Get your gear off… I mean on..grab a free t-shirt. Don't get yourself into a helix.
Here is a link of what it looks like.…
Get your gear off… I mean on..grab a free t-shirt. Don't get yourself into a helix.
Here is a link of what it looks like.…
Yes the new base pairs. interesting.
Nice looking shirt. I ordered a Large, but have no idea on the actual sizing.
I thought you'd cleverly written us a short message in code lukes… imagine my disappointment to discover you'd written "MAFRI-AA".
OK, I have changed the code to say something now.
Erm… now it says "CAHTHVTLLSHDIL"… which is "something" I guess, but I don't think anyone would deem it an improvement…
Nevermind Lukozade, if the T-shirt arrives, I'll forgive ya!
You'd better hope those dudes dishing out the "Ts" ain't reading this forum though… With DNA-translation errors like that, they'll see right through ya!
It'll be like that old Sienfeld episode…
Erm… no thanks, I'll stick to actual codons… messing with that age old formula is a surefire invitation to bring on Mr Disaster himself…&-<
You'll thank me one day, grasshopper…
The application form looks like you are supposed to work for a department involved in DNA work!
Don't we all? ;-)
OH! Gotcha! Wink Wink!!
I'm Dr Art Vandelay from BS Genome Institute, nice to meet you.
Guess I'm Dr Gordon Freeman from the Black Mesa institute then.
Do you mean MENSA?
No, it's MESA
Okay, my bad, I've just not heard of it before, no need to neg me for asking a question…
I thought so, I'm a Managing Direcor at OzBargain Labs.
Did you say "aMpliFication form" ? ;-)
Gattaca— One of the most thought provoking and inspiring films ever made. Highly recommended if you haven't seen it already!
I love that film. Awesome soundtrack too.
There is no gene for the human spirit!
I use it every year when we are doing ethics with my Year 11 RE classes. Great resource.
Not only is it a fantastic film with a very intriguing message but it has a very cool stylistic look.
It is one of the very few I have actually bought the DVD!
Great movie.
Yup! I've become a Department Head in Nucleic Acid Purification and Separation and I'll be buying a device for Whole Genome Sequencing! Of course I'll require a Large T-shirt to go with my new ego..
Here is a link of what it looks like.…
much nicer than… as per… :)
Anyone else the Chief Scientist at Jurassic Park?
How can you be Chief Scientist if I am already Chief Scientist?
Henry Wu obviously did a shit job, maybe you can do better.
(profanity) frogs.
I have no idea which boxes I ticked to receive my tee-shirt, but I feel very important now. Thanks, OP.
now i can spot OzBargainers on the train and talk to them about Eneloop deals, success.
hehehe !! gave me a good belly larf!!
"Get your gear off… I mean on..grab a free t-shirt. Don't get yourself into a helix."
The puns itself deserves an upvote.
This offer is full of weight-based discrimination, only goes up to size L.
How many lab rats do you think need an XL or above?
Hmmm will they actually deliver to oz? Lol
I think they'll get a ill suspicious when this sudden influx of "scientists" from Australia start requesting tshirts
Particularly since we don't actually believe in science in Australia any more.
Not with our dearly beloved king and feudal lords running the place.
You mean, of course, except for the $20B medical research fund…
The chances of getting these t-shirts are very minimal. I don't think they were expecting the ozbargain type of professionals to sign up.
Well, methinks they'd be wise to "come to the party" regardless; Hell hath no fury like the OzB' community, when it emerges that they've had their time wasted, chasing an empty promise…
I mean look at what happened to poor old Gearbest with that headlight-thingy debacle!?! That was hilarious (although not for the poor sap/s who got the blame for it at their end, no doubt!), the wailing and gnashing of teeth that went on when the greedy peeps who suddenly required 48 head-torches realised they weren't actually going to get them … (at least not for ~$48 bucks!). But I digress. Again.
