This was posted 10 years 7 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Age of Empires II HD Available for Only AU $9.59 with Coupon at


In Age of Empires II: HD Edition, fans of the original game and new players alike will fall in love with the classic Age of Empires II experience. Explore all the original single player campaigns from both Age of Kings and The Conquerors expansion, choose from 18 civilizations spanning over a thousand years of history, and head online to challenge other Steam players in your quest for world domination throughout the ages. Originally developed by Ensemble Studios and reimagined in high definition by Hidden Path Entertainment, Microsoft Studios is proud to bring Age of Empires II: HD Edition to Steam!

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closed Comments

  • Any chance you can price match this?

    • No, but it's not $2,49 anymore…

    • +1

      To be fair, that amazon link was only meant to be for the AOE2 expansion (the forgotten) only and not both the original game and expansion. I think it's been fixed now though.

      • Steam had it on sale for around the $4-5 mark during the same period.

        • Yeah for just the expansion OR the base game. The amazon deal gave me the base game and the expansion though for half the price of a single item.

  • +4

    Nice little reboot of AOEII but definitely not worth anything close to $10. It's a widescreen hack, a shiny water/nicer terrain mod, some bug fixes, some new music and some retweaked netcode rolled into one. The majority of it fan-created and released for free before AOEII: HD was produced.

    The Forgotten Expansion Pack actually adds new civilisations, campaigns, units, maps, improved AI, etc.

    • +1

      Is completely unplayable to.
      Once a round is beyond certain time or population

      Whenever you move groups 2 or more people or objects in the default like formation the whole game drops to slomo and you are powerless to do anything for the time it takes for the group to get where you directed.
      Typical 15 minutes to 6 hours

      Utterly useless waste of money that should be criminal

  • +14

    when i was young, i didn't have money to buy it.
    Now i don't time to play it :(

  • For anyone wondering, the lowest this game(Just the original game not the expansion) has even been is $4.99 according to…

    • +2

      Well that's obviously excluding the Amazon deal donga100 linked to in the first post. Pricing error or not, many people including myself scored AOEII: HD and The Forgotten Expansion for $2.50.

      • I would say the true value of the game is probably $2.50 for the base game and $2.50 for the expansion. I certainly wouldn't pay $10 or over for it.

  • Well worth it.
    Still play it. The Ai has gotten better.
    Probably the best game EVER

    OOps might have sent this in haste.
    Is this not the forgotten?

    Didnt know there was competition

  • +2

    I paid $9.99 on Steam 1 year ago. I would expect the price to be much lower by now.

  • You can get this game for a better price in any sale.

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