I'm Australian Vietnamese and have been to Vietnam in the past. Beautiful country, home away from home. The people are amazing, the scenery is stunning and the food is brimming.
One of the main things that stop me back from going are corrupt officials, police force and airport security.
Being Viet Kieu, or an overseas Vietnamese, when I or my family member enter into the airport, the officials have always checked our bags and then asked for bribery money so that our transition through the airport is 'smooth.'
I have read that this has stopped but alas, TO THIS DAY, it is still occurring. It is disheartening and I find it pathetic that Vietnamese people would do that to their own people. You would never, ever hear them ask/demand/create difficulty for a bribe of non-Vietnamese passengers.
What are the ways around this? How do you report this in a country with a corrupt police system? What's another way around bribing? Another way of saying no and then being subjected to unnecessary bag searches (or so I've heard).
Always experience the same thing whenever i come back to vietnam. Lucky for them, my parents are very stubborn and have taught me and my younger siblings to simply give them our passport and ignore any questions they have, or act like we don't know what they're saying. My cousin accidentally replied one of the scums in vietnamese, so he was taken inside to some interview room and eventually paid some fee to get on his plane.
I'm also pissed off about this OP, and I still find it weird how they only do it to Australian Vietnamese, and not any other nationalities?