This was posted 10 years 7 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1/2 Price Frantelle 24x 600ml Spring Water $5.00 (Save $5.49) at Woolworths Starts 9/7


For what it's worth, I reckon Frantelle (by Schweppes) is by far the best of the supermarket branded bottled water. The bottle itself is thick & solid, unlike the flimsy homebrand ones. And at $0.20 a bottle, you have to say this is great value. Just my 2 cents.

Limit of 6 cases per customer. Starts Wednesday 9th July.

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closed Comments

  • +16

    I have a thing in my house called a tap…..

    • +28

      I think most of us do altomic, but these are so handy for the footy, picnics etc. You can't take the tap with you there :)

      • +16

        you can buy a water bottle though, and reuse it to your hearts desire.

        • +4

          Or something like this if no clean water nearby.


        • I keep one of those in the car for really big emergency uses. Not sure if ill ever use it though.

        • +2


          you can buy a water bottle though, and reuse it to your hearts desire.

          At New Years Eve many places in Sydney are blocked off and people are searched before entering, and already opened bottles are confiscated or you simply can't enter.

          Regularly places like festivals, pubs, clubs and football matches will NOT allow you to bring in your own water bottles unless they can see that they are factory sealed. I hate places like that and generally try to avoid them, but I once had to ditch $30 worth of thermos flasks after making my own tea then not being allowed into a venue. It was that or throw away $300 worth of tickets and miss the show.

          They are concerned people will take their own alcohol in so they can't sell their own overpriced stuff. Whether it's legal or not, who knows. Most places can deny you entry for whatever reason, and you can take it up legally with management later. But you'll miss your event if the 150kg muscle-bound bouncer refuses you entry because you have a water bottle that you filled yourself.

        • +1


          that's stupid. I've never been to a place like that here.

        • @greenie4242:

          I've never had a problem getting into Suncorp Stadium for the Roar with my CamelBak Podium's. :S

        • +1

          I too take a camelbak or two, full of water to stadiums. They have always been in the outside pocket of my bag and I have never even been questioned.

          The sale of bottled water in Australia is scam, and an waste of resources.

        • @greenie4242:

          That's nuts, they wouldn't just let you tip the tea out and bring them in empty?

        • @fchis: I wouldn't want to use that in the Yarra, when I go to the MCG.

        • @greenie4242:

          Greenie, after Anna Wood passed away in NSW because a club had hampered the flow of water in its toilet sink taps in order to increase sale of overpriced bottled water, the Code of Practice for Dance Parties was passed in 1997, which made the provision of chill rooms and free water compulsory for clubs to obtain their licence. All pubs have to have free water jugs too.

    • +5

      I buy the 4 pack of small glass bottles of soft drinks and refill them. Can be washed and used infinite number of times with no plastic nasties.

    • +1

      The problem with that in my area is the water that comes out of my tap has been so loaded with treatment chemicals that it's about all I can taste.

    • +1

      A tap is not convenient and this is 5$ for 24 bottles, prefilled for free and you can refill many times later on. I have never seen empty bottles for 20 cents.

    • ♥ Taps

  • +17

    $5.50 In SA.

    That's $3.10 when you get your 10 cents back per bottle. That's just under 13 cents each!

    • +53

      But you still live in SA

      • +1

        treeman needs Burn Heal.

    • +8

      treeman, you magnificent bastard

  • Thanks TA.

  • +3

    Thanks TA. I appreciate the feedback on the bottles as we like to refill ours and some of them are very flimsy.

  • Thanks TA :-)

  • +3

    Remember unless you have fluoride in your tummy your teeth will rot its science

    • My dentist is a bit of a character, reckons he hates mass water fluoridation, says it cost him a fortune in lost business…I reckon he'll be right behind greater consumption of bottled water though! ;)

    • -2

      Now that is peer-reviewed, irrefutable, white-lab-coat-thick-glasses-bushy-beard gold my friend.

      Immeasurable dosages of mass medication for people of all ages, sizes, and states of health always works.

