Free trial ends Sunday at 1PM Pacific Time
(Monday 6am AEST)
66% off ends Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
(Tuesday 3am AEST)
Free trial ends Sunday at 1PM Pacific Time
(Monday 6am AEST)
66% off ends Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
(Tuesday 3am AEST)
Really enjoy it. Play it quite a bit, and found I've been into it way more than BF4.
Great game at a great price.
Also, I love the soundtrack to PayDay 2. Easily one of the best in a long time and it fits so damn well into the heists.
This came out before Heists in GTA 5 were even announced.
Shits all over those and not even in the same galaxy as Monaco.
-.- I accidently revoked my +1 this seems like a pretty good deal, especially since you can try the full version of the game before buying it.
This really is a great game. I switched to PC after playing it on PS3 and getting jealous of all the updates/DLC and new maps PC players were getting.
Great game, $10 is the right price. Lots of hours can be sunk into it without getting boring.
Thanks OP
Paid full price for the game and thoroughly enjoyed the stealth mechanics. I squeezed well over 100 hours out of it and had no issues with playing out each mission (sometimes, over and over) with different approaches and weaponry if you've already got the game, try the cattle gun for stealth.