Someone kept ringing your door bell

Hi Guys,

My house has doorbell (those with video intercom) installed on the gate instead of the front door. People walked by will ring the door bell, and sometimes at strange hours (11pm, 1am, 4am, & 5am). I have placed a fake CCTV at the front door, that sort of helps during the day time. However, the door bell still rings during night time. I tried to go out and check but the pranker's gone. I have a baby at home, which my wife and I found it really annoying everytime when she's waken by the bell. This has been happening in the last year already…

Any idea on how I can solve this? Can I report this to the council? (Though I don't think there's anything they can do).


  • +7

    Is there anyway you can switch it off at night? or at least mute the 'door bell'?

  • +3

    You can install one of those electronic mains timer that turns off electronic devices at night

    Does not solve the problem of people ringing the door bell at night but will be less annoying

    • +52

      In addition you should install a zapper on timer that operates between 11pm and 5am

      • +29

        How about an anvil dropper or a spring loaded boxing glove?

        • +28

          Bonus points if said gadgets were designed and made by Acme Corporation.

  • +2

    I think you should report this to this to the police as such a prank can not be tolerated.

    • +1

      Not sure why this has so many negs. If someone pranks the door once or twice during the day etc then its fair enough.

      However, at "1am, 4am, & 5am" that is both a concern for security and privacy. I'm not sure of there is much the police can do but even if they just randomly pass the street at a given time, I think it may help. Having to install a motion camera just for this is not tolerable in my opinion.

    • What exactly do you think the police should do?

  • +7

    Disable the chime during night hours (before bed time).

    or maybe upgrade the fake camera to a real camera? I noticed that my local Aldi (Top Ryde) has wildlife "Maginon" trap cameras( that are powered by AA batteries, and can snap photos at night using an infrared movement sensor and uses IR LED light bulbs as a flash (Infrared is not visible to the naked eye). These are normally used by game hunters to capture photos of wild animals.

    You can get similar motion cameras from Aliexpress or Deal extreme et cetera.

    • Oh, we have that camera that you linked to, it's great. Sorry, off topic, but anyone else noticed it at other aldis?

  • +11

    If its wireless interference could be making the bell go off

  • +1 for the above suggestions on doorbell and camera

    I've seen wireless doorbells on COTD which come up now and again - just take the buzzer inside or switch it off when you're not expecting anyone. When they don't get to hear the doorbell ring they'll be a lot less entertained.

    Consider investing in a real camera - that way you'll have something to take to cops, especially if you recognise them.

  • +1

    Thanks everyone for the advice.

    It's installed up on the wall when we bought the house and there's no wire connecting it. We can't use a timer in this case.

    I am not sure if we can mute it. I will check tonight and give it a go. Having said that, I don't think we should be doing this because of some stupid prankers.

    Anyway, appreciate your input :)

    • +2

      try to see if you can mute the actual chime/bell and not the switch during night time. by doing this, the switch will still send the signal but the bell wont ring….also worth finding and checking the brochure(if you dont have one then google it) to see if there is a silent mode(manual/automatic)…most of the decent wireless units usually have one…

    • +9

      maybe it is not even a prankster,maybe:
      1. its faulty
      2. same frequency with other devices such as neighbor garage, similar bell etc
      3. wifi interference

      to make it sure, install real ip cam, I use foscam, easy to install, reliable, its wireless and cheap too :)

    • -3

      lmao @ thinking a gate doorbell is fancy. Just because you're on the dole and can't afford one doesn't make it fancy.

      • +1

        The problem is hoons ringing the bell because it is on the gate late at night.
        I don't think they are going up the path to ring normal doorbells on people's front door.
        Since the OP didn't install the gate bell, why is thinking they might be better with a normal doorbell offensive to you?
        Ps - never been on the dole.

    • I'd have to kinda agree with this.

      I've never done it, but I can imagine a younger me, doing it without thinking as I walk by on a night out or coming back with mates.

  • +22

    Wire up your doorbell each night to deliver an electric shock to the bell-ringer.

    Wire up camera as well, for the lolz.

    Sit back with bowl of popcorn.

    • +6

      And don't forget to upload the video to youtube for the rest of us to watch.