      It just does. Everyone I know holds a mouthful of water for at least 2 hours before swallowing.

      This is how we cured Polio, Leprosy and Tuberculosis in the Western World. We just sprayed disinfectant from the skies over the hobbled masses of sick and elderly and sure enough, the diseases simply melted away.

      • …Leprosy…the diseases simply melted away.

        Nah dude, that was just the lepers themselves!

        FWIW, on a serious note, I've worked in several remote communities with & without fluoride in their potable water supplies…dental caries is a far more significant problem in these communities than it is for culturally/socio-economically/demographically similar populations with fluoridated water…make of that what you will! :)

        • Haven't they heard of toothpaste?

        • @4NTiNWOW4RRiOR:

          Have you ever been to a remote (mostly indigenous) community with extremely low SES & serious substance abuse issues? Sadly, self-care is not always a priority…

  • Nice finding, thanks TA.

  • +9

    I used to work in bottled water, all brands we made come from 4 sources in the daylesford region. including this brand. you would be astonished how many brands are all the same water just different bottles and lids.

    • +1

      4 guys in daylesford have a big water bill…
      But even a bigger bank accounts!!

    • +4

      not really, I always assumed it all came out of the same tap.

      Thicker bottle = more plastic waste…..

      • In Australia we have so many food rules and regs. if its "Australian Spring Water" its gotta be. In America laws a different. Also for most 600ml bottles we used either 19g or 23g,

        • +3

          @reapa do you seriously think those laws are enforced? I did some computer consulting work at a marketing firm and they were writing all kinds or lies over bottles of "natural spring water" which was actually tap water - when I pointed out to them that they're illegally selling something that's not as described, they said most small niche drink copanies do it and nobody's been fined for it after all these years. The owner of the company also lives overseas so they'll never be able to get any money out of him anyway in terms of fines or punishment.

      • +1

        I prefer the thinner bottles, it's makes crushing them down for recycling much easier.

    • And I thought bathing in milk was weird.

  • +1

    And takeaway/servos sells these at around $3 each

    • +6

      A 600ml bottle of water at Etihad & the MCG is $5. That's a 2500% markup on this! What a joke. The AFL should be ashamed.

      • +6

        Its not entirely the AFL's fault. Its the stadiumm operators that re excessively greedy charging its retail tenants a fortune in rent, thereforre having to charge a fortune to the patrons

        • +4

          Yeah football is shithouse but going to the footy is a good atmosphere.
          Who drinks water at the footy anyway?
          A four and twenty and Draught or VB keeps me watching a bunch of sweaty men rubbing up another bunch of sweaty men while they play with balls between locker room showers.. Need i say being watched by a bunch of men screaming their names and knowing who they date and what they eat drink or what they did last time they went out in town…

          Sounds like a watered down womens mag, more than a manly sport but who am I to bag out the metro sports.
          Great deal OP!
          And for the negs, i thank you

        • +12

          Who drinks water at the footy anyway?

          Cheers ozy. My 6 year-old hates the taste of beer :)

        • +1

          @tightarse: to they young man i say grow up! Its delicious!
          Edit: but seriously people dont feed your kids beer.

        • +2

          to the young man i say grow up! Its delicious!

          Girl :)

        • @tightarse: hmm theres alway the WAGS? ;)

        • -3

          @tightarse: You have kid(s) TA???? and at 6 years of age beer has already been sampled?

        • @4NTiNWOW4RRiOR: Fair call; Forget about the beer. Still TA doesn't strike me as someone with a 6yo kid. (No sarcasm/disrespect intended)

      • +1

        OT but the mark up of prices is astonishing (OzBargainer free zone there). At the Portress aka Adelaide Oval, chips are $5, 600ml drinks (water, coke, milk drinks) are $5, beer is $8 and a pork roll is $10!!
        Bloody expensive.
        Anyway thanks TA, will buy some to take with me to the footy (hopefully we'll win at home again :/ )

        • +1

          hopefully we'll win at home again

          Very unlucky against Essendon. Great game though.

