This was posted 10 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Rocksmith 2014 for PC + Epiphone Les Paul Jr Guitar $108 + Postage @ EB Games


The Rocksmith 2014 Edition Bundle Includes:

  • Rocksmith 2014 Edition – the game for PC
  • Full-size guitar : Epiphone Les Paul Jr.
  • Rocksmith Real Tone Cable
  • Rocksmith guitar strap
  • Rocksmith guitar picks

6 additional songs to download for free (requires an Internet connection)

Considering that the guitar itself is priced at $168 elsewhere, this is a good deal for aspiring guitarists.

Note that it doesn't come with an amplifier, so that's another investment to consider if you're going to grab this deal.

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    I've for the last version, it's actually rather effective if you've got the time. You can use any guitar really, you really need their "Real Tone Cable" that also works with other systems, including the PC.

    • +4

      Rocksmith 2014 is a great way to learn (or improve) guitar proficiency. The real tone cable is amazing in that it works with all platforms of the game, and is probably one of the cheapest guitar inputs for the computer (for recording into your DAW, e.g.. Garageband), but also for the iPad (or iPod/iPhone) when connected through the lightning to usb camera adapter.

    • Can I buy the game and cable separately, and then select my own guitar? I am left handed. Is the guitar in the Rocksmith series for both lefties and righties or just for righties?

      • Yes, look for the game and cable pack. ~$55

      • Yeah just note rocksmith struggles with electric acoustic guitars. Has to do with how the pickups work.

  • This is a great price for this combination.

  • delivery $9.22

  • +3

    Damn you OzB.. whenever I am at my poorest, you convinced me for another sale. Thanks OP

  • +1

    Ohhh man just when I stopped checking eBay for deals on it, OzB pulled me back in!

      • +6

        This is OzB, not EB games.

        • +1

          Why would you stop checking ozbargain unless you weren't able to?

  • +10

    Once you're up and running, check out
    for a huge database of user developed content

    • +2

      Holy crap thank you so much for that, this makes it even better owning it on PC!

  • Grabbed it. Thanks OP

    • Not sure what this means. I have played an Epiphone jr plenty. The pickup isn't super, but it is a pretty good guitar for the price with a nice action.

      • +3

        He thinks 'junior' refers to the size, rather than build quality + materials.

        It's still a decent guitar for a learner though and perfect for a cheap Rocksmith bundle.

  • thanks op! got one.

  • Where can I just get the real tone cable? There are plenty of deals for Recksmith for $12 and I have a damn good guitar already.

    • Try ebay. Its fairly cheap on there.

      • +1

        Pays to get the official cable for this, seems to be so many problems or required work arounds for 3rd party ones.

    • where is Rocksmith for $12? :)

      • +4

        Maybe you need to look for 'Recksmith'.

      • I bought Rocksmith for $12 on a Steam sale recently. But I had to look for a cable online and bought it separately for about $40 from OzGameShop

        • Should a got it on the 20% off eBay sale lol

  • Can you get this in store too?

  • it says junior guitar on the title but looks like full size guitar at eb games …

    • Description says "Full-size guitar : Epiphone Les Paul Jr."

    • +2

      junior doesn't refer to smaller or for children. Just a cheaper version

    • +3

      Les Paul Jr is the style of guitar. It's a stripped back version of the Les Paul. It's full size.

    • The jr has a single pick up. It is good, but if you dream of being Angus Young it might end up being limiting in a few years.

      • +1

        You may have to upgrade to the Gibson SG to be Angus.

  • Rock on!

  • Any mileage in Rocksmith for experienced guitarists?

    • +2

      I had played for a couple of years and was losing a bit of interest with my guitar so decided to pick up rocksmith. Just a fun progressive way to learn a bunch of songs really

    • +1

      I'm a middling rhythm guitarist and it is a useful program, especially for learning lead solos, at least for me. It kind of combines an animated tablature witht he live music track, so it is intuitive rather than relying on music reading/theory.
      There is also a swag load of user generated content out there, and I suspect once you got used to it, it would prove to be the fastest way to learn a new song (should you want to learn it note for note).

    • Thanks guys ;)

  • How do you get $9.22 postage? Mine is $16.60. Is it because I am in WA?

    • I got $9.22 because I'm from Sydney, perhaps.

  • Mine is $16.60 as well also in perth

  • I resisted a PS4 from the eBay sales, but not this!!

    • Same here, didn't buy anything from the eBay sale. Been eyeing one of these bundles for a while now, this is too good to pass up!

  • Bought! Can't resist it, even with the $16.60 delivery fee.

  • Unbeatable price.

  • spent 1 hour research, concluded that the guitar is good itself and the bundle is amazing. Do not know if I will use it but again, can't resist and finally bought!!

    • +3

      "posted 4 minutes ago"

      People posted 3 minutes ago that it was out of stock.

      If you would have spent literally another second researching then you may have missed out. Lucky.

      You really should give the deal a +1 though, do it for bossmode.

      • +1

        Or he concluded that the bundle was good enough to buy the last 20 and resell lol.

