just got the catalogue in the mail and can confirm Watch Dogs video game is $64 on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3 and Playstation 4.
Amazing Deal.
Enjoy all.
Edit: Credit to 4892 for the catalogue link
just got the catalogue in the mail and can confirm Watch Dogs video game is $64 on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3 and Playstation 4.
Amazing Deal.
Enjoy all.
Edit: Credit to 4892 for the catalogue link
How did EA get a Ubisoft game?
Date please?
Thurs as usual?
Well that escalated quickly. Yes, proceeds.
How much did you pay?
For the Ubisoft exclusive dedsec edition? $137 with a coupon :-)
Ouch…so you're a Ubi shareholder now, right? ;)
Yeah I think they wanted me on the board but I'm too busy and my stock options are too broad.
Good for you
Why are you on OzBargain?
He's a philanthropist.
While in one way I agree, why is the price so high with them since they aren't paying a cut to retailers or for shipping?
The unfortunate answer is that they don't want to be seen to be undercutting the companies that sell their games as they think they will revolt.
I suspect as much, but still a bitter pill.
when does the catalogue start? if it starts on thursday then the price might not kick in on tuesday when its released
brand new games getting deep discounts like this always makes me concerned about the quality of the game itself!
wolfenstein was same price and turned out decent
Quality of the game doesn't affect price at launch. They sold all ps4 games at the consoles launch for this price.
This isn't a discount. It's domestic competition driving the price down to roughly what they pay in other markets, ie US ($60 US for AAA). Basically, it's a discount in the Australia tax, and that's all.
Basically, it's a discount in the Australia tax, and that's all.
So it's effectively a tax rebate…Thanks Tony! :)
Tony really cares about the gaming industry. I mean, look at the Wii-U free game with Mariokart deal; We've got 6 more games to pick from than 'Murika. Tony is doing God's work. It's too bad he's a creepy goblin.
brand new games getting deep discounts like this always makes me concerned about the quality of the game itself!
I've found that when eb is giving $20 pre order discounts to steer clear, like remember me! And then thief on ps4
Thief was theft. Bad game.
I wish someone had told my brother that, who bought it yesterday. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
I really liked it, so each to his own :)
I love you Big W.
Can someone take a photo of the catalogue so we can price match it! Thanks
looks like the link is broken - "403 - Forbidden"
I was originally unexcited about this game and then I saw the launch trailer(gameplay spoilers) and was a little more interested. Soon after I read this review (no idea on the authority of it), this section turned me right off the game completely:
One huge caveat/punishment Ubisoft implemented is when you do turn off the Online Option, all your skills accumulated are reset to zero. You read that right. They all get reset to zero. All the online-specific skills reset to zero as punishment for not wanting to play online
Good price none-the-less.
Sounds interesting. Would def need to witness that first hand on a non preview version before accepting it as a fact.
As discussed in these forums a simple solution is to just disable the online feature from the get-go, still an annoying feature
A new player might not think to do that until half way through the game. That's interesting.
So, do we know the overall quality of this game yet? One can only assume it'll be quite good, but all the footage I've seen goes from:
2012: Epic Near-future Sci-Fi about taking control from the government to get to the bottom of a conspiracy
2013: Action packed tech based shooter with the ability of hacking the environment and systems "The city is our weapon"
So as you can see, some of us being skeptical is somewhat reasonable.
Why do companies insist on putting Multiplayer in games. If they took that effort and improved the single player into a polished gem we would have more 9/10 & 10/10 games rather than average games with "value added multiplayer". For example, Tomb Raider is a great game, a little short but great. The multiplayer is total crap; it's laggy, the maps are just spawn camping arenas and consequently the MP scene died within about a month of release. And who thought Tomb Raider ever needed multiplayer?
I know at least 10 people who won't play a game without multiplayer because "Shooting things that aren't people has no point". So all of those people thought that Tomb Raider needed multiplayer.
As someone who plays Dwarf Fortress, the most singleplayer game ever, let me just point out that kind of thing doesn't appeal to me either.
Surprising that Nintendo even made Mario 3DWorld multiplayer. Wouldn't be surprised to see the next legit Zelda game be multiplayer. That would be sooooo weiiiiiiiiiiiird.
I quite like the feature. It prevents people from being able to max out the skill trees and just turning online off without being hacked back.
Max out the tech trees and then yank out the ethernet cable? :D
Thanks OP!
Now, can you please snap a picture of the deal and post it? for us those who want to price match'
So I think I have a new religion. It's called Big W.