        • +1

          @tightarse: On the edge of my seat :'( the drugs must've kicked in

  • while stocks last means you cant have raincheck

    got to be hurry

    • +4

      A raincheck on bottled water….

    • Restock is stock

      perhaps they mean while existing stocks last?

  • -5

    How does the water taste compared to mount franklin and cool ridge? They all taste pretty different. Might be just me since I'm fussy with good teasing water, best water is from Italy i recon.

    These will work nicely with my Tapking.

    • +3

      Personally I think Frantelle tastes worse than tap water. I'm surprised to hear from above comments that it comes from the same water source as Mount Franklin, but perhaps it relates to the bottling or transportation process.

      • -1

        You're probably referring to the taste you get from those 10 or 15 litre bulk containers which are made with a foul-tasting plastic that leeches into the water.

        Either that or your local tap water supply is literally the Fountain of Youth/Elixir of Life itself, or… you can't taste the difference between turds and Sauvignon.

        I've tasted bottled water and tap water on 4 continents and there is no way in hell, I can ever mistake the two, nor have I come across a water supply that actually tasted normal since the 1990s.

    • +4

      wat. its just water.

    • +1

      They taste just like tap water. I prefer Mount Franklin and Ice House.

    • +2

      How can you get them to work with the Tapking?

    • I'm of the impression bottled water tastes like bottled water.
      I love the Evian brand, and for the same reasons Voss, just for the fact they package it up nicely, tell people it's better, charge 5x the price and it sells.

      Evian spelt backwards?

  • Holly crap! when did this chlorine bottled water jumped up to $10.49?…WTF and now it's $5 on special… You know that last year the retail price for the water was only $8. I don't understand bottled water, it's a big waste of money, buy BPA free water bottles and refill it with boiled(cooled down) tap water or just as it is.

    • +1

      It jumped when coles/woolworths introduced their own branded water - frantelle or whatever their previous preferred brand was $8 for a long time, then the store branded water came in at $8 so the others jumped to $10 or so. So much for the down and staying down/always low prices crap!

  • +2

    Yeah the old Frantelle bottles were nice and sturdy however these bottles seem to be the new flimsy ones like home brand.

    • agreed! new ones appear taller in size and are definitely flimsy. I preferred the older bottles - however at $5 a 24/ pack it is a good deal. I never pay more than $8/ 24 (no matter the brand)

      I do have Brita filter, but having bottles ready to go is a convenience for me. I also keep the 10L goon casks available .

  • +2

    does anyone know if it contains fluoride?

    • Because…?

  • +4

    Recently purchased a pallet of Frantelle. The water had an odd taste to it - unlike previous experience with the brand. Everyone who tried a bottle agreed.

    I'd be interested to know if others have experienced similar?
    For us, just disconcerting enough to maybe avoid purchasing ever again. Something definitely amiss, somewhere along the line.

  • +1

    I prefer my homemade filtered water

  • Yeah this is going to be handy! So often I get caught on the road parched and the cheapest cold water about is $2.15 from coles mt franklin… thats if im lucky where i am. Can be higher or have to get coke/iced coffee.

    Carrying a stash of these will be great, save me heaps! Thanks OP, 20c a bottle! Methinks ill get all 6 slabs bright and early and be right for drinks on the road for a good couple of months! Saving on average id say $3 a day on drinks should buy my new cricket bat in time for season!

    • Exciting stuff, but please assure us all that you're an all-rounder and will practise your bowling even before leaving the supermarket aisle with your clearly-thrill-inducing trolley full of Frantelle.
      I'm quite sure that Woolies will have also some roundish-fruit-specials. This week. Too!

  • I am actually an all rounder but thankfully balls are a lot cheaper…

  • +2

    I agree on the bad taste opinion of frantelle water. And I have tried many water bottle brands.

    We order a small truckload and fill the corner of the garage every year. I believe chill and organic springs are much cleaner tasting.

  • +2

    Only $2.60 if you return each bottle for 10c!

