• expired

iPhone 5s and Galaxy S5 Price Drops on Red Unlimited Plans @Vodafone

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Vodafone have just dropped the price of some handsets on their red plans. Port your number in and get two months free.
Port in with the s5 and get 3 months free.
Resign on any plan with the s5 get 1 month free. (Access fees)

$65 red plan
Unlimited calls to landlines, mobiles, 13 and 1800 and voicemail.
Unlimited SMS to anyone in the world
$5 roaming in 47 countries
3gb data (charged by the kb)

iPhone 5s 16gb was $14pm NOW $5 save $9pm
Galaxy s5 was $14pm NOW $5 save $9pm
Xperia Z2 was $10pm now $0pm save $10pm

Price drops are on 32 and 64gb iPhones
And the galaxy s5 fit bundles as well.

Prices only valid until close of business July 1st.

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Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Close of business????

    • +2

      End of the business day…

      • Gotcha :D

  • +4

    vodafone, think 100 times….

  • iPhone 6 coming?

    • +4

      Current estimates are September 19th announcement with roughly a 29th of September release.

      I don't see $9 a month savings to be worthy of having a superseded phone in 3 months.

      • -2

        Yep. Thats for sure!
        Rumored that the new iPhone 6 will be 6" !!

        • From all the reports I've seen the iPhone 6 will come in 4.7" and 5.5" variants, with the assumption of a cheaper iPhone 5S 4" or iPhone 6c 4".

        • and how many of the previous rumors were right compared to wrong…

          Wait and see, no point guessing.

  • -5

    I just tried calling several VF mobile numbers where the phones are located in Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth. All of them returned a message that they were "temporarily unavailable". Of course text and iMessage won't work either.

    So a neg from me as a worthless deal.

    • +1

      Sounds like you don't have reception!
      Whats that got to do with the deal?

      • -1

        Exactly…I don't neg all the deal posted because they are not useful for me…

        • Exactly…I don't neg all the deal posted because they are not useful for me…

          The deal is not useful to anyone if there is no service. And there is none.

      • Sounds like you don't have reception!
        Whats that got to do with

        Reception is fine. I can call all other carriers numbers. Met a friend for coffee, his VF mobile was also not working for outgoing and incoming calls (in Sydney). Guy next to us heard us talking and said his VF mobile was also not working since this morning.

        • -2

          Optus and Vodafone had a network outage.. it happens
          a one off incident when they have one of the strongest networks around these days (and they do.. ) is not exactly a fair enough reason to neg a deal in my opinion.

    • A few of my friends are on voda, no problems at all

  • +2

    I still think these plans are way overpriced. $70 per month for 2 years is $1680 which is a lot of money. I reckon the better idea is to go on amaysim $40 plan and buy the phone outright. $960 for the plan over two years and you have $720 to buy a decent phone. I don't like how you are locked in to vodafone either, their reception is rubbish as soon as you get out of major city areas.

    • +2

      Fine provided you have the cash upfront to buy the phone. If not, this isn't exactly a terrible deal.

    • You are now also able to go on a "sim only" deal and do split payment of the handset, the sim only deals aren't a lock in contract so you can cancel at any time and you just have to pay out the rest of the handset costs (which would be the same as buying it outright in the first place.

  • I open Vodafone website, and the upfront for s5 is still $19/m.

  • +1
  • +1

    WOW Vodafail!!think before you join

  • +1

    WTF cannot use the fone and the tablet earlier today, no warning just no network connection, no incoming or outgoing call, people could not even leave messages asit is not even going to voicemail!! I am just waiting for my contract to expire in 2 months time and NEVER AGAIN VODAFONE.
    No thanks Vodafone, just total failure in more ways that I can put in to words over nearly 2 years of pain, good luck to those joining. IMO Not worth the money saved when there are so many alternatives.

    • WTF cannot use the fone and the tablet earlier today, no warning just no network connection, no incoming or outgoing call, people could not even leave messages asit is not even going to voicemail!! I am just waiting for my contract to expire in 2 months time and NEVER AGAIN VODAFONE.
      No thanks Vodafone, just total failure in more ways that I can put in to words over nearly 2 years of pain, good luck to those joining. IMO Not worth the money saved when there are so many alternatives.

      Watch out. Look at how many negs I received for telling the truth earlier today.

    • I was really going to join. I called them up and they gave me all the info but now watching these reviews completely changed my mind. thanks mate

      • Yeah.. Vodafone had an outage on Thursday… and they are giving a weekend of free data as an apolgy.
        Optus also had an outage and nothing being offered .. its only vodafone getting bagged.

        I posted the deal because its a good price overall when compared with telstra and optus
        if you don't like vodafone then don't sign up.

        • +1

          Still ended up getting vodafone and do u know what happened.
          I ordered my new service from Vodafone on Thursday evening. Its been 2 days, still the service is not active. Every time I call the customer service or shop where i got the service from what they tell me is that the number is still porting it will be done between 5 mins or 3 hours maximum. Its been 2 days without any service at all. So far I have not received any service at all from you guys rather than waiting on the phone for hours or calling the shop where they never ever pick up the phone. I feel like one of the worst things I ever done in my life was signing up for a contract with Vodafone.

          I really should have thought once more…worst bloody mistake i ever done.

        • hey
          Send me a PM and maybe i can get the MRS to look into it for you if you like.
          She is working Sunday

        • after 4 days they managed to sort it out. i really wonder how the 24 months will turn out to be. thanks anyways mate

    • +1

      It also affected Optus and Telstra's ADSL services… so not exactly Vodafone's fault.
      And as far as "hating vodafone" given Optus and Voda share towers now, unless you switch to telstra and pay through the nose you complaints won't change.

      • I'm with you jim.

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