This was posted 10 years 8 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Lego Movie Blu-Ray Limited Edition w/ Vitruvius and Pyjamas Emmett Minifig $29.98 @ JB Hi-Fi


In store only. Went to JB Hifi Galleries Victoria and noticed they had stock of the limited edition The Lego Movie 3D Blu Ray with Vitruvius Minifig for $29.98. This is the same price as the regular BD.

When I went to pay at the counter was surprised the cashier put a bonus Pyjamas Emmett Minifig into the bag as well. Not sure if this is available at all JBs.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • Lego movie minifigs can go for $6 or more on ebay at the moment, for comparison, so not a bad bonus if you or the kids will play with it.

    (Still, $30 for a blu-ray in this day and age?)

    • +1

      The Pyjamas Emmet minifig is pretty rare from what I can tell. It was only available when buying a 3D movie ticket at Regal cinema or pre-ordering the video game. On Amazon they go for $22.95 ea.

      • The Vitruvius figure is exclusive to this limited edition, too, so will be relatively rare.

        Annoyed I didn't get a pyjamas Emmet with my preorder from JB online. :\

  • Also, you didn't link to the item, just the jb home page, please fix if you can.

    • The limited edition is out of stock on their web site so there's nothing to link to. This is in store only.

      • Oh, ok, please put in store only in the title (or in the description, in bold, if there's no room in title).

        • Done. It wouldn't fit the title but I put it in the description at the top. Just trying to help anyone who's able to physically visit a store and may have missed the previous deal here:

        • Perfect. Image is also very helpful.

          If the Pajamas Emmet alone is $20+ on ebay, this is a great deal.

  • Interesting, buy now and get figurines or wait for a 20% off sale. Hmm..
    Think I'll buy it now!

    • I'm of the same thinking, considering it's limited edition!

    • +1

      OP was there alot of stock?

      • +1

        Why did I only see this after my lunch break??? Damn it, after work trip to JB looming!

        • +1

          I'm tempted to take a 15 minute break and walk there now lol

  • When I saw this, all I saw was Lego Pyjamas….now I want lego pyjamas! :p

    • +2

      Wait - pajamas made of lego?


      painful - expensive - awesome

      • those holes in the back will be a bit breezy in this winter weather

  • Damn, the JB store I went to yesterday didn't have the Pyjamas Emmet, or weren't aware of it. Neither was I.


  • +1

    I count 12 left after my purchase. Didn't see any under the bottom section either

    Got my additional figurine at the counter. Thanks OP!

    Edit: sorry guys, she originally didn't give me the figurine then when I asked for it she said "oh there's one more!" And gave me it. This was at galleries victoria

  • +1

    The Strand Arcade JB doesnt have the additional mini fig… only one limited ed Lego Movie pack left that I could see…

  • Thanks OP. Got 1 with the extra Emmet figure. Still have heaps of the lmt edt blu ray left, not sure about the extra figure.

  • Just called up JB Hifi Cannington WA, and said that they don't have the LEGO Pyjamas Emmett polybag.

  • I am going to pick this up tonight, hopefully there are minifigs left!

  • +1

    I was told that the LEGO Pyjamas Emmett polybag comes only with the game… not dvd/bluray :(

    • +1

      Was told the same at rundle mall + they said didn't have any left. Not that stopped them bluetacking "spares" on their monitors.

    • I can confirm that the pyjamas mini fig was meant for the game (that was what the sales person told me). I would have gotten one if I knew (they were giving them out) but when I went back for them they were all gone.

  • Nothing extra at city store Canberra.

  • Slightly OT - I would normally buy the 3D BD, i need a DVD copy for the kids to watch in the car. The BD copies only come with digital downloads, so i just bought the DVD copy from Kmart today for $15 which is also a great price.

    • +1

      You can also get the Everything is Awesome edition from Amazon which comes with BD, BD3D, DVD, digital download and Vitruvius minifig for US$34.95 + US$6.95 shipping if you need a DVD copy.

      • But the US version is Region A/1 (according to Amazon) to won't play in a non-modified player.

  • Went into JB at Glendale NSW, no Emmett minifigures :(
    Bought the bundle with Vitruvius anyway because it was last one left

  • Grabbed the Ltd Ed Bluray from Midland tonight. None on display but they got one from the back store ;-)

  • Picked this up today from JB Knox, woman behind the counter had no idea about the PJ Emmet :(

    They had heaps in stock too btw.

  • Found some stock at JB Miranda in Sydney if anyone's after one. Best call them to put it aside though.

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