Ultra-rich man’s letter: “To My Fellow Filthy Rich Americans: The Pitchforks Are Coming” by Nick Hanauer

Hi all,

I came across this article on fb from a friend. It makes a lot of senses to me where the world we live in now is under a wrongly managed capitalism scheme which can be improved to a more justifiedable one. Its a long article but well written. Enjoy.



  • +1

    Good read, thanks for the link.

    Points out the distubing level of really straightforward economic rationality that continues to be willfully ignored by both those who benefit and lose out from "trickle down 'economics'". Reagan and Thatcher (and those who mirrored their perspective in following years) are largely to blame for some of the greatest financial inequality in human history.

  • +1

    Lucky we don't have such inequality here…er…

  • Anybody who found this an interesting read, I recently also saw this documentary which has a similar theme about it - Mr Hanauer stars in it as well.


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