    • +2

      Now, if we can only get a few more included kms on that Budget truck rental deal, we've got ourselves a Seinfeld episode…

  • The bottle itself is thick & solid, unlike the flimsy homebrand ones.

    Like the new MF ones, I believe that they're supposed to be "easy crush" bottles FWIW.

    Personally, I don't like them either; they're just noisy, crackly & creepy IMHO! ;)

  • The bottle itself is thick & solid, unlike the flimsy homebrand ones.

    That used to be true of the Frantelle 24 packs that came on thick cardboard trays until late last year, but unless you guys over East are still getting the older packaging, the newer Frantelle 24 packs and bottles are incredibly cheap and nasty, and are simply shrink-wrapped in plastic with no tray.

    Thankfully the water still tastes fine, but the packaging is horrible, particularly if you like to stack them on top of each other in your garage or something, removing a few bottles usually causes them to fall over pretty easily.

    • +2

      i'm sure the environment must be devastated to hear about your falling over bottles

      • -2

        Oh look, another high-faluting, kale-eating Daoist monk who never bends a blade of grass. Is your E-Peen bigger or smaller now?

        • dude, calm down and take a drink of water…. careful now, don't let those bottles fall down

        • look, ok, i'm sorry your bottles keep falling down, and i really feel for the fact your 24 pack of bottled water don't come with a cardboard tray anymore (yeah ikr NO CARDBOARD TRAY! wtf were they thinking!) but why the animosity?

        • why the animosity?

          What animosity, rummy?

          You project so much you should open your own cinema.

          I'm being perfectly level-headed when typing my responses.

          It seems like you defy the purposes of being a member of OzBargain if debates about product quality make you feel the need to go on a passive-aggressive trolling session.

          My complaint was valid; the packaging is sh*t. There's several tens of billions of dollars spent on packaging annually, and most of it is utter wastage. If you actually knew anything about ecological concerns (which you don't) you would care that the pollutants that actually end up in our environment are not even being efficiently produced and used. For one thing, cardboard is a heck of a lot less damaging than plastic, and far less resource-intensive to produce.

          But none of that is relevant here as you have more juvenile concerns to attend to. I'll leave you to inflate your sense of self-worth by pretending to morally anguish over something as mundane and pointless as bottled-water shrinkwrap.

        • again, i advise you to calm down. that response was so long i'm starting to think you're getting a bit angry, and despite the link in your previous post you actually do care. fyi i didn't read past the first line, but good effort none the less

        • -2

          Did you get enough upvotes today to be able to sleep soundly tonight or will it be another restless, insomnia-riddled evening for you, as you worry your declining E-Peen?

          Of course you read all of my post; what else are you going to do?

        • -1

          obnoxious, inane, angry commenter blocked. i didn't know you could do that. awesome.

    • I didn't buy these before, but the bottles I got yesterday are not as thick as those I got from Costco, which is only $1.49 more expensive.

    • The new packing is rubbish. The bottles are really weak. I though PET was more rugged but I had one bottle crack when I put them down on the ground and spill water all over the place

  • Does anyone know how regulated Australian bottled water is? How much testing is there?
    Watched this a while back on the american industry

  • This is literally my favorite water, has such a smooth taste.

    • cant tell if serious…

      • …literally…

  • For all of the bottled water connoisseurs out there: :)

  • Flimsy bottles is usually a desired feature, cut-down on materials, crush easier. Mount Franklin advertises it.

    Great to reuse bottles, but they're a ticking-timebomb after your mouth touches them. The bacteria multiplies fiercely, particularly in summer. A bit of backwash joins the water with every sip.

    Amongst the many studies, Food Investigators on SBS tested it.

  • Just been WWs , No much stock here , need to be quick .

  • Lots of stock at Mawson Lakes
    Thanks OP

  • +1

    3 Pallets full at Forest Lake Woolworths,

    Only purchased 2 x 24packs, the guy who cashed my order said it was an awesome deal and he was buying 6 after work, said it would most likely be all gone by the afternoon

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