• expired

Receive a FREE Quell Fire Blanket Valued at $17.95 for Completing a Chubb Online Survey


Complete the survey and you will receive a FREE Quell Fire Blanket valued at $17.95. Leave your details when prompted at the end of the survey.

I wanted to make sure this worked before posting. I received mine today http://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/39370/21622/image.jpg . Took about 1-2 weeks to arrive and arrived by express post. I used a PO BOX for my address. The fire blanket measures 1m x 1m in size.

There are a lot of questions to answer but you can finish it a lot quicker by just putting any random answer.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks OP, Great Post

    Took me 1 min to answer all the questions

    It did seem to be targeted at people who bought something from them

    • +3

      It does, but it's located on their website under promotions http://www.chubbhomesecurity.com.au/promotions/chubb-home-se…

      • Yeah but it says "Every customer who completes the survey will receive a FREE Quell Fire Blanket valued at $17.99."

        I filled it out anyway. We'll see.

        • +8

          I'm not a customer. That's why I held of posting until I could confirm it worked.

        • You can't really confirm it worked until you get your blanket can you?

          Edit: apologies you stated that in your post

        • @Jackson No worries. You spotted it.

  • +30

    Good post but I think you should take the time to answer properly.
    Fire safety = important.

    • +13

      Hopefully they send it, else it'll ignite a debate on here as to whether or not they should be flamed…

      • +8

        stop trying to get these pun threads to flare up

        • +9

          you seem a little put out by this.

        • +5

          No need to add fuel to this flame.

        • +4

          He's a bright spark.

        • +5


        • +1

          Creative Javs, creative :-P

        • +1

          at least he gave it a red hot go.

        • Sorry, couldn't help it, I knew some of you guys would be burning to write down some puns

        • geez I can't wait til this thread runs out of oxygen

        • Lucky for you, all the puns have already been extinguished

  • +1

    Always wanted one of these. Thank you!

    • +4

      Think you can also get them at places called "shops" ;)

      • +41

        Think you also have to pay for them at the "shops" :D

  • +6

    My freebies collection is making me a hoarder.

    • +3

      https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/134749 - is this in your collection?

    • +12

      That's a fire hazard, good thing you've got a fire blanket in your collection.

      • Why does fire need a blanket? I thought it was hot already….

        • +3

          Nice one Dad!

    • +2

      I'm gonna put this in easy reach along with the adult diapers. Sort of hope I get to use either of them one day, to justify hoarding them in the first place.

  • Cheers.

  • Thank you OP !!

  • +2

    thanks OP. I can now return the one I bought last weekend :D

  • +1

    Thanks Op for another freebie to add to my growing collection.

  • +1 yay… something i didn't need but am getting :P

    • +1

      I see people do this everytime when things are free!

    • +1

      It's cheap (well…free) insurance. If you didn't already have one you "need" one, but hope to never need to use it!

  • done. thanks OP.

  • Thanks !

  • -1

    Excellent post. Thank you.

  • +57

    Do you know about the NBN?

    1. Yes, it's in my area
    2. No, it's coming soon
    3. Not sure

    Isn't there an option "never coming to my area because Abbott and co. axed it"?

    • haha

    • +8

      At the rate Labor were rolling it out it was unlikely anyone would see it in this lifetime anyway..

      • +7

        well the whole state of tasmania got it…not that they're really a part of australia

        • +3

          nah they didn't… they effed it up down here..

    • +4

      That question made no sense "2. No, it's coming soon". So u do know about it or not?

      • +5

        I know right? I read it and my brain exploded.

      • +8


        • +10

          Good Afternoon COR80

          To clarify I don't have a reddit account.

          I didn't realise you were looking for an argument, It appeared you were just making a political point in support a government that some six months ago promised prior to an election that ALL Australian would have access to 'very fast' internet with a minimum download speed of 25mbps by 2016. I don't believe an upload speed was mentioned because you know when Tony Abbott looks up into the sky he is most likely thinking about 'the clouds of heaven' rather than the sort of cloud microsoft/google/business in general/the everyday internet user is thinking about (/sarcasm …sorry in advance. I won't talk about the forests or woodchips)

          You have also thrown a figure in ($60-70 billion). Well let’s be precise here. Utilising the largest figure that Malcolm Turnbull can independently produce via the Strategic Review ~73bn (down from 90bn during the election) of Peak finding (equity and debt) that is off budget (not using any of your tax dollars) The Government will end up with a piece of infrastructure (Infrastructure PM anybody?) that as per page 103 of the strategic review;

          "Scenarios 1 and 2 [FTTP] provide the highest EBITDA in steady state (e.g. FY28) as they provide the highest revenue and the lowest ongoing cost"

          You didn't seem to mention anything about Revenue?

      • +5

        Some of us earn a living online. For once that has been said in a non-bot post. Abbott and co have once again taken shortcut measures for short term gains, which will come back to bite us all unfortunately.

        This was to be a boon for all sorts of Australian businesses who are currently paying thousands of dollars a month for private fibre. Especially for small/charitable businesses (I have bills for some on my desk). And those looking to modernise, cut costs, and help the environment by making some use of cloud services.

