This was posted 10 years 9 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 - 500GB Console Bundle (+ Watch Dogs, FIFA 14 & NBA 2k14) $598 JB Hi-Fi


Great Deal for the PS4 considering the three added games.

Deal starts tomorrow and will likely go for two weeks (will confirm).

Bundle includes Playstation 4 500gb console, Watch Dogs ANZ Special Edition, Fifa 14 & NBA 2K14

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +4

    Why did I jump and get a PS4 on release date….when it hardly had any games to play? :(

    • I know that feel, there are literally 7 PS4 exclusives released to date (as far as I can see) including 'mini' games like Resogun. So far, apart form the sparse offerings of BF4/CoD(nth) and various other sequels, there is not a lot except for 'HD' ports from last gen eg Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, Metro Redux, Dead Nation etc. I had originally planned to sell my PS3 as soon (or soon after) I got a PS4, glad I didn't as it still gets more play time than the PS4 does.

      What's the trade in/resale value for these games?

      • Yep. :\
        Not much in regards to trade in value, EB offered $15 to a friend for his Infamous. You can try selling each of these games for $40-$50.

        Fifa 14 and NBA are good games to play and will keep you occupied for some time. (Fifa 14 online is just farked. People rage quit when they are getting defeated, and they don't get penalized, you don't get points for the win/performance).

        Watchdogs…kinda on the fence about this one.

        I spend far more time playing Dark Souls 2 and GTA V on my PS3 right now.

        • Slightly off topic, but is there any news on a PS4 version of GTAV?

        • Only have rumours of 'sometime this year'. Lets see if there's any detail released at E3.

  • +1

    I'm torn as to whether go from PS3 to PS4 now (I really only play Fifa and 2K) or wait until the 2015 releases now and be content with my PS3

    • +8

      Stick with your ps3 until the new ps4 comes out

      • The new PS4 is already out i mean the PS4 has only been out since November 29th 2013 so that is the "new" PS4. And you're already telling people to wait for a new model PS4?. They'll be waiting a fair while.

        • +1

          There is a rumoured revision of the current PS4 hardware. Nothing major, most likely just alterations in design to fix any current hardware issues as well as cut the manufacturing costs.

          It could be considered a PS4 version 1.1

        • Even so that would take some time to manufacture and release onto the market. You could be looking at a year down the track.

        • Which is were the "Stick with your ps3 until the new ps4 comes out" advice comes in ;)

        • Or you could be enjoying a PS4 now. The next revision won't be any major difference so why wait that long.

        • As others have said, there are not many games out to enjoy on the PS4. Obviously peoples choice of games may vary, I for one have a list of game I'm waiting for but nothing that is out now interests me. I agree otherwise, if there is a game you want now, there is little benefit in waiting for the new model. If there are no games you want now then you may as well wait the 12 months for the new model and hopefully there will be more games by then.

        • +2

          Games will be cheaper by then too. Keep ps3 and grab all the games you missed for it alot are $10-$20 pre owned now.

        • Or maybe I'm thinking a bit too much as an ozbargainer :p

        • +1

          You've got a good point there. Aren't so many games on the PS4 yet.

    • -1

      fog off your ps3 and get ps4.
      thats what i did before release so ps4 only cost me $250 out of my pocket.

  • Although on saturday you could have got the PS4 500GB with NBA2K14 for $482 delivered from Dick Smith. Extra $116 for those 2 extra games.

  • $73 FIFA 14 (ozgameshop) $64 Watch dogs (Big W) =$137 however no doubt fifa could be had cheaper as I only checked one site, it's $50 if you want the NTSC version.

  • +2

    are the game physical copies or download?

  • Does jb allow you to swap the games out for something else? Not really a sports game person. Not that interested anyway as in true OB fashion I have heaps of ps3 games gotten on the cheap.

  • "Bundle includes Playstation 4 500gb console, Watch Dogs ANZ Special Edition, Fifa 14 & NBA 2K14

    • Man of Steel movie download not included - only available in-store."

    off the advertisement on jb, what does man of steel got to do with this deal?

    • It doesn't have any thing to do with it. It must be an error on the page.

      • The in-store offer includes the downloadable man of steel movie. I was just at JB, saw it on the poster and had a staff member confirm it.

        • I see. It would make more sense to buy the PS4 bundle in store then if it's in stock since you get that downloadable copy of Man of Steel movie as a bonus.

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