Anyways, I reckon the T-shirts will come. These drug/research-materials companies have so much cash availablel for "promotions", it's unbelievable. And LONG LIVE the (somewhat sudden) increase in the number of genetics scientists in Australia. That 20B fund should help sponsor all our research programs, no worries. We've always been a very adaptable bunch… It's coz of our convict heritage, you know…
You might want to PM this ozbargain user, I hear he does great DNA print skirts and frocks.
Tried his stuff, but left a bad taste.
Quite a good post, but too many lies for a T-shirt.
Do you work for ICAC?
Sadly I have to agree.
I wanted the t-shirt but when I started to fill out the form I just couldn't do it.
My integrity is worth more to me than the t-shirt is.
As luck would have it I actually DO work in a lot of the capacities represented by those boxes… for anyone who does not though, and wants a T-shirt "guilt free", I advise checking one box only. The "tissue culture" one. Anyone that eats food, and/or drinks water, is actively partaking in "tissue culture". Sort of.
OK look at it this way, I'm guessing the guilt is derived from some sort of religious affiliation (it usually is), and everyone knows that god hates DNA; cause it's like, been at the root of screwing with a lot of his "original creations" lately… (cloning, GM food, gene-therapy, etc.). Personally, I reckon god is probably actually responsible for leaking this deal to OzB in the first place. So go forth, guilt-free.
No he works for "GATTACA" :)
This will make me look "intelligent".
I am tots interested. Thanks OP.
I probably shouldn't have put "Ozbargain" in the place it asks "How did you hear about us" lol…
Probably not
There's probably more scientists on OzB than at CSIRO now…
Hahaha-Tuha, hilarious Bro :) I don't reckon they actually care who walks around with the T-shirts on, as long as it's lots of peeps. And this way their brand-name will penetrate all walks of life/ social circles. I mean, even the manufacturers of "unauthorised recreational pharmaceuticals" (crystal meth, for example) need lab equipment…
I've got science for every occasion. postulating theorems, formulating equations.
No phone number i put in works ><
A standard mobile number worked for me … perhaps you need more digits, or to drop the country code and plus sign?
Turns out i didn't have my email entered in, i thought it was giving me an error to my phone number :P
Cheers though
Did you try your actual phone number? Mine worked no worries. And it's not like they're likely to actually ring ya'. I really hope they do ring me though. I already have a series of "Jerky boys/ Crank-Yankers" style gags ready and waiting for them… Ahhh, DNA research… such fertile ground for mad scientist-type leg-pulling phone-gags… and provided they call you, it's perfectly legal.
No 'Fat Bastard' size 8-(
Size 8 is actually pretty small man. ;P
I'm expecting my T-shirt too arrive just after I get my Chubb fire blanket.
Mouse from BigW
$10 discount from Anaconda
A heap of crap from DX….
I use a custom email address so I can track who shares addresses. Never got my bloody brake fluid but I get spam to that email address now - thanks brakes direct.
Awesome! Finally have a use for my B.Sci!
Thanks OP. Im actually a Biology teacher so I didn't need to lie too much ;)
I work dr bla and work in the institution of RTA of sydney 0.o
Yay I actually work in med science and use Lifetech stuff all the time, better come through…
Hmm.. shouldn't have put my real ph number.. got a call asking how my bio-nuclear stem cell regrowth research was progressing and whether type-a blood cells take to nanoplasmic organism tissue growth? Had to stall em for a bit till I did some googling and formulated a satisfactory answer.. damn hope I get my t-shirt now..
same thing happened to me with the Poise samples….
Chuckle, hilarious gag Franny, I'm considering generating a second OB identity JUST so that I can "PLUS" this comment twice!
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Did anyone receive theirs?
Nope. No one. It kinda' makes you not want to order anything from them, frankly… 1000s of T-shirts ordered, none delivered… I wonder if they're like that with their reagents?!?
Not heard anything from them. Oh well