This was posted 10 years 7 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Fairy Dishwashing All-in-One Tablets - 100 Pack - $10 - BigW Noarlunga SA Clearance


Fairy All-in-one dishwashing tablets - 100 pack - $10 (normally $28) at BigW Noarlunga SA. About 20 packs in stock on 19/July.

10c per wash! Made in Belgium. Please post below if other BigW stores have the same offer. BigW Noarlunga SA also had other clearance dishwashing items, including smaller fairy packs at $5 (from $13) and liquid dishwashing solutions.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      I'm not sure I can see your point? The link you posted lists 100 tablets for £16.99, which is a fair bit more than $10 AUD…

    • +1

      might want to get your currency conversion right first buddy.

      the other thing is, sometimes sites like groupon tend to stock parallel import stuff, and they don't work as well as the ones sold in the local supermarkets.

  • +2

    I had a few of these as free samples, they worked fine. Never saw them in my local Safeway thought. At $10/100 I'd stock up, cleaner than the home brand powder that I tend to spill every 3rd day while filling the little compartment

    • +2

      I usually use Finish Quantum but back when BigW had another Fairy clearance I tried these and they worked just as well. The only complaint I would have about Fairy is that a few tablets in a pack are slightly larger than average and a bit of a squeeze into the dispenser slot on my dishwasher. Ingredient wise they contain the same active ingredients as Finish.

      Old stock Finish Quantums were also on special at the store. I bought one pack of Fairy and tried to buy one Finish Quantum (40 tablets marked down from $28 to $6 on the shelf), but when I scanned the item it said 'Special: $28, original price $28'. I called the attendant over and was then told someone had moved stock into the wrong spot. I'm convinced the Finish Quantum special was right and anyway, what sense does it make to reduce the price from $28 to $28? The Fairy special is however correct and tested.

      • +2

        They normally honour the lower price if it was in the wrong spot, but since there isn't a policy saying they have to, I guess it's up to their discretion.

        • +2

          have you tried using cheap vinegar as the rinse agent with the fairy tablets? i tried it out ages ago after seeing someone on OzB saying it worked well and ive been well pleased with the results. for me seems it works better than any of the commercial (expensive) alternatives

        • @nosdan:

          I'll have to try that - did you know you can also use it as a fabric softener in the wash?

        • @nosdan: I read somewhere that is not a good idea, apparently vinegar can damage the seals of the reservoir over time.

  • I used to buy Finish Powerball or whatever they're calling their revolutionary reinvention of a surfactant these days.

    But then I tried Coles home brand powder and Coles home brand rinse aid and I cannot tell the difference. I have no idea how much this costs but I'd be real surprised if it was anywhere near 10c a wash given that it's like $1.50 a pack or something.

    • +1

      some just don't want to deal with powders. i like powders too, you can have flexibility of just adjusting the powder amount if you have water saving modes like eco, or you don't care about the drying part (thus no rinse aid needed).

      however, i'm too lazy, i get my tablets that includes rinse aid at about 33cents/wash or sometimes 21cents.
      not too much in the big scheme of things when i buy 2-3 years supply at a time. (And it's way safer to stock heaps of tabs than loose powder anytime. ;)

  • Agree, Fairy just as good as Finish tablets. Great deal on those. As for Rinse Aid, I use Coles brand as well and it works great. The Coles brand dishwasher cleaner bottle also works great. Made in same country as the more expensive brands so possibly from the same factory anyway.

  • I put My powerball tablet in the bottom of the dishwasher and put white vinegar in the powder dispenser, works really good :)

    • Nice tip. Going to try this for the next wash. Vinegar is handy product for cleaning. Never thought about using it in the dishwasher.

  • -1

    Ah. It's good to see the store that I work at is on here

    • Thanks for letting us know.

  • I've found that the fairy does tend to leave a soapy taste for plastic containers… but it works fine for normal glass and porcelain dishes… Prefer the finish in terms of consistency…

  • Anyone seen this discount at any other BigW yet? Just trying to figure out if it's this store only

  • No special at box hill big w (still $28)

  • Given my little experience with experimenting with different detergents and soaps in the washing machine, the dishwasher and the shower I've kinda come to the conclusion that they all (most?) work as effectively as each other. When I think about it this isn't that surprising given that they all utilise surfactants (compounds that lower the surface tension of water and allow non-soluble fats and oils to become water soluble). This isn't a new invention, according to wikipedia soap was being used around 2800 BC and there's only so far you can go towards improving these substances after you reach the point of everything being cleaned.

    The various vendors have done a great job of giving their brand a "halo" effect through the various marketing devices such as packaging and television advertising which consumers associate with them doing a superior job of cleaning (as well as being part of a desired lifestyle like most modern advertising). This allows very high prices but at least from my experience these are not at all justified when I compare the results from products that are much, much cheaper.

    I would encourage readers to try this for themselves.

    The one area this doesn't apply for me is in the shower where things like aroma and feel come into it - but even there I'm still leaning towards Dove soap rather than the relatively more expensive liquid body washes that make rather dubious claims about providing moisturisation etc.

    • most of what you said is true. the problem lies with the soap/surfactant ratios and effective ratios. There is only so much chemicals you can pack into that tablet to fit into that dispenser. so most of the time it's not just about the 'active ingredients', but the ratios, plus the 'accelerates and catalysts' if you may.

      re: dove soap. i like it, not because of what it claims, but this is the only bar soap i've used so far that produced way less soap scum among all the soaps (including liquid body washes) I've ever used.

  • There isn't even a 100 pack at Big W Bunbury, but the 90 pack of Finish Powerball Classic which was priced at $28 on the shelf scanned at $20.

  • do the finish quantam tablets have rinse aid in them selves?

    • yes

  • Parabanks SA were marked and scanning as normal price

  • out of stock (went down there today) :(

  • Got the same at BigW Karingal (VIC) a week ago.


    Top brand in UK/Ireland. Works same/better than anything else.

    Their slogan was always "False Economy" in regards to using cheap washing-up liquid instead.

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