Bought 2 adults and 1 kid for 6pm session, the lady at the counter printed out tickets for 4:50pm session, and instead of reprinting the correct tickets she just crossed out the session time 4:50 and the cinema 12 and handwritten 6pm and 15 on the tickets. That would be fine until we all sat at cinema 15 and the movie came on was not Transformers but The Fault in Our Stars. The kid was upset because by that time it was pass 6:30pm which means we have at least missed 15 minutes of the movie. So I went to the counter to find out what had happened, and the manager was a lady with no clues, not only she couldn't tell me the correct cinema the movie should be screening in, she kept asking what did I want to do. I've got a kid that was very upset by then so what was I supposed to do? So we found the correct cinema and missed almost half an hour of the movie. Now my question is what is Hoyts going to do?
Hoyts Highpoint Experience

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Its probably too late to do anything - you should have demanded some compensation from the manager and they would have gave you some.
Write a complaint letter to hoyts but it probably wont lead to anything but you may get some free/discounted tickets.
I took your advice and wrote a complaint on Hoyts' website, and we shall see what happens next.
I think if you didn't enjoy the movie, you can immediately ask for a refund. So, missing half an hour of it, when it was clearly their negligence is basis for getting a refund.
How did the manager not have a clue? Their job IS to have a clue and manage. This looks like the head office:…
Have at it.
If the email/letter doesn't work, write on their Facebook wall. I see they respond a lot quicker as it's more public and don't want bad publicity.
This seems to be the case with most companies nowadays. I've found the majority of emails I have sent will go unanswered but if you go write on their facebook they are onto it straight away.
nothing has changed by the sounds of it …. had similar stories during the cinemotion days etc.
even had an instance where the air conditioning failed during summer - nothing like watching Daylight in 28+C temps…..and they did something similar to compensate all the patrons, scribbled on the ticket which you presented for your next visit at the box office - do i need to say any more ?Guess what everybody, my online feedback got a reply, and the person in charge of Hoyts Highpoint is kind enough to offer some tickets. Oh my kid would be very happy.
Here is the reply I received. Names have been removed for obvious reasons.
Dear Kiwi
Thank you for the correspondence regarding your recent visit to Hoyts Highpoint. We appreciate your patronage at Hoyts and welcome your feedback. It is this feedback that allows us to improve on the overall cinema experience.
I am writing in response to your email regarding your experiences during your visit to our cinema on Sunday 13th July 2014 to view the film Transformers. I am sorry to hear about your experience at HOYTS Highpoint. I have recently taken over as the new manager at Highpoint and please be assured that I will be investigating all of the point that were raised in your email to ensure that something such as this does not occur on another occasion. We take this type of feedback extremely seriously and what occurred during your visit is not a reflection of the customer service we pride ourselves on.
Again, thank you for communicating your feedback and for your understanding. In compensation for the disruption to your night out, I would like to forward you some complimentary passes for your use at any Hoyts Cinema. When you have an opportunity, can you please provide me with a mailing address to send these passes to.
Yours Sincerely,
Xxx Zzzz
They would do nothing about it