This was posted 10 years 8 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Peggle for PC/Mac Free through Origin


GO here and click "Get It Now".

Peggle is a casual puzzle video game developed by Sukhbir Sidhu and Brian Rothstein of PopCap Games. Initially released for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X systems in 2007, it has since had versions released for Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, the Nintendo DS (with the help of Q Entertainment), Windows Mobile, iOS, Zeebo and Android; the game has also been ported as a Java application, and an extended minigame incorporated into the massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft. A sequel was released in September 2008, titled Peggle Nights.

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closed Comments

  • nice find thanks

  • +3

    So from the current trend, they're just cycling through the titles that appeared in their past Humble Bundles (Origin and PopCap) which I both bought.

    • I bought both of those too and now I redeemed the free peggle and have 2 copies of it in my library…joy

  • Ah, Peggle.

  • I'm assuming they are hoping you like the original and then buy the sequels.

  • +2

    EA… destroying their IP again. Massive willy licking hypocrites

    • Except the guy who said that is no longer CEO

  • +1

    Free games so far from Origin

    • Dead Space
    • Plants vs. Zombies
    • Battlefield 3
    • Peggle

    Seems to be a pattern can we expect a proper big game next?

    • You missed FIFA World.

      But a big game would be good.

      • +2

        FIFA World has always been free to play though, it's not part of a promo

        • Is FIFA World any good? I couldn't find any reviews on the web. I only found 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. How does FIFA World compare to FIFA 2014?

        • +1

          You can't compare these two games. FIFA world is like a restricted version of fifa14. Graphics also not that good, lot of in game purchases, but you can play it for free just like most online games, you have to pay to be good. Also I tried it when just released, dropped out 3/3 matches, lol. Need more OZ players!!!

        • EA released 2 f2p FIFA in the past, this is there 3rd version, biggest thing added was Ultimate team. Which even the WiiU version didn't have (lol).

    • Hmmm, must have missed the Plants vs Zombies one as well as FIFA.

    • +1

      You forgot to include the free games from miscellaneous EA/Origin stuff ups:

      • C&C 4
      • Darkspore
      • Dragon Age II
      • Mass Effect 1 & 2
      • Spore
      • Sims Medieval
      • +1
        • BF 1942
        • BF Bad Company 2
        • BF 2
        • Medal Of Honor
        • Mirror's Edge

        As well. Apart from BF3 & Dead Space 3 from the HBundle I haven't bought a game for Origin.

        • How did you get BF2 free on Origin?

        • +2

          There was a exploit in their website (circa 2011). It was a promo where you could buy one game and then choose one of 10 games for free. The exploit was that you could
          1) add the 1 game that actually cost money
          2) add all 10 of the free choice games
          3) remove the one that cost money making the total $0.


          It is not uncommon for EA to screw up here's another from 2012

        • Ashame I missed this. I hadn't discovered Ozbargain until 2013.

  • Cheers

  • Thanks!

  • Thank you!

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