This was posted 10 years 7 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

91 Oct Unleaded Fuel - $1.377 c/L at Shell Coles Express Rothwell - QLD


1st Time Poster Here :)

Just been down to Margate today & on the way home I saw that fuel was about 10c/19c cheaper at this Servo than most servos around & on the Sunny Coast where i'm from.
So i would of been MAD not to top my tank up for the trip back up the coast, lol.
& while driving back I thought I'd share this info for anyone else who lives around the Redcliffe / Deception Bay area who's on the look out for cheap Fuel…
Not too sure on how long this price will last, but if it does go up can someone let me know.. Cheers :)
P.S. (98 Oct was around the $1.50 mark)

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closed Comments

  • That's only 1c less than I filled up for this morning at Caltex in Bulleen. Hardly a bargain…

    • +5

      Well Lucky You… Vic is obviously cheaper at the moment than QLD is :P

  • +5

    The constantly low fuel price at this servo, and the ones around North Lakes, is because of the new Costco at North Lakes.

    • +1

      Ahhh, yes… That's Right. I forgot about the Costco Servo Off the Highway at North Lakes.. Still Better than what we are paying up here Even with the 4c Fuel Vouchers

      • +1

        4c fuel vouchers are pointless if they just increase the price by 4c before discount.

        I just go to 7-11 and get a free hot chockee on fridays with fuel.

        • They increase it by more than that…
          local woollies Caltex premium $1.78.9 (1.74.9 after disc)
          local 7-11 Caltex premium $1.72.9 !!

          Some people drive k's out of their way to buy rip off fuel because they have a "docket"!! DOH!!

        • +1

          bear in mind this doesn't apply to every fuel outlet, just the ones you frequent. For example around me 7-11 is always 2-3c more expensive than Coles Express/WW Caltex before any fuel dockets. Many others here have commented the same thing to broad-brush fuel price comments like yours.

  • Has anyone had the experience or feeling that discounted Coles/Shell petrol makes less kms per lt?
    I have tried many times also from different Coles/Shell servos, it always makes at least 1km less per lt, compared to other non-supermarket aligned servos'.

    • Nope… I find i get better KMS on Shell Than I Do from Caltex

    • same here.. I never touch Caltex. I've tried different Caltexes in different places, none comes close to BP or Shell for me.

      • And same from me. Caltex is far worse for my fuel economy than shell/bp. I haven't measured 7-11 since its been mobil

  • -1

    How much is delivery ?

  • might make the trip up from Sydney in my car to cash in on this bargain.

    • Can I pass some jerry cans to you to fill up for me on your way? ;)

  • $1.37 most days at Costco. Anzac Ave Caltex was $1.31 yesterday with voucher.

    • Yes, But don't you have to be a COSTCO Member to fuel up there? & with the 4c Voucher it was $1.33.7 at Coles Express

  • Gees. I saw $1.61/l on my way back from Parramatta yesterday…

  • +1 for going to Margate

  • not bad at all, like 160 where i am! ;/

  • I thought the fuel subsidy in qld was removed? Damn cheap even for 91 oct.

    • It has been… Many years ago actually… & yes, Hence why the Post :)

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