• expired

Sims 2 Ultimate Collection FREE on Origin (PC)


Activate this key in Origin: I-Love-The-SIMS

Start by downloading and installing Origin. If you already have Origin you can skip to step 3.
Not an Origin member? Create a free Origin Account to get in the game.
Launch Origin and log into your Origin Account.
From the ‘Games’ tab in the Origin menu, select ‘Redeem Product Code’ and enter the code

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I'm guessing its free? Is there a limited time to do this by, and does it include any expansion packs?

    • +6

      This code will be available for redemption until July 31st, 2014 at 10AM PDT.

      You will get Sims 2 Ultimate Collection

      The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection includes the original game along with all expansion and stuff packs.

      Base game:

      The Sims 2

      Expansion packs:

      The Sims 2: University
      The Sims 2: Nightlife
      The Sims 2: Open for Business
      The Sims 2: Pets
      The Sims 2: Seasons
      The Sims 2: Bon Voyage
      The Sims 2: FreeTime
      The Sims 2: Apartment Life

      Stuff packs:

      The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff
      The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff
      The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff (includes Holiday Party Pack)
      The Sims 2: Celebration! Stuff
      The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff
      The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff
      The Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff
      The Sims 2: IKEA Home Stuff
      The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff

      All previous owners of any The Sims 2 product on Origin received this edition as a free upgrade.

  • +1

    Well, I just tried, and using the code above in Origin activated the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection

    I did not have Sims 2 on my Origin for those wondering if this is just an "upgrade", so it's 100% full game for free it seems


  • +5

    Working here. About 12 GB download (for those interested). Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP, perhaps put in the post that code is available till 31st of July.

  • +20

    Thanks! You can also do it without installing Origin.

    1. Go origin.com
    2. Click my account and login
    3. Under my account click redeem product code
    4. Enter code


    —- 31 Jul 2014 —- origon corrected to origin

    • +5

      *Origin ;)

      • Shoot! Can't edit now either!

        Thanks for correcting.

    • how long till this updates in your order history? usually its there str8 away just wondering if its taking abit longer just to make sure (i did it via website) ty

      • I'm still waiting more than an hour later. No idea what's supposed to happen after I redeem the code?

        • At the bottom of the page it says
          "New orders may take up to 30 minutes to display."

          If it took an hour I'd ask for a refund lol ;-)

        • @sirplus: Yes thanks, I was actually able to read that, hence my question, given that 1 hour > 30 minutes.

        • +1

          22 Hours later its still not showing up in my order history.
          Tried to re-reg and it says code has been used.
          Looks like I need to ask for a refund lol.

        • @sirplus:

          IT doesn't show on order history however you can see it under "My Games" on Origin client that it has already been freely purchased

    • Q:I did this and it says code redeemed, now how do I download it?

      A:It seems we still have to download it via origin client…

      • If you read the voucher redemption methods page, it implies that you don't. Only vouchers redeemed via the client require that, not ones redeemed via the web.

        • I agree only can't see a "download your Game" button on the web page.
          A:It seems we still have to download it via origin client…

    • there is no 'redeem product code' under 'my account'

      • Off the top of my head, I clicked 'Order History' or something and 'Redeem Code' was then in a left hand navigation bar.

    • +15

      Because you can torture your Sim in this game. Unless your life already is torture… in which case, carry on.

      • +7

        But if your life is torture, you can give your Sim a life of luxury! It works both ways.

  • +1

    Sims 2 is free because the sims 4 will be released pretty soon. It's probably a good way to introduce new people to play the game and then buy the new game.

    For all the others that already know the game we unfortunately have to wait a bit more until the version 4 comes out.

    Either way it's a good bargain, it's free.

    • +12

      Will wait for Sims 4 to go free when Sims 6 comes out in ~2024…

    • +2

      Hopefully people do a bit of research before buying Sims 4 as it's essentially a gimped version of Sims 3. Read this (specifically "Features Removed or Not Included")

      Get Sims 3 instead.

      • Im going to give it the benefit of the doubt. I was so angry when sims 3 came out. I refused to play it for months and then I tried it and was hooked. My theory is when its so broken they just go f** it and make a new one.
        i ended up pre-ordering it when I was in hong kong for our honeymoon beginning of june. The price was like 50 bucks I think. So Hola extension change your location to HK and then see if its still that cheap if you do want to check it out

  • +3

    Thanks OP! Peggle is also free by the way.

  • Great pack thanks OP :D

  • -1

    IP officially destroyed, thanks EA :)

  • +1

    thanks for the post will keep the wife busy…possibly…lol

  • Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Thanks. Now i've got Sims 2 and Sims 3.