Good price for this game. If you’re looking to get a new graphics card nvidia has a promo. Just got an EVGA branded GTX 770 and it included a Watch Dogs download code.
I just pre-ordered Watch Dogs from JB Hifi 7 hours ago. I believe I will have to ask JB HIFI beating the price or refund then. I wouldn't mind if less than 10 bucks, but $89.99 including shipping - $64.00 = $25.00 worth the efforts then.
OP, any other good gaming deals (other than the Mario Kart 8 price) in the catalogue?
I can't believe an unreleased Mariokart is only 4 dollars more expensive than a 3 year old iteration of the same franchise.
I Can't wait till the Wii U version comes out, the Wii U control will work really well with this game.
The wii u verion is going to great, I bet it will look jut as good as the ps4-xbone versions, can't tell the difference!
A couple bucks cheaper than Dick Smith with the weekend 12% off right now. Might be a better option for people like me who don't live near a Big W (though there's the $5 or so shipping).
I took a quick snap of the catalogue so you guys can price match. Feel free to use it on this page or for anything else.
Also deals start Thursday.
Thanks for the pic. I wonder if they will have it for this price on Tuesday or not until Thursday?
Normally they will date it in the catalogue if it starts earlier or later than the catalogue begins but being Big W, you never know. There is probably a good chance it will be $64 on release day.
Links dead
The above link has an extra / on the end. Here's the link fixed:
403 - Forbidden
Still broken.
Thanks, the neg you gave me completely fixed it /sarcasm :(
This is what I see.
Works fine for me
Works ok for me, but Firefox is telling me there's errors on the page.
Here's another photo: https://twitter.com/ecogamer/status/470728550564126720
The link is in the reply underneath the original tweet.
thanks man I couldnt get it to work :P
Pre-ordered it for $88 weeks ago. What's the point of pre-ordering if you get screwed over the last minute? Lesson learned I suppose.
yea, i preordered just last week from DSE., and now this.
last time im gonna pre-order (ive said this before as well, SIGH)
The first preorder I have ever done was for Driveclub. Preordered before they announce the release date (I was expecting middle of the year, June-ish) set to be released in October :(
And then they outlined the details of the PS+ free version and it will probably do all I want…
No doubt there will also be better deals between now and then…
The PS+ "free" version has 1 city and like 5 cars and that's all you want from a game that you preordered like 12 months in advance?
Close guess,
One of the recurring questions we keep seeing is about the scale of the PlayStation Plus Edition. The simple answer is that with an active PlayStation Plus subscription, you can download DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition, which comes with one location (India), 11 tracks, 10 cars and access to all game modes.
Don't worry, I'll be keeping my preorder. I was thinking more in terms of "I have just shelled out for a game of unknown quality when I could probably have a lot of fun with just the 'Lite' version"
Is it online as well or in-store only?
I'd expect it to be online as well. It's for the next catalogue though, so it won't appear until that's effective
Has anyone found any stores selling today?
Considering that
A) It doesn't come out til tomorrow and
B) The deal doesn't start until Thursday and nobody honours pricematching these deals before the sale starts,
I really don't think you'll be able to find anywhere. But still, Skyrim broke street date so it's a possibility.
Wow! $36 more expensive at EB. Suck it EB!
does anyone have a working link to the catalog showing this deal?
Link doesn't work for me unless there is a trailing forward slash on the end. Remove it and I get "403 - Forbidden"
I want this so bad, but due to TV sharing related circumstances, I REALLY want this on Wii-U, but the release date is still up in the question marks. Plus, wii-U versions are normally 10 dollars cheaper due to the console bombing. And I actually like the sound of their gamepad compatibility. First third party guys to actually at least TRY to implement it.
Why didn't everyone get the DSE preorder deal last week when it was $54.95. I know i did
Not everyone can get instore to pre order or has one near them, then there are suckers like me lining up like sheep at eb for my dead sec edition… Excuse me… hugs dead sec edition box
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by Tal_Shiar
Wouldn't it be $59.95?
Jbhifi is $59,99.they drop their price.
This game is getting competitively priced to heck!
Just checked their site, still $79 for ps4/one and $69 for ps3/360. Is it $60 in store?
Just checked the website and it says $79?
Strange cause I paid $49($10 deposit)when I picked it up.
Is there a way to upload my receipt here.
are you thinkng of dick smith ?
good price for a local next gen price, I am still waiting for my $30 copy from EA (India), however already preloaded the copy from Internet onto my computer.