources claiming you need to be part of the group but no official word from the developers stating so unless I missed it.

          Anyone who hasn't joined the Steam group already probably should just to be safe. Joining also helps all current and future PAYDAY 2 owners with more unlocks in the Crimefest (I didn't post about this in the deal description as I felt it wasn't really relevant).

  • +1

    So can we gift this to friends? Might be a cheap but thoughtful gift (thoughtful in that it gets us a few co-op buddies to play the game).

    And much like the game, at this price, it's a steal!

    (I take it the puns are slow with it being Mondayitis)

    • +1

      free for a day

    • +1

      I don't think that will be possible. If it's like any other Steam giveaway, you'll visit the store page and it'll have a green button that says PLAY GAME. This will essentially tie the game to your account so you can continue to play it for free in the future. Tell your friends to do so and you'll all have access to the game forever.

  • Free game - why not :) cheers

  • +1 for this OP ………. Quote:I know I'm posting this when the deal is still fairly far away but hopefully I can save a few people from paying for this between now and then :

    Well done

    • This was already posted by Wagzy above. ;)

  • +1

    Join the group and get me stuff for payday 2! I highly encourage people to buy payday 2 next time its on sale, one of the most fun co-op experiences on pc.

  • This now starts on the 16th.

    • thanks mod - i was looking for the + vote button, but i'll do it here because i can't find it

    • +2

      Specifically at 10am on the 16th. That's 4am AEDT on Friday the 17th.

      • Thanks came here looking for this info .. so 2am WST

  • For anybody without a time keeping device, this page has a countdown clock for when it'll be available: http://www.epicbundle.com/article/steam-key-for-free-payday-…

    • Seems that now the deal is live it's now a time remaining clock. Fascinating. Wow.

  • Thank you.. Grabbed my free copy.

  • Cheers.

  • +5

    Yaay! Another free game I will probably never play.

    • +1

      Got excited when I saw FREE..
      but then..
      PAYDAY™ The Heist is already in your Steam library

      :( what the.. I don't even remember buying it.

      • I'm in exactly the same boat. I have no idea how or when I actually bought it either.

        • At least it's not like finding U2 on my iPhone.

  • seems like we need to install it in that 24 hrs - don't see adding to account thing.

    • +5

      When I click install game from my browser its added to my steam library.

      • +1

        what he said ^

        click on the install game button on the steam page, it will add it to your library then asks you about the install options, at that point you can cancel, the game will be added to your library and download it later.

  • Got it, added to my account successfully. Thanks op! Going to install it later this arvo, oh my, so many freebies today, OS X Yosemite and then this PayDay Heist :)

  • This also works from mobile. Cheers again OP

  • Anyone know how big download is?

    • +1

      Downloading Payday The Heist now and it's saying a 2.5 GB download. From start to finish on my internet connection will be about 23 minutes.

  • +1

    Sweet, good free game…cheers OP.

    I didnt even see you post this back in July- glad its back up to the top of the page when its gone current, awesome!

  • -3

    This is part of the Steam Free Weekend Weekend http://store.steampowered.com/sale/free_weekend_weekend

    * Payday 2
    * Company of Heroes 2
    * Awesomenauts
    * Don't Starve
    * Trine 2: Complete Story
    * GRID 2
    * Killing Floor
    * Blade Symphony
    * XCOM: Enemy Unknown
    * Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

    All free from Thursday 16/10 to Sunday 19/10 1PM PST

    • So do we have to pay for it after Sunday???

      • +3

        Payday 2 is part of the Free Weekend, so you can only play it for free on the weekend.
        Payday The Heist (The first Payday) is completely free, just activate it in your library.

      • Nope!

  • +3

    Yay, the paint is now dry!

    Thanks OP!

  • +3

    Dammit, three months ago I had set a reminder for today, the 18th, only to realise just now that they brought the date forward. Ugh.

  • oh well same here i actually set it for the start of the week but i still missed it

  • +1

    Found this: http://steamcommunity.com/app/24240/discussions/0/6139392942…
    "If you missed to grab your free copy because of this move email Almir (almir at overkillsoftware dot com) until the 18th (!). He'll take care of it. Don't forget to include your steam account!" Only for the 18/10/2014 (US Time). Fingers crossed.

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