    • +1

      Was sims 3 free at one point ?

      • +3

        As far as I know, it wasn't. I'm sure many people own The Sims 3 because of the Humble Origin Bundle which had the base game and a few DLC.

      • I got Sims 3 from the Humble Origin Bundle. Basically paid little for it.

  • Not sure why they'd release all the content for Sims 2 for free. When people compare it to the Sims 4 they will see how they are getting an unfinished product.

    • +1

      I guess its to encourage people to try Sims 2 out to squeeze some interest for Sims 4

      Either way free stuff is always good = )

    • +2

      All of Sims 2 is going for free because EA are no longer offering tech support for the game.

  • thanks from me too

  • +5

    Guess I better watch my character eat, sleep and visit the bathroom :P Real lifes overrated anyway.

  • Done through web.

  • +1

    Sorry but where do I download the game? I activated the code but can't seem to find the download link.

    • +1

      Origin under the my games panel then hover over it and click download

    • +3

      I think that bit needs to be downloaded through the Origin app.

  • Shoo shoo!!! <3

  • +1

    Sweet. I enjoyed playing Sims 2 way back when. Great to be able to get all the expansions too!

  • +2

    Old games are always better

  • sweet thanks op! loved sims 2 :D

  • +2

    Easier instructions if anyone wants to redeem the code without installing Origin:
    1) Create an Origin account https://connect.origin.com/create (if you already have one skip to step 2)
    2) Go to Origins website, log in, and find the Redeem Product code section https://account.origin.com/cp-ui/redemption/index?gameId=ebi…
    3) Enter the code "I-Love-The-SIMS" (without quotes)

    I did this, just in case I ever feel like playing the game in the future.

    • It still does not appear in order history after all this. Been 10 hours.

  • I'm thinking of setting up an Origin account to play this (and maybe for future EA games…), so in regards to purchasing games off Origin, does it matter where you set your country to? Can you change it after? And do Australian credit cards work with any region?

  • +2

    Here's a helpful installation order for Sims expansions….


    Thanks for posting OP, great find!

  • Seems to be Windows only. No Mac download that I can see, bugger!

  • cheers

  • +1

    Looks like Peggle is free as well at the moment:

  • +21

    Tried I-Love-Battlefield-Hardline and… and… it didn't work :(

    • Nor does I-Love-The-Battlefield

      • +5

        nor Love-Is-A-Battlefield

  • +2

    Hm..question..i used the code and downloaded the game from the origin client.

    However, when I tried to play there's this pop up for me to enter the product code and i click done, but it keeps popping up…anyone experienced this or know a fix please? Thx

    • Same problem happening for me

  • Thanks OP

    Is this all the DLC's?

    Can you use mods with this game?, as I'm sure there were mods for the first 1.


    • There are definitely downloadable mods for the sims 2.

  • Origin client download keeps failing. I think they getting too much traffic

    • It's Simcity all over again…

  • +1

    As I had trouble finding a neighbourhood to play when I first started it up, I thought it would help some people who have set their system game locale to another language.

    To change your system locale: (I am on Windows 7)

    You go to the following

    Control Panel
    Clock, Language, and Region
    Click "Change the date, time, or number format" under "Region and Language"
    A menu should show up, click the last tab "Administrative"
    Click "change system locale" to English (US)

    The neighbourhoods should show up after this.

  • +1

    anyone know how I can change the installation directory? I'm trying to install it to my D-drive but it keeps insisting on installing to the C-drive. I'm using the Origin Client (which I am now thinking wasn't such a good idea)

    • +4

      Origin menu > Application Settings > Advanced > Downloaded Games

      Source: 15 second google search…

  • +4

    I remember the first one, thought working a job was such a rip, needed smarts and a vast number of friends. Best way to make cash was to farmi wives.

    Create a character,
    Marry them - get their $20,000 or whatever it was
    Use a small portion of it to build a small walled off cell with them in it.
    Watch them slowly die of starvation and loneliness in a big puddle of their own faeces and urine.
    then sell their urn.

    • or crafting garden gnomes which sold for about $100+ iirc?

    • +4

      The Farmer Wants a Wife…. it's a trap!

    • +6

      Fastest way to kill a sim is to invite them to swim in your pool, then take away the ladder!

  • Yea, I just redeemed the code, one second the game was there asking to download, as I want to download it later for off-peak usage, the game has now disappeared… I guess I'll have to wait a while for it to show up again.

    *Edit, yep,it's appearing now :) Great Game!

  • Can i do multiplayer in this ?

