Dell has released one of its usual 10-15% off coupons. Not absolutely brilliant, but great nonetheless if you need to buy a computer right now and don't have other offers available.
There are 2 coupon codes:
0V$SJM5Q?1$H4$ is for 15% off Studio Laptops and Desktops.
21MRBJDCHRPW37 is for 10% off Studio XPS Laptops and Desktops.
These coupons are not stackable with other coupon codes eg EPP etc. I am unaware if MBC is available, but don't see any reason why not. I got these coupons in an email from PC Authority.
Givne there are already 2 lots of coupons for 15% off these Dell products on this site with same conditions (spend over $1000) and same expiry, I would have to say nothing new here.