Redpawpaw relaunched with shipping fees

Just received an email from redpawpaw about August box and they have added delivery fees of $7.5. Does anyone else has got such email? Are you continuing your service with redpawpaw now since they added delivery fees?
Edit: added poll.

Poll Options

  • 130
    I am cancelling subscription because shipping is killer.
  • 5
    I am happy to stay and pay shipping.

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    • wow.. i would feel ripped off getting that, glad to have cancelled.

      • Hey how did you cancel it? Did you manage to remove your personal data as well?
        If you did please share with the forum.
        If you cancel the subscription you should be able to remove all your data from their systems. It's your right. No company can hold personal data and specially Credit Card information without the permission from the owner of the card.

    • +5

      I never got in on RedPawPaw but have been following all the drama nonetheless…

      and damn, that really is a crap list of products to be sent after a massive jack-up in price lol.

      Dog and cat food. Water. Cuppa soup. Diced fruit in juice. Sugar free tomato sauce (ewwww lol).

      Kinda reminds me of my days living on hospital food :P

  • +1

    Oh goodness, the August box looks horrible. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and paid for the extra month. After that, not sure now. I guess I will reserve my judgement until next week, but yuck.

  • +4

    So glad I didn't proceed with this mob (had been literally at the final page of signing up for a year but something told me it'd all be junky crap) - way to kill your business model. Really so soon after launch why was this not better thought out? Does seem like they intended to carry the loss/costs for a period of time and attract loads of users in that period then charge the shipping and HOPE that they didn't lose too much of their customer base as folks had gotten to know & like the service. Kind of a bait and switch IMHO.

  • I wanted to unsubscribe from RedPawPaw as I don't see it's value anymore. However it only allows me to cancel the Auto Renewal. However I couldn't find any way to remove my account completely from their systems. They still hold my CreditCard information. I tried the link provided in the old email they sent a moth back to unsubscribe. That goes to an error page and doesn't remove my personal data from their systems.

    How can I get them to remove my personal data including my credit card from their systems? I have my right to remove all my data from RedPAwPAw systems. How can I do this? Has anyone in this thread done this yet?

    • +1

      Seeing that they don't actually keep your financial details and use an external provider — eWay — to process transactions, I would suggest you contact them directly to have your credit card details removed.

      • +1

        FYI - I talked to eway and they said they can't remove it as it should come through RedPawPaw.

        I will talk to them to get my personal details removed. There's no easy way to do it from their web site.

  • More good news for subscribers they are now cutting down on psychical books and giving out digital versions LMFAO.

    • +1


  • +1

    Looks like they are almost completely finished now. They have sold off their facebook page and the 11k followers to another company.

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