  • Thank you very much. Not sure if it's obvious to others, as it wasn't to me even though it's in the title of the thread, but this is only for PC. I have a Mac so I can't install it on that. But I do have a Windows laptop and the game has been successfully redeemed, so I'll put it on there.

    Thanks again.

    • I put it on my Mac and all I got was flashing red walls and purple grass.

      • +1

        You really shouldn't have eaten those mushrooms you found growing in the back yard…

    • I could install it on the VirtualBox machine, but I can't really be bothered. However, it's a great deal.

    • It shouldn't be that surprising considering how old this game is and how Macs only gained popularity in the last few years. The same goes for Linux which is an even more recent case.

      • I had no idea what number Sims was current though. I remember playing SimCity about 20 years ago, but have never really gotten into the craze that is the Sims. So honestly, I had no idea how old it is. In fact, I still don't really, I only put it on for my daughter.

  • Still working as of today. Thanks. This will go well with my free copy of Sims 3 + 2 Expansions.

  • +3

    EA looks to have included a nasty DRM system with this… glad I havent installed it yet



    • +1

      What implication does this have for those who legally downloaded and installed the free game? Is this just a measure to stop people from illegally sharing their free game?
      Meanwhile, here's a link with more details and on how to remove the SecureROM.

      • Same here, would like to know if this is something I should be concerned with or not. I play nearly no games, haven't got any illegally obtained ones, although I can't always say the same thing about some software. Is the implication purely for this game that is installed, or is it for anything that's on your PC? I've had a quick look at some information, and it seems to only be an issue if you were hoping to make copies of this? I'm not absolutely clear on what is the problem for most users.

        • Not sure if its bad or not, just strange they included it in a free game

        • @KKraig: Currently it's only free with the code, which expires tomorrow.

        • would like to know if this is something I should be concerned with or not.

          These days every digital content delivery and DRM system you use (Steam, Origin, UPlay, Battle.net) is just about as invasive if not more invasive by virtue of being always-online and always phoning home.

          The big hoo-ha over SecuROM and Starforce is something that should be relegated to the mid-2000s.

          The main issue with them was that they were persistently difficult to remove entirely, if you ended up removing the games that required them (lots of registry keys, hidden folders and bizarre installation paths), which is something they shared in common with the behaviour of a rootkit (ala the infamous Sony BMG Rootkit), but that did not necessarily imply they were.

          StarForce also caught some flak for allegedly screwing up people's optical drives, but honestly if you read the link by cyssero below, from TweakGuides, that was either a very obscure issue or non-existent.

          All of the compatibility and instability that StarForce and SecuROM did once have with certain optical drives and imaging software has been ironed out with their newer versions of copy protection.

          Honestly, I think the reason SecuROM and StarForce got so much attention when they came out in the mid-2000s is because they genuinely made stuff difficult to crack and copy back in the days when you burnt games for friends. At least initially.

          Before SecuROM and StarForce, making a 1:1 perfect copy of a copy-protected, retail game disc that functioned identical to the original was child's play up until about 2005.

          After that, with SecuROMs electronic fingerprint that applied a special sequence of dips and mounds into the glass master of the factory-stamped game disc (which a consumer CD/DVD burner could not replicate), 1:1 copies of game discs became impossible and the development of cracks by Scene Groups actually took some time.

          I think EA's move here is a fairly logical one, by giving this away for free with the default copy protection The Sims 2 series shipped with (Safedisc v3), it would have been like essentially making the The Sims 2 freeware.

          Then again, today cracking SecuROM is still child's play; so it's a piss on the ocean really. But that's EA for you, not big on logic.

    • Here's an interesting read into some of these protections and what they actually do to your PC. I too drank the Kool-Aid after hearing the horrors of StarForce v3 protections and the like back in the day but after reading this in-depth piece I'm not sure any more.

      I actually found it as a reference on the Wikipedia article for SecuROM a day or two ago: "PC Game Piracy Examined: Page 9"

      In particular:

      I direct your attention in particular to this post in which he (evilncrn8) counters the vague, deliberately misleading and unverifiable claims against SecuROM. As he states, after conducting extensive research and debugging of SecuROM on his own, he can't find any evidence that SecuROM does anything malicious, nor that it does any of the things that the other anti-SecuROM so-called experts claim it does:

      It appears you guys didn't really do your research properly and are spreading misinformation, no other ulterior or secret motive… I know the protections, pretty much all of them, I've debugged them, I've cracked them in the past.. and nothing you've posted so far matches up.

  • +1

    not sure why this was marked as expired as I've just successfully redeemed the code :)

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