EDIT~ the ever wonderful poedgirl has advised that if you select Mexico its cheaper. I have had a quick look and this is indeed correct
Link - https://www.origin.com/es-mx/store/buy/sims-4/pc-download/ba…
With the release date for this looming and the high pre-order price in Australia I thought I would post how I scored Sims 4 for approx 53 bucks (exchange rates can change)
When we were in HK for our honeymoon we pre-ordered the game and got it substantially cheaper. For this tutorial you will need to select Mexico
Things you will need to redeem this if the above link doesn't work:
Google Chrome
Hola extension
How to -
Install the above then go on and open a new window. Click on the little Hola fireball (might be hidden behind the >> icon, which can be found to the right of the URL bar. It'll open and ask you to input a website type in origin.com then select Mexico country in the drop down. When it loads up google will ask if you want to translate the website. Go to the sims4 section and buy which ever one you want.
Limited edition is 36.97 according to xe.com
Deluxe edition is 47.54 according to xe.com
We used paypal to make the purchase and had no problems!
Enjoy :)
P.S Yes I know about the pools and toddlers and just want to make this a friendly post not a flamatory one for the sims fans that are interested in this!
Much cheaper in the Mexican store, US$44.99 for the deluxe edition.