      • Phase 5: ????
        Phase 6: Profit

  • +6

    Sometimes wireless door bells ring as they get interference from other sources.

    Some ring by themselves if their battery is going flat

    • +1

      Have you been ringing randoms door bells? lol

  • +6

    Imagine if you could program the doorbell at night to activate red flashing lights, a shrill alarm and a computerised voice shouting 'intruder alert, intruder alert, intruder alert'. If you're more ambitious, maybe make a motorized gate close behind them.

    Of course, once they realise it's all just for show, they'll probably come back and do it every night just for fun :P

  • +6

    Turn the doorbell off. I didn't have a doorbell for a couple of weeks after we moved. Anybody who needed to come rang me before they came (I think - I didn't miss anyone but I could happily be a hermit). When you have a baby most people you want to see will arrange a convenient time to come over rather than dropping in, and there is nothing more important than sleep.

  • +2

    Do you have sensory lights? Buy a set or borrow a set and then face it onto the path coming to the door. Scare that SOB off before he presses it, better yet catch him/her

  • +1

    Ah it's just some random ding-a-ling. Seriously, +1 switching it off at night.

  • +1

    did you actually see the pranksters?

    if its not hardwired then its probably going off because the batteries are flat. mine does it too just needs batteries changed.

    Im still waiting for the mobile phone version of doorbells that ring your sim. they are easily turned off everynight.

  • +15

    You can have my Rottweiler for a week and leave him in your front yard overnight. See how many approach you door than. PM me if interested.

  • If it's only late at night, and if sleep is more important than receiving legitimate visitors, have you considered just gaffer taping a piece of cardboard over the intercom at night? Drunks probably wouldn't investigate beyond the surface.

  • maybe u should just stop doing this..

  • +17

    There could be paranormal activity. You could arrange a priest to perform a cleansing to rid any negative spirits. I hope this information helps.

    • yep… I swear my families previous house (rent) was haunted…
      (when i was 10y)
      1. used to wake up at night to sounds of footsteps running in the corridor EVERY NIGHT!
      2. ocassionaly the front door used to unlock and open by itself…
      3. random movements of objects (happend twice)
      4. AND THIS IS THE MOST F'd up… heard a ringing noise (phone) from basement…searched and searched for 1 hour until found a 5 year old cordless phone ringong!!!!

      moved out since and new house is peaceful

      • +5

        U have a movie script right here

      • LOL, surely you're not being serious?

        • +2

          He is . Check out his post

      • +6

        ~searched for 1 hour until found a 5 year old cordless phone ringong!!!!
        ~cordless phone ringong!!!!


        • -2

          There are more things in heaven and earth, Guybrush57
          Than are dreamt of in your philosophy ;-)

        • umm for those who didn't know, that was Shakespeare. But hey, my bad! should have used block quotes ;-)

      • +1

        ok, wait that is weird… how did you know the cordless phone was 5 years old? and what sort of battery did that thing have?

      • +1

        well sounds like drug dealers are using the house for dealing drugs.. Which could probably explain 1,2 and 4.

        But kudos for searching the basement for the source of the odd sound.

        For me it was some old digital alarm clock that had fallen underneath weeks earlier. It had no alarm set up on it. That just went off by itself. Then it stopped.. A few minute later it went again. I just ignored it. When it rang a third time i spooked me abit since it was each note was dragged out really slowly like a viynl played on the a very slow setting. It didn't ring again after that.

        Anyhow in the morning i found it and took the batteries out and it never rung again ^^

      • The footsteps you heard were most likely possums on the roof. I also used to think there was something running around my house at night as well when I was a kid and that's all that it was.

        It sounds like you also had a slightly frozen door catch where the door needs to be shut harder to initiate the lock (this happens in my current house, even if you lock the door it can open itself up). Objects moving is usually caused by gravity + object not being placed in a stable position.

        You may also have experienced sleep paralysis

    • +3

      Hide your kids before bringing the priest to your house.

    • +3

      You could arrange a priest to perform a cleansing to rid any negative spirits

      Yep, I'm sure pouring holy water into the doorbell would pretty much guarantee no more late night wake-ups…

  • +6

    Get rid of the bell on the gate. Have it on your door. But then again you might in some posh area and don't want the unwashed near your family.

