This was posted 10 years 8 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

True Detective Series Direct Download (Google Play) $18.99 20% Discount


As winter approaches, what better way to pass the rainy days away than to watch a great TV series from HBO.

Yes yes, I know you'll all shout "torrent is the way to go!" But for a 20% discount on the regular price, you'll get this 8 episode series directly downloaded onto your PC, tablet or phone.

It works out to be $2.37 an episode and this show has gained rave reviews, see: and

$18.99 for SD or $22.99 for HD



Massive discount on GOT Series 1-3 pack here too!

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closed Comments

  • -6

    If President Murdoch of Australia and his Liberal cronies had their way, with their no fun Australia policy, Torrents would become a thing of the past..

    Anyway, this is a good deal. :)

    • +7

      Don't ask, don't tell is the rule of thumb when it comes to torrenting. We aren't entitled to steal it and it is stealing, just not of a tangible product.

      Don't make it political, it's the law regardless. It's not the right or the lefts fault, it's just selfish people up the top restricting content delivery and those down below stealing it.

        • +29

          You just went full retard.

          Never go full retard.

        • +6

          What's the truth? That everyone in Australia besides yourself has been brainwashed by Murdoch?

          I'm not disagreeing that billiondollar organisations control the delivery system. But guess what, their personal accounts won't take a drop of a hit by you torrenting. Mine will as I am a lower paid employee for an independent post production house who's clients are broadcast TV shows.

          If you want to advocate piracy as a means of social action then you are REALLY going to hurt the younger lower paid passionate employees in the media industry such as myself. That's a lot worse than what Murdoch is doing.

        • +4

          I'm not a fan of Foxtel or their buy 40 channels you don't want so you can buy a pack of channels with that one channel you really wanted and 7 average ones business model, but you've taken it a bit far.

          Using Game of Thrones as an example, 291,000 people watched the finale on Foxtel while it's estimated that 500,000 people will illegally download it. That is not a small percentage, that's less than 37% of people watching it legally.

          Since I used Game of Thrones as an example I feel as though it's only fair to point out that while 63% of people illegally downloaded the show many would feel as though their position is justifiable given that Foxtel forced Game of Thrones off iTunes with their exclusive deal.
          If Foxtel were to offer the show by itself to customers then all would be fine but instead to watch game of thrones you need to sign up to Foxtel for 6 months at $75 a month, it, Formula 1 and Footy are the only things I'm interested in Foxtel for (and F1 and most Footy is freely available) so $450 plus any instillation fee's for 1 show. That is why it is so heavily illegally downloaded.

        • +2

          You could choose not to watch it at all. But you've decided that you WANT to watch it but don't want to PAY for that in any way.
          I bet that if torrenting wasn't available & no free way to access it, then you'd pay for it.

        • +1

          In reply to rekabkram

          Me either man. I can't afford Foxtel at this point in time, but I don't want to miss an episode of GoT.

          It's really HBO execs to blame instead of Foxtel though. They are the ones who OKed the exclusive deal but they did that they could get more money so that more shows can be made. We aren't owed free content.

          I guess the point I was trying to make is don't ask and don't tell when it comes to what you do personally to watch content, but if you are going to advocate stealing, then it's not Murdoch who takes the hit but that the liability gets passed on to people like me. Trying to justify it is horrible, just don't ask don't tell!

        • Uhh this piracy problem again. It will never be stopped so why bother thinking about "if torrenting wasn't available"?

        • -2

          That's what I was getting at, it won't effect them one bit. Yes, theft is wrong but why is it only now that they are trying to do something about piracy? What's the real reasoning behind this? It just reeks of personal gain to me and perhaps I worded it wrong and it gave off the wrong impression. I don't advocate piracy as a means of social action, I just feel that these multi-billion dollar companies and are in a position to offer a lot more to humanity than they choose to do. They take so much then have the nerve to complain when people try to do the same.

        • +3

          "That's what I was getting at, it won't effect them one bit."

          Him, personally. His staff and their staff and their staffers staffers staff.. and then the contractors and the sub contractors they will. Hell even the independent caterers lose money because of you and they are old ladies who should be retired. Not serving danishes to divas. But you want to hurt them too.

          You don't get that, you never will. You think that everyone just gets paid from money that grows on trees, and because you are such an entitled miser you wouldn't ever open your wallet but you want it for free. Then to say you do it to stick it to Murdoch but the effect is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

          "What's the real reasoning behind this? It just reeks of personal gain to me"

          Of course it's for personal gain! A baker makes a roll of bread then sells the roll of bread so he can keep making more rolls of bread and one day own a home and have a family. Why should media be different to any other industry? It's a for profit industry where a lot of people are needed to make a production happen and you want to hurt all those who really work.

          Here's another thought. The less money that lines the drama producers pockets ends up in the reality producers pockets. It's not only doing better in ratings but they cost a lot less to make and keep people employed for shorter contracts than drama. Everyone runs on contracts from the producers down when it comes to TV shows. Not from Murdochs pockets.

          Look at you go trying to justify stealing. It's stealing what part of that don't you get? Why do you feel so entitled to other peoples work for free? Because the heads of those organisations are rich?!

          But then again you said I had a small mind and that I couldn't comprehend your argument, and I called you a full retard. We are not friends.

        • I don't watch much drama so that doesn't effect me really..

          My comment was justified after you posted that lame quote which has been used a million times before because you thought it was cool. You sound like some nerdy keyboard warrior so the chances of me wanting to be friends are slim to none anyway.

          Happy Torrenting to all!

        • "I don't watch much drama so that doesn't effect me really.."

