What can I do to protect myself? Got s5 then teallised it is refurbished
IMei cannot find corresponding information online, rf call is not match serial number
Can I raise this issue to ebay? Do I have to send phone back in order to get refund? It is like scam, anybody please help me.
List as brand new on eBay but found out it is refurbished

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Not at all. Even the price is very close to brand new price 620 for hk imported version
Okay, was it advertised as new? And how did you determine it was refurbished?
It is on ebay list as brand new(got ebay snapshot)
I follow with some post about how to check whether galaxy s5 is refurbished or not. 1 imei number I cannot fiend corresponding match online. Most likely it is fake imei. Secondly on system status the rf call number doesn't match serial number. The forth digit Gould be E stands for 2015 but it is f
It is like a scam do I still need to waste my postage money to send the unit back in order to get refund even it is scam?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.vndnguyen.…
Try the refurbishment check on that app to see what it says.
What you're saying doesn't make much sense to me. Was the phone packaged as a new phone would be? Did it come with everything that a new phone would come with? Does the phone look and function as a new phone would? Have you put a sim card in it?
I'm not sure why you'd buy a phone from an overseas ebay seller at close to full price. And now you've decided that the IMEI is fake, the serial number is wrong, and that you've been scammed. Are you sure you're not just feeling buyer's regret?
How many items has the ebay seller sold? What is their feedback? Have you contacted the seller? What do they say?
This is my assumption:
- OP bought the phone.
- He received it and ran some validation checks on the device using the http://sndeep.info/en website.
- He finds that the IMEI does not exist on the website and assumes that the device has previously been repaired (i.e. the IMEI has been changed on this device).
Happened to me, don't send it back, lodge a paypal claim and let the seller feel the fire.
Any chance it was live.article2012? I bought an phone from him and it was either Replica/Refurbished and DOA…
Was it advertised as refurbished?