Please please please get behind this cause. Men United vs Prostate Cancer. We can win this.
As per lukeloop's fabulous post over 4 months ago, a new revised target of 250,000 is required to reach Prostate Cancer UK's goal. Currently, they're 70,000 short of this. With the power of OzBargain, I'm sure we can help cut this down significantly.
Please take the quick 5-question quiz, and Iceland Foods UK will donate 50p ($0.90) for every person who completes the test and signs up to Men United. Keyline has already donated £25,000 for the first 50,000 to sign up to Men United.
For personal reasons, I (and many others I'm sure) truly believe in this great cause, and hope you take just a minute to contribute and help knock this disease on the head.
Please remember to sign up at the end of the quiz to make the donation count (& for the free badge).
Here's a thank you video from Men United.
Thanks. TA.
Mod: Deal has been marked expired as the donation cap has well passed at 181,244 people:
"Iceland will donate 50p for every person who completes the test and signs up to Men United to a maximum value of £50,000." ie 100,000 people.
The 250,000 target is separate from the 100,000 donation cap.
However you can still signup for the sake of the cause, although no donation will be given according to the terms.
Done. Good on ya TA.