          Yet you called this a good deal and no doubt you like the show True Detective.

          You are aware that it's a drama right?

          But then it doesn't effect you personally, so nothing that effects you personally is a good cause. The self serving thoughts of some people is sickening.

        • -3

          It's more crime than drama really and referring to the voting system, it just goes along with the OzBargain mentality, one does something, others follow. You only have to look at some of the average deals that get posted here and like a flock of sheep, they jump on it regardless if it was a toothpick or a piece of solid gold.

          I stand by my opinions and if people don't like it then it's their problem to be honest.

        • "It's more crime than drama"

          Fictional crime is drama and so are shows that contain dramatised portrayals of real crimes. I dare you to find me a single source that says otherwise whilst I could provide you with literally thousands of them.

          "I stand by my opinions and if people don't like it then it's their problem to be honest."

          To be honest? I don't think you know the meaning of the word honest. You are advocating illegal downloading to hurt Murdoch, then I schooled you in how it's not him but the lower paid people who actually work on the show who get hurt, and now you are trying to save face by saying it's just your opinion after I debunked everything you said and now you are just digging further and further down the hole you made yourself.

          You could have just done the right thing early and said something along the lines of "wow, I didn't know it was that complex, I stand corrected", but your pride and hatred won't ever allow that.

          You have no idea of what you are talking about, I feel sorry for you more than I feel angry at what you have been saying. I really hope for your sake that one day you seek help. I also hope that you don't reply to this along the lines of what you have been so far, because I don't want to hurt your pride again.

        • -3

          Good to know you're finally done with your boring rhetoric and self interest and I'm fine but cheers for your concern. :)

        • -1

          This is the most frustrating aspect of the whole debacle. The people being portrayed as thieves would mostly be happy to pay money for these shows…. I'd gladly pay Rupert my money if only he'd sell me the things I wanted. I'm basically asking him him to make it easier for me to give him my money. As a businessman and aspiring monopolist you'd think he'd be champing at the bit to capture this market.

        • How do you take the hit? How do you quantify the liability? What percentage of people downloading game of thrones, would fork out for a Foxtel subscription if they weren't pirating? I'd say very few.

          I could afford a Foxtel subscription if it was something I wanted, but there's no way I'm paying 75 bucks a month for a product 99.5% of which I do not want. I think a lot of people are in my boat. They are not creating any liability or loss for anyone by pirating, because their downloads do not represent foregone revenue for anyone… even without pirating there's no way they would have paid for any of the other options currently available…

    • Regardless of whether this is true or not, is this really the place for discussing politics?

      • +2

        Well, I tried.

  • +1

    Excellent show.

  • +1

    Awesome show, a little slow at first, but its good.

  • +1

    I am the Yellow King!

  • +4


  • +9

    If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward — then brother, that person is a piece of shit. -Rustin "Rust" Cohle.

    • +1

      Slow clapped at the screen when he said that.

      Slow clapped just again.

  • A man's game charges a man's price.”

  • +1

    just the Episode 2 is worth double the money. aahh Alex

  • Women in this series are stunning, esp the wife.

  • +2


  • Good show.

  • +2

    I highly recommend watching this in the dark with a good soundsystem, and some dark spirits, aged rum is my pick.

  • Use the $6 credit from chromecast bonus. PS Chromecast + play store is excellent,. now i need to work out the teltra sim to play store credit game

  • +1

    +1 for one of the best police dramas since The Wire
    this and Hannibal are top notch

    • Gerard if you liked The Wire there is a good chance you would like had 14 episodes all up

  • +1

    My local VideoEzy kiosk is offering the first disc of this for free at the moment.…

    So rent on TightAss Tuesdays and you can see the entire series for $2 given that it seems to be 3 discs. And all legal and above board.

  • This is not iTunes quality. You merely receive access to a official YouTube video.

    I have already lost access to a movie I bought in HD. They provided me with a SD copy instead. Thank you, that's worth $0.00.

  • Is it actually full HD? So equivalent to a blu-ray?

    • +3

      Definitely not equivalent to a Blu-Ray. The Blu-Ray has a bitrate of roughly 25-30 Mbps. Resolution is only one part of the equation.

      • +1

        Damn right…so many people just ignore bitrate…resolution is worthless without a decent bitrate.

    • The production quality on this is actually very, very good. Hang out for Blu Ray if that's important to you.

    • The quality of this doesn't compare to the bluray unfortunately.

  • Brilliant show, definitely worth the $20.

  • -1

    +1 for leading with "As winter approaches" for an HBO show (winter is coming)

  • -1

    i like true blood….

  • +2

    This is the best thing I have watched since The Wire. Quite superb acting and story. This sort of thing resores your faith in how good TV can be despite the constant barrage of reality and renovation rubbish.

    Last 15 to 20 mins of episode 4 some of the best TV I have ever seen.

    • +2

      That 6 minute, single-take, tracking shot is just about the best scene in the history of TV. Worth the $20 just for that actually.

      • +1

        The one in the african american neighbourhood? Yeah, so much wow

  • Yes yes, I know you'll all shout "torrent is the way to go!" But for a 20% discount on the regular price, you'll get this 8 episode series directly downloaded onto your PC, tablet or phone.

    Does it actually download directly to your PC? From what I can see on the Google Play support site, you can't download to watch offline on a PC:

    Note: Movies and TV shows purchased on Google Play cannot be saved to your computer or iOS device at this time.

    I don't know if that's an old article or not so please correct me if that's wrong!

    • No. It's basically a YouTube link you paid $18.99 for.

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