        • LOL, I was lucky back then. Only bought one but consider reselling now :) Anyone is interested just hit me here. Cheers.

        • kid0717 - I don't know how to PM on this forum, but I'd be interested so let me know your thoughts.

          PS. Worked it out but I think your private messages function is turned off. I've turned mine on so feel free to message me - or post back in this thread - if you do decide your kit may be for sale. Thanks mate.

        • @kid0717:

          Oops - hit the wrong reply button - see my note to you above. Cheers.

        • @kid0717:

          Just a quick and public shout out to say thank you to kid0717 - perfect example of what a great little (and growing) community OzB has become. Looking forward to picking up with the guitar where I left off some years back!

  • Dang. Sold out.

  • All gone gang!

  • Haha, just got out of stock. Oh well, I guess that is money saved :P If anyone is willing to sell the realtone cable, feel free to PM me :)

  • +1

    Seconds too late!

    Great deal for those who managed to get it.

  • +1

    T_T damn… Just sold out before I could buy it… So disappointed, I have wanted to learn guitar for years.

  • +1

    hehe a few minutes too late too. was in the cart for a good 30 minutes while I did my research. when it came to the final page of checkout it said out of stock. I guess that's money saved as well hehe

    • Haha :) Exactly same for me, if you were looking for the exactly same guitar, it is quite cheap to buy second hand anyway. Also, for the cable, there are patches for the game that will allow other means of audio input to the computer although it doesn't work as well as their cable.

  • Are these available in store? Sold out while I was thinking about it. Should've bought first and assessed the worthiness of the purchase later.

    • Me too buddy - or maybe I should just pull out my acoustic and get back into it that way!

  • +1

    Awesome bundle. I got it for $168 back in the day. The PC version is (IMHO) superior as you can (after applying a few unofficial add ons), play custom content as well as a number if other benefits.

    As mentioned before, the realtone cable is great for hooking up to your iPad or iPhone along with apps like Amplitube.

  • I bought the game during the last OZB post about the Ozgameshop special. It is awesome and highly recommend it for anyone learning to play a guitar. I am getting quite good at Every Breath You Take by The Police !

    • +1

      Good song to learn for pick up.

      • +1

        Took your advice but so far no chicks picked up using this song.

        • Keep practising.

  • bugger…missed it.

  • Les paul jrs go for about 200 alone, so was def worth it.
    Rocksmith is also a great practicing tool.

    Annoyed I missed it, wouldn't have minded an epi les paul jr.

  • Missed out :(

  • Damn.

  • bugger. Already have the 2013 version with the guitar, but would have easily got this for that price.. Why didnt I check ozbargain yesterday!!!!

    • Indeed, Rocksmith 2014 is way better. And for that price! Sorry :-p

  • none in the Galeries Victoria store FYI

  • Where else can you buy these from in Melbourne?

  • +2

    I rang local EB to see if there was stock in store. They checked their system and there is no stock at any store that can be ordered. The one night I don't check ozbargain (because or other commitments) and I miss the one thing I have been waiting to come on special. Have fun those who got one :)

  • Try looking in JB Hifi and asking for a deal.
    North Sydney store had an XBox 360 and PS3 version of the 2013 packs last time I looked.

    • I went in last night to check and they had no stock on the floor where I saw it last. Call first.

  • +1

    back in stock as of 11.50am

  • back in stock get one quick if you want one

  • Got one thanks OP!

  • Tried to get one had it in cart and kept getting an error when payment was being processed. Oh well missed out again :(

  • Aaannnnnnd it's gone.. again

  • anyone get buyers regret let me know.

    • Considering the price on ebay I doubt it.

  • where's the cheapest place to buy rocksmith 14 and cable bundle? for PC

  • +3

    You have to be kidding me, missed out again… probably the only ozbargain I've ever desperately wanted too.

    • Call their customer service line and ask if they're getting more in?

      • Its off the site now, likely thats it.
        Like its not out of stock, the listing is gonneeee.

  • +1

    You've got to be joking! My chances of appearing on X-Factor just dropped 10-fold… I was sooo close to becoming a superstar too…

    • There's always air guitar brother.

      • A more realistic chance of winning the competition which sadly is legit too

  • +1

    just got a 'your product has left the warehouse' email, thats very fast!

  • +1

    Just got a confirmation email that the package has left the warehouse with an Auspost tracking number.

    Hope it arrives before the weekend.

    If I spend 10% of the time learning through Rocksmith as I did playing Guitar Hero on expert, over a few releases, over a few years, then I think I might even become a not so terrible guitar player.

    • +7

      i dont wish to be the bearer of bad news but these guitars dont have 5 color buttons on the neck and the picking area doesnt have a 'bouncy flipper' :(

  • Oh bummer…I don't check ozbargain for one day. One day!! Shred well you lucky rocksmithers!

  • I'm keen for a set, 360 or PS3. If anyone wants to flip theirs for a profit please let me know.

  • +1


    If anyone doesn't want theirs, I'm up for $200 cash. Pickup Sydney or Newcastle.

  • got a tracking number….glad I got off my ass and buy it when I did…

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