      • What is the source of your facts ?

        In any case the OP states

        It's installed up on the wall when we bought the house

  • +3

    Could just be the battery going flat. Or the receiver receiving a signal Not from the button which will set it off. It's probably not people!

  • +1

    Find the wire to the 'bell' and install a switch to turn it off manually.

  • +1

    Stick a pin on it like Denis the menace

    • Lol! I had the same thought actually.

  • Cover the output of the doorbell with some cardboard box that has sound proof inline inside .

  • +2

    Simple, just install a motion activated sensor light near the doorbell

    • motion activated alarm would be better..

  • +3

    Dress, completely covered in black and crouch down behind the gate. When someone presses the buzzer, jump up with a super mega powerful torch pointed straight at them and scream, "What the f**k!" at the top of your lungs. In the morning, go outside and hose down the stinky skid marks they left while escaping. Chuckle, repeat, profit?

    • Even if you had to wait a few hours that little moment when you catch them would be brilliant. Even put on the image of one of those roid rage dudes if your a guy, they will sh*t themselves.

  • Buy a big guard dog and no punk ass kids will dare mess with it! :D

  • Get rid of the bright neon lights


    Although you'll probably want to stay up to laugh at the ringers.

  • My suggestion is to track down the retailer/manufacturer of the door bell. Takes some photos, check for any branding. There maybe some way to control the device to turn it off at night.

    If not, consider getting it replaced with something that can be controlled.

    It would be creepy to have the bell rang at odd hours of the night.

  • or you could try this(, Incredibly funny and fun to watch…

  • +2
  • +1

    One of the guys I worked with had a similar setup with a similar problem. He put one of those power timers on it, so after hours it turns off.

  • connect it to an air horn, it that doesn't work, a water sprinkler.

  • +1


  • To add to previous comments, its very possible its an issue caused interference or other conditions. I had a Fritzbox modem that did similar things.. rang the connected phones twice at 1am, 3am, 5pm every night but was silent during the day.

    It was precisely on those times so no human could be doing it due to the precision. Basically its a hardware design fault that matched with factors such as temperature / humidity change which alters the electrical capacitance / resistence and trip the internal relay, various activity on devices like smart meters or diagnostics run by utilities etc, adds up to a headache of a problem to diagnose. Interference can be a real bitch to deal with.

    The other thing I noticed at nightime at our house is these big slugs crawl up the letter box and around the door intercom.. I could imagine a highly touch sensitive doorbell could trigger with a slug moving itself along the button.. So look around for slugs or other odd issues, particularly water condensation.

    Basically I say.. think beyond a prankster!!! Would have to be a pretty stupid individual to get pleasure from getting up at those ungodly hours just to ring a doorbell!!!

    • +2

      I doubt they are getting up especially to do it. They probably live nearby, they are getting home from the bar, are a bit drunk and press the door bells as they walk past. Not that I have done this of course….

      • The hours maki specifies (11pm, 1am, 4am, & 5am) is what makes me almost certain he's got an interference problem.

        Hey maki, how close is your doorbell or reciever to other electrical equipment?

        i.e. power company assets in particular..

        You also said.. there is no wire connecting it.. does this mean its a wireless doorbell? if so is it 2.4Ghz or another frequency. If its 2.4Ghz it might simply be interferring with other devices like cordless phones, wifi routers or as I said power company smart meter radios. these little buggers transmit at a typical 4 hour interval but it varies by distributor, some of them send traffic more frequently.

        Or he has some drunk bastards with bloody interesting timing.. If they are so pissed they come home and ring doorbells wouldn't it always be pub closing time!

  • +1

    Had same issue my door bell was going off every second night on average. Went to HN got another door chime and issue is solved :) but this time I have a door chime where I can change the frequencies :-)

  • +1

    I bet it is that Nigerian guy trying to drop off that $5,000,000 he told you about.

  • i told you to leave my wife alone

  • Sounds like a technical glitch, you should try installing a new doorbell. I know the one at my house used to go off if it was windy outside.

  • My doorbell used to go off every thunder storm. But at least that was kind of cool. Every now and then I suspected it was those "meddling kids".

  • -1

    You have a door bell.

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