This was posted 10 years 6 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[STEAM - PC] 80% OFF! The Witcher Series ($3.99 and $1.99 for Witcher 1 and 2)


80% off these two amazing games! Highly recommended. As cheap as it was on the recent Battle of the Games sale on GoG and as cheap as its ever been on Steam ($5.98 for both).

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closed Comments

  • +1

    EPIC games. Everyone should play these.

  • +1

    Yeah, still haven't played them :-( from the previous similar deal :-)

  • Never played The Witcher, but The Witcher 2 is absolutely fantastic. I heard The 2 games are really different in gameplay though.
    Can't wait for Witcher 3.

  • Grabbed them from GoG. Probably two of the best RPG's made. Great for those who need to catch up before Witcher 3.

  • Cool, been trying to see if i needed to play the old Witcher games to play the cool looking new one that has come out.

    Most have said not really but with this i can get em both for cheap :)

    • The Witcher series have the best storytelling in gaming in recent memory. I recommend you play them in order to understand Geralt's character (best protagonist ever) but it isn't necessary to enjoy the games :)

  • +2

    Bought them last time it was on sale at Steam but haven't found time to play it :(

  • Got both DRM-free from GOG two years ago. Finished Witcher 1 and flawless awesome game! Haven't got time to play 2 though.

  • Yet another impluse buy. Need to make sure I actually play these ones…

  • I loved Elders Scroll Skyrim, how is these Witcher series compared to it?

    • +3

      Linear, not open, not class based, not as customisable, and almost entirely not similar in the least.

      This is closer to a Bioware's DragonAge or Kotor in its conversation trees and combat, with a strong focus to potion usage and ability management.

      Plus you get to see lots of titties :3

      • +2


      • Shhhhh! You had me at… "combat"

      • I thought titties are only shown in uncensored version. Isn't this Aussie version bought from Steam censored?

        If it is similar to Dragon Age 1 (not 2) then I would enjoy it too. Not sure about liking too much focus on potion usage, rather prefer combat, stealth and magic.

        • +2

          Witcher 2 is censored, but apparently it mainly removes the option to have sex as a reward - it'll force you to say no.

          Regardless, there's a patch available, so it's no big deal:


        • One more reason to avoid Steam :)

          Tuns out I only have this game on GoG, not Steam.

        • +1

          Bought it on both to support these guys. CDPR have an amazing stance on making games and selling it on their own terms (without DRM) to its customers. Wish they patched it for us Aussies seeing as we have R18 ratings now even if it came after the release of TW2.

        • I got the collector editions on disc, also bought them on GoG for my accounts there, just tried physical disk s/n and Steam doesn't recognize. I just can't bring myself to purchase on Steam anymore :/

        • I don't think that Steam is that bad. GoG accepted CD keys for Witcher since it's CDPR's sister site. I hate how the Steam version is censored but we can hardly blame them for censoring in the first instance. Either way GoG are better in how they operate so I go to them when I can but GoG don't have most games so I end up going to Steam.

        • I got Steam in 2003 (I think) as an updater for one of their games. I had 3 Steam accounts, now 2, and while I don't remember exactly how many games they contain it's over well over 500 A grade games I paid a small fortune for.

          But now it's Steam's ethics I disapprove of.
          I don't agree that a person should be able to lose an account because they run through a VPN. I don't believe that a physical game I bought at EB games should require Steam, I also believe it's my right to be able to trade/sell that copy I paid $80+ for. I don't believe I should require a permanent connection, and since I work weeks at a time in areas without internet I know this to be a fact, at some stage the UI requires some authentication. I don't agree with their refund policy, or lack of ….. even Origin has a refund policy.

          I loved Steam for a long time, thought it was great I could by a CE of (example) X:Rebirth from EB games and only need to input the key before shelving the game. I loved having all my games listed in one library with forum options close by.

          I truly believe in ethical shopping, and just don't see Steam as an ethical retail outlet any more.

          On that note, I will link an ethical shopping site here in Aus. It's unbelievable the things companies do to get sales :)


        • I don't agree with Steam taking over physical copies of games as well. Steam is great for being an online retailer but physical copies should remain how they are. Also I recently read that Steam now longer ban accounts. They will only stop the account from making any future purchases. Either way, I like steam for being an online retailer but I'm not a fan of physical copies of games requiring Steam. Also I've never had an issue while being offline and playing my games. Steam has always asked me if I want to play the game while remaining offline.

        • Hadn't heard that about account banning, though knowing Steam "future purchases" also means you can't register any new game keys, I also know they cut many options (like trading digital cards, etc.) for people who haven't purchased a game from them in over 3 months.

          This change from having a game you can play anywhere/any-time to having a physical copy which MUST be registered with Steam is a disturbing trend.

          Then again I'm one of those anal people who with always buy AU, even if I pay more, always goes for the "clean energy" even though there's a cost increase. New age hippie :)

    • +1

      On top of FrankMcFuzz comments, characters are more fleshed out and so is the story.

  • Love them, even have a heap of free copies still on my GoG accounts.

  • Btw, the Witcher 2 is available on Linux as well (the reason why this sale is happening).

  • Rippa - love 2 games for 6 buck that commenters rate as great fun.

  • +1

    Can't wait for Witcher 3, 2 was amazing.

    • What about 3,1

      • +1

        That was amazing too.

        But I can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077, the trailer is un-fraken believable.

        • Me neither. That and TW3 are going to redefine the RPG genre as we know it. I have a feeling that what we get with TW3 will be an amazing RPG with the open-worldliness of Skyrim. That "Killing Monsters" trailer gets me every damn time.

      • No one guy my lame joke

        • I didn't want to embarrass you so I pretended it was a typo :)

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