This was posted 10 years 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

UBER Brisbane - 2x Rides (up to $30 Each) for Uni Students at QUT or UQ


From the site:

Uber is offering all Uni Students at UQ & QUT two FREE rides to or from University - up to $30 each way - over the Exam Period!

Get $30 off two rides

  1. Download the Uber app for iPhone or Android
  2. Sign into your account
  3. Enter the one of the promo codes depending on your Uni: UQSEM114 or QUTGP114 or QUTKG114
  4. Request your Uber a few minutes before you need to hit the road

UQ students use UQSEM114. Valid 14 – 28 June 2014

QUT students use either QUTGP114 or QUTKG114 for Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove campuses respectively. Valid 14 – 24 June 2014 .

Codes must be applied before you ride in order to be redeemed. Only applicable to respective universities.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (222)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    This is cool. It applies to me.

  • +1

    Never thought I'd say this but damn, I don't go to UQ or QUT :(

  • I wouldn't exactly request it a few minutes before you want to leave….. Unless you want to be late

  • -2

    Brisbane is only UberX. Which is illegal. Correct me if I'm wrong but illegal products and services aren't aloud on ozbargain?

    • Pretty sure if this service requires payment it contravenes some kind of law. At minimum it opens a huge can of worms when it comes to public liability and liability to the passenger, when there is payment involved.

      • What on earth. The URL says they've been approved, everything in the article would suggest they've banned it.

        • +1

          Yeah, they approved it, then backtracked a few hours later.

      • They dont run in Adelaide as its illegal, yet got a email yesterday they are hiring a adelaide community manager and some other positions. Seems like they are launching here anyway.

      • -1

        At first Newman said he supported it, but after getting advice from people with a brain, it's now banned.

        • +2

          Political derail, here we come!

        • -2

          Dunno why this was negged. Everyone has a brain, even CanDo, therefore how can what PT wrote cause offense?

        • -3

          I take it back. There are at least 2 Ozbargain members who are brainless.

        • He said that Newman doesn't have a brain. I think that's why he got negged

        • I think it's more that he implied that anyone who supports Uber doesn't have a brain.

        • You have to have brains to take on the bikies.

        • And see, now we're not even talking about Uber anymore.

          Political derail ahoy!

        • it's now banned.


          there's been no court order

    • allowed*

  • good deal but this is useful for anyone who doesn't live in the cbd. It shows that you can't get picked up from Toowong west which is where majority of uq students who would use the service live!

    Currently standard Taxi Licences are selling at around $510,000.00 plus Stamp Duty (approximately $17,700.00 based on a purchase price of $510,000.00) plus GST if applicable. Some licences have conditions, which may affect the decisions of prospective purchasers. These conditions may be that the vehicle must be owner-operated, or that the vehicle must be wheelchair accessible.

    Each of these restrictions will have an effect on the price. Currently licenses with a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle with no conditions are available for purchase for around $350,000.00 + stamp duty ($10,600.00).
    It is important to note that whilst any restrictions may affect the cost of doing business, the turnover varies little from condition to condition.

    Bugger the safety concerns! If I'd ponied up that sort of cash for a licence, I would not be best pleased to see this kind of service eating into my turnover.

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