        The first planned NBN was a future proof solution to last us the next 50+ years. The new FTTN solution will start to require upgrading as soon as it's completed, is much more prone to failure (reliant on ageing and patched up copper) and adversely affected by "infequent" factors like…rain.

        The other issue is that the new NBN plan really isn't that much cheaper, and is reliant on difficult to estimate costs to rent the copper infrastructure from a single provider with no competition.

        There is also the question of who will use and pay for Coalition NBN. I also don't see how anyone is going to justify paying much more money for internet which in some cases is only marginally faster than a quality ADSL2 connection (unless you want to pay more again)? The cheapest plan I can find which is more than marginally faster than my current ADSL2+ connection (I'm one of the fortunate getting 20Mbps) is $65 a month, but only includes 30GB of data.

        The original plan wasn't without its issues, speed of rollout, general management and the inclusion of complicated and expensive custom network termination devices. But these are the issues which could have been looked into rather than just throwing out a massive amount of investment and the possibilities the system could have fostered.

    • Isn't there an option "never coming to my area because Abbott and co. axed it"?

      That's why I ticked "Not sure". Because honestly, I'm not sure. :)

  • +2

    SurveyMonkey ftw

  • +4

    They ask a disturbing amount of questions about the security of one's home. I'll pass. Thanks anyway though.

    • +8

      I was waiting for the question - "where do you hide a spare key?"

      • +5

        I gave them my tax file number and bank account log in details for good measure.

        • +1

          and the OzBargain purchase history

  • +5

    wow, express post for freebie, extreme rare!!!

  • great find!

  • +1

    5 minutes to complete, let's see how long before it gets ozbargained!

  • +5

    Survey would be a good way for a potential thief to get information about how you use your alarm…

  • +2

    Nice one, op. Wonder when they will realise they've been ozbargained. :)

    • 1 hour 51 min ago (2092 clicks)

      if not some time 2nite when the servers crash, probably first thing in the morning is my guess

      • +2

        nah surveymoney wont crash, it can handle a lot more

  • +4

    "Please rate us from 1 - 7 with 1 being definately to 7 being definatley not."

    • +4

      I hope you don't think the first one was spelled correctly. It definitely wasn't.

      • +1

        Yeah, I'm aware. The second one is twice as wrong as the first one, so I emphasised it twice.

      • +1

        The first wasn't spelt any better than the second was spelled.

    • +10

      You know, on the Internet, you don't have to tell the truth

      • True… But if you want a blanket, you got to give an address…. Combine that with the questions,the fact that it is run on survey monkey…

        • +3

          Thats what PO Boxes are for….

        • Which means it's not free anymore.

    • +1

      haha, so true, and at the end asks for your specific address.

      no real proof that the survey is even related to chubb

    • Haha trigger happy

    • +2

      According to the answers I gave on this survey, my house is Fort Knox… with nothing valuable in it.

  • +5

    Little known fact about fire blankets, in the event of a fire you can wrap them around yourself as protection from radiant heat, so if you've already got one of these in your kitchen a spare could be useful in a bedroom or living area where you have to travel some distance before you can escape the premises.

    • +1

      Its only 1m x 1m though….. which half are you going to protect? ;-)

      • +8

        The nuts half of course. Unless you're female I guess, in which case I have no idea.

      • I'm fairly sure you cover the fire with it. Yep ok I just read parents comment. Ignore me.

  • +1

    Thanks OP

    Just grabbed one for myself :)



  • hmm they sure ask alot of questions, but seems legit. thanks OP.

    • +9

      When they break into my house and steal my sh!t because they have my address, I hope they leave my new fire blanket behind.

      • Use a PO BOX like a professional.

  • +1

    Chubb Home Security 2013 Survey.

    HMmm we are in 2014 now

  • Thanx op :-)

  • Survey done, now thinking do I need a fire blanket at all?

    • +5

      you need one to keep your fire warm on those cold winter nights. wouldn't want the fire getting all sniffly

  • +2

    Just what we need. Thanks. And a useful item as well.

    • +4

      Useful…yes but let's hope you never get to use it…

  • +5

    Hmm. This will throw out their marketing budget slightly..

  • Thanks OP!

  • +17

    Valentine's sorted, thanks OP

  • +1

    Thank you OP, great find!

  • +7

    Someone at Chubb's gonna have a hard day tomorrow…

    They probably averaged 10 a month till today, that line chart for management's gonna have a serious peak

  • +3

    This fire blanket should come in handy for my old ute… for something made out of metal it sure catches fire a lot…

  • Great post, OP, thanks.

  • thanks Op nice and easy :)

  • -6

    No need to actually answer any questions, leave them all blank and keep pressing next still gets to the "Thank you for your participation in our survey. To receive your free Quell Fire Blanket valued at $17.95, please complete your details below. Your fire blanket will be sent to you within 21 days." end screen.
    No "you missed a question" nags.

    If you are worked about security of the alarm use questions, no need to answer them.

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