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Just noticed this on Ebay. Seller has good feedback. lol.
Let's hope they have to sell it! =D
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Moved to Forum: Original Link
Just noticed this on Ebay. Seller has good feedback. lol.
Let's hope they have to sell it! =D
Edit: Mod please move to forum
If it looks to good to be true….
Pointless posting this, there's no way they'd honor it
Beat that Dick!
Which Dick?
Dick Smith
Beat your Dick! Wait.. what?
I think he means he's going to beat that eBay seller so hard around the genital area the dick is just going to fall off.
Obviously this is too good to be true, but what are the seller's rights in this situation? If someone has clicked and paid for the item, on what grounds can the seller rescind the deal?
they just cancelled the order. the worst is they dont get the credit refunded from ebay/paypal. not a big deal at all.
and getting too much negatives which can get their accounts banned.
I'd say if they want to risk their business account and not get banned, then they will have to honor it.
If we can somehow unionize to make sure to give red back as a threat then we "MAY" force them to honor it.. but that would just be a jerk move.. LoL!
That's just stupid. They obviously stuffed up and the deal was way too good to be true. Because they aren't going to honour it you're going to do your best to ruin someones business?? Get a life.
you need to learn to recognise a keyboard warrior when you see one
but that would just be a jerk move.. LoL!
that's spn thinking about doing something they don't have the nerve to do!
They would rescind the offer. The offer is just that, an offer. The contract of sale is not complete until consideration is made and accepted, blah de blah blah.
You could call misleading advertising but I don't think it would be too hard for them to show honest mistake and take corrective action.
Basically, your chances of claiming some kind of legal recourse if they don't honour it are pretty slim and the ACCC and Office of Fair Tradiing would have a care factor of zero about it (being realistic).
We can still give them negative if we want to be jerks about it for not honoring. I sell on eBay as well and I always honored products that don't make profit. But I can see this is a mistake and to me I won't be giving them the Red because I know how harsh it can feel.
But I know there are cheap ass people out there who will do this.
Thanks OP. Bought 6 for presents
greedy you!
It's okay! Theyre for other people
Via gumtree.
Broden level: Expert
Haha. Bought one just in case they do decide to honor it. If not I expect a full refund and also a gift voucher :P
Thanks op- got 2 :-)
Thank you. Got one too :)
Hacked eBay account much…
Nah, the work experience kid got bored.
Also, their seller feedback was too high and they wanted to bring it down a bit
priced matched at KFC
I just laughed out loud and spat on my monitor! Way to go noob :P
This happened on here once before with the $8 surfboards. The seller will just cancel and refund all payments. Also title should probably state pricing error.
It just went from 34 sold, to 60 sold in less than a minute.
Ozbargain ftw!! lol
Should've kept it to yourself OP. That way the seller might, just might have honored it. This way, no one will get it.
Also, doesn't help that the seller has so many available. So not just a matter of loosing a couple of grand. So no way will they honor it.
got one! cheers :)
Wow 100 sold in 10 minutes and only 10 votes
i can just see all the -ve feedbacks the store is going to get
600 people are viewing. 100 sold in 10 minutes. Waste of $10, it's just going to come back to you haha.
Ordered one just in case.
50 sold while I was going through payment process! haha
You are all idiots by even wasting your time with this "bargain"
yes. i'll never get those 12 seconds back :(
it's going to be a massive time waster for the person on the other end who needs to refund them all
You do realise you're on Ozbargain?
time is money!!!!
but for company as my time is already sold!!!
You don't deserve those downvotes, you are correct. No store, ebay, physical, whatever would have to honour such a mistake.
So in that case, I hope it takes forever for everyone to get your $10 refunded.
Such a schmooftie aren't you?
Tax write off? Most likely/certainly pricing error. Purchased anyway. Can go without $10.50 for a while
and all sold out in 15 minutes
Somehow I don't think Bookworld Helensvale is selling XBones.
Ironically the cheaper items they have feedback for cost more than this haha.
At 234 sold, they stand to lose about $107k from this error - if they were forced to honour it.
$2400 in total, such a familiar number to me….
Oh! I bought a flight ticket at that price recent!
Like a book store will have 234 xbox to sell.
Or some hacker has gained $107k.
Explain to me how a hacker will gain $107k from this.
he'd change store price, buy them off store, sell them again.
234 sold in an hour, not bad
SOLD OUT! Well done boys, well done.
Listing has ended
Free shipping yeah?
Was going to order a few but thought that might be a bit greedy.. but I still purchased one just in case.
Me too!
Pissed off ex-employee maybe?
Got one just by a hair before it expired. Haha
expired during my ebay log in session !! shit friday. shit!!!
Hey OP, you forgot to mention FREE SHIP
I would hate to be the person issuing the refunds… either that or they just earned $2457 to buy their own Xbones with.
too late.. all sold out.. :D
I cannot believe I paid about 500 for mine. should have wait and save myself $490….
Xbox One no Kinect for $350 new on the 15% off eBay sale. Now an XB1+Forza+TitanFall for $10.50? Winning!
are they really selling xbox? or just box?
Xbox box?
Item no longer available
Lol that ebay store just got Xboned…
Neg, for obvious reasons. I don't know why people are getting a laugh out of this.
new ebay promo, Extreme Ebay Big Brand Frenzy! ebay desperate much? lol
Shit just got real
Clearly its a price error and the store wouldn't honour it and it makes total sense. I feel bad for the seller because I am pretty sure some of the people who bought the bundle would leave a harsh feedback on the sellers page when the deal isn't honoured which would affect the sellers reputation and ability to sell on ebay.
It's not even a pricing error. This is most likely a hack account or some piss off employee.
The ebay is a book store, they most likely never had xbox consoles to sell in the first place.
Actually they're selling Xbox One peripherals on their ebay store and their own website…
A lot of Items are $10.50 free shipping…
They have 360's and controllers in their eBay store.
There was a Book Store selling Wii controllers earlier this week…the Rep was on the site
Judging by the name it may be the same mob.
What do you mean likely pricing error of course it is. Xbox One console with two games for $10.50? get real.
why bother posting?
Awww. only the standalone version (no kinect)
After the last one $10.50 feels too $$$ hahahaha
I bought some for the heck of it, or get a refund.. no loss..
It's a fire sale!!
I think this sellers pricing database has gone beserk.
Bought Xbox one but don't have TV.. :(
Haha this is a stitch-up and a half!
Bookworld's site does have consoles and accessories (there was a deal for cheap controllers recently on OzBargain) from them. Unlikely they will honour all these consoles though… Someone try for an EB price match? ;)
it might be a book with the title "Xbox One Console with Forza"
Check the EAN , it refers to the actual consoles
They also have the Playstation4 Listed:…
And both xbones, the Nintendo
I love the 'sheep like' idiots on here, just going for XBONES
do a quick search, there's many MANY other goodies at $10.50 too :-P
Getting crazy!!!