This was posted 10 years 9 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U $36 in Store at EB Games


Found this at Eb Games Albury and Wagga, checked online- the offer is only in store $36!
Usually $79.95 (online)
$74 at JB HIFI

This game is offered as a free download when registering Mario Kart 8 but for $36 you can buy Monster hunter 3 in store and use the download code on a more expensive game.

Have fun! x

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Having a wii u and not having this game is a sin.

    • +1

      Gonna have to agree with this. Need to get an Ozbargain hunting group going.

  • EB have apparently started their mid year sale, trials fusion was $36 on ps4/xbone, only instore atm

    • Dammit, I'd bite at that price but prefer digital.

      • You can get Trials Fusion on PC for 20 base price.

        • Same on PS but the retail copy comes with the DLC pass.

  • +3

    was going to use the Mario Cart 8 bonus on this but i guess now i can get Zelda….

  • +4

    Zelda is brilliant.

  • Will have a look at my local store tomorrow. Hope its on sale there also!

    • you can just check on the website which store near you has it

      • Doesn't it ask to phone them to check store stock?

        • no just put in your postcode or suburb

  • +1

    Sounds good, but I would not know what else to get, already have nintendoland, Super Mario U, Zelda Wind Waker. What would be a good choice from the remaining games from the list if I buy this from EB?

    • +3

      Wonderful 101 or Pikmin 3

    • +2

      And Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, if you want a hard platformer.

      • Why did I get negged ?

        • That's not available for the bonus game with MK8

        • Wasn't me, but you can't get DKCTF through the Mario Kart Program.

        • Oh I thought he was just referring to other WiiU games to buy.

    • +1

      Definitely Pikmin 3

      • As an owner of Wonderful 101 and a huge fan of Pikmin since the original on the Gamecube; WONDERFUL 101! Hnng. Platinum Games, don't ever change! Don't EVER.

    • +2

      Pikmin 3 is awesome.

      Don't miss out on Monster Hunter. So good.

      • Yeah dont miss out on monster hunter you guys, great multiplayer game for the wii u. Still has a very healthy active community, even at night etc. People will jump in and help you just for funsies.

        • +1

          I had a bunch of Mexicans help me beat a Gobul. This was a lot more fun than it sounds.

  • Good game. Don't judge it on the demo. Quite complex though

    • It's weird that the demo, a tool normally designed to entice people, has been shooing so many people away from it.

  • +1

    That's low for such a great game! If you were planning on getting this with Mario Kart, get this now and get a more expensive game through Mario Kart.

  • +1

    That's what my plan is ^

  • Can someone please explain what the Mario kart bonus game offer is?

  • Thanks man; will check out my local today.

  • +1

    Picked up MH3U this morning. Usually don't ever trade old consoles but had 4 ps2s lying around. So traded one (that was in bad condition) for $20. Put that towards monster hunter pre owned & paid $8. They had Rayman legends really cheap also but I bought it from the JB 20% off games. Anyone pick up anything cool?

    • 4 ps2? geez whiz.

      • +1

        Haha just offered to take them from family friends when the ps3 came out.

  • no luck at my local store :( wonder when they will have it at this price…..

  • +1

    Grabbed one from Toombul, QLD. Thanks heaps :)

  • +1

    Wii u games got a pretty heavy drop in some areas.

    Rayman Legends is 23 bucks, sonic racing transformed is 28, warioware is 58, scribblenauts unlimited is 23. Think sonic lost world was like 58.

    Some of the other areas didnt have as much of a drop, like wonderful 101, also mario u is 68 bucks, which is relatively high considering its usually like 69.

    • Are these permanent price drops now or just temporary for a sale?

      • +1

        Its their midyear sale, not permanent, have the big SALE stickers on them with their RRP sticker still at the top. Note this sale usually goes for a while (a month at least), doesnt mean they keep stock of everything though.

  • This in combination with the amazing bundle that came up last night for the Wii-U makes this all the more appealing!

    I feel deliciously ripped off after buying the bundle at Christmas and MH3U pre-owned for $48

    • +1

      I bought the Wii U version on eBay about a month before Christmas for $52, and I'm still happy with what I paid.

  • +1

    Cheers! Just picked up a copy at Macquarie Centre EB, North Ryde, NSW.

  • +1

    Thanks heaps op! I really wanted this game and have been waiting. Was going to get it with the download from MK8 but will now get Pikmen from that. Got the last copy I think from Sunshine.

  • +1

    picked up mine as well…. just to note for those who are happy with a pre owned copy…. EB got them for $28 to save a few more bucks :)

  • I brought this game for my wii u yesterday and have played the first few quests but I found it completely uninteresting and planned on returning it today.
    Does it get alot better as you get further?

    • +2

      A lot better, which star quests did you get up to and did you get to fighting any large monsters yet?
      The game starts to pick up when you get to fighting Rathian. Give it a bit longer and see how you go.

      Also if you find the monsters too hard you can pick up herbs in the field, blue mushrooms from mushroom spawn points and honey from bee hives, combine herbs and blue mushrooms to get Potions and Honey and Potions to get Mega Potions which restore about half of your health (50 points). If you travel to Port Tanzia (don't know if I got that right) you can buy Potions and eventually you can farm Honey.

      • Wow
        Thanks for the information!,
        No it was really early in the game I hadn't seen any big monsters yet.
        I'll give it another shot after all I still have a few days with the eb return policy.
        And thanks for the tips with the health.

        • You're welcome. Your first large fight will be against an Arzuros or Great Jaggi in 2 star quests. If you want check out this link: to see which quests you have to do in order to get to the next rank, some of them aren't required. Don't scroll past the quests you're up to if you don't want the game spoiled.

          For Later: It also helps to learn how to use traps to capture monsters. Pitfall traps can be made by combining a Spider Web (obtained from Spider Webs) with Ivy (obtainable in area 2 just outside base camp in Moga Woods) to make a net and combining that with a Trap Tool (purchasable in the town). Shock traps can be made by combining a Trap Tool with a Thunderbug. Thunderbugs are hard to come by until later but can also be farmed. Tranq bombs can be made by combining either a stone or iron ore (pickaxe required) with a Sap Plant (obtainable in Moga Woods area 2). Tranq bombs must be thrown when you have trapped a monster to catch it. You can only successfully catch a monster when its down to about 10% of its health and takes between 2 to 3 tranq bombs after trapping. You will know when its safe to capture because it will generally limp and stagger to another area.

          Trapping monsters can end fights earlier and get you more rewards but are only required for quests marked "Capture a", trapping can be used freely on quests marked "Hunt a".

          Also good starting weapons are Dual Swords, Sword and Shield, Lances and Longswords. Great swords are slow and can ruin your timing, but are very powerful if you get a hit in. The other weapons are a bit more complex but you can master them if you practice on weaker monsters. Remember to upgrade your weapons and armour with the blacksmith in the village whenever you can, the extra damage from both you, and the monster as your rank increases starts to pile up.

          Another tip, god I hope I'm not overwhelming you. A weapon loses its sharpness as you keep attacking monsters, which reduces your damage output. Using a Whetstone or Mini Whetstone sharpens your weapon up a certain percentage.

  • Ty for all the comments lovelies x

  • Couldn't find this game but got a new rayman legends wii u game for $24 which seemed like a good deal.

    • It would probably be available online tomorrow when the online sale starts.

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