This was posted 10 years 9 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

3DS Kirby Triple Deluxe $48 17/5, Wii U Skylanders Console Bundle $268, 2DS Console $138 @ Big W


Releases Saturday 17/5

Kirby Triple Deluxe $48
Pink & White 2DS Console $138

Specials below start this Thursday 15/5

Pokemon X & Y also $48

Skylanders Wii U Console bundle is discounted again at $268. Not as good as the $248 deal but still best around at the moment.

Wii U Basic 8GB White Console
Nintendoland Game (Yep it is included with this bundle)
Skylanders Swap Force Game
3x Skylanders Swap Force Figures including Limited Edition Wash Buckler
Portal of Power

Great for the upcoming MK8 if you don't want to splash out on the $400+ Premium bundle.

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closed Comments

  • Good price on Skylanders bundle

  • +3

    SL bundle is back. As OP said, not as good as before ($20 more expensive), but is the cheapest you can get atm if you want to play MK8 on the cheap.

    Just eBay off all the SL stuff; SL game + figures as a bundle for ~$60-65, buy MK8. End up with console + 3 games (Nintendoland, MK8, 'free redeemable game') for $270.

    • You sound like you're up with wii u knowledge, can you remind me why the premium bundle isn't worth getting? Everyone on here seems to get basic bundles.

      • +4

        Premium gives you:

        • another 24gb, but you can plugin any portable HDD and get even more, plus 24gb won't last you much if you end up downloading more than 4-5games that are 8gb each
        • you get a charging cradle, but it's for convenience only, you can still charge the gamepad with a cable plugged to it
        • you get the wii sensor bar, it cost like $5 for it or you can use your old one if you have an old wii
        • you get the console in black

        That's about all you get for another $100, of course if you don't like Skylanders and nintendoland, then you get super mario or instead

        • You just pushed me away from waiting for more price drops on the Premium model, saved me some coin AND pushed my purchase date forward. :-D

          As I already have a Wii, think I'll save the $$$ for needed aftermarket accessories. (2nd hand wii remotes, aftermarket 'wide' sensor bar, etc)

          Thanks for the info.

        • Yeah thanks Winston, this made it nice and clear for me :)

        • They're not needed if you do what I do and just not even have friends :D Saves a lot of money on wii remotes and online subscriptions for the other consoles!

        • No probs, I had the same dilemma, I was about to buy the Mario Premium a few weeks, then it jumped back to 428, I figured, man that's nuts, but upon closer inspection, the premium packs are really not worth the value, like it doesn't impact on your experience of the Wii U nor does it impede on playing any games at all.

          Further to that, the Super Mario bundle only sounds good, since it says Super Mario U + Luigi U, people should google what Luigi U is, no doubt it is more entertainment, but it's basicallly just Luigi instead of Mario playing, and more levels, and also the timer is set at like 100 seconds, trying to make it more entertaining and frustrating, meh.

  • Cancelled my import for kirby just like mario golf. $48 is almost as much as importing these days may as well get it day one. Thanks.

  • Big W, continuing to do great 3DS deals for local Aussie stock.

  • Why wiuld anyone buy a 2ds for $138 when 3ds is only $131 at target or $138 at bigw?

    • Because 2ds doesn't have hinges. They were designed for kids because of all the hinges that broke on earlier models, particularly the ds lite.

      • Because whatever happened to parents saying "If you break it you're not getting another one", as mine did.

        • +1

          Nothing wrong with minimizing the chances of something breaking. Personally I think the 2ds looks bloody awful, but I applaud Nintendo for having the balls to release it.

    • Is that for the original or the XL?

      • +1

        Original but almost no stocks left anywhere in Aus retail stores

    • Where is this mythical $131 3DS?

  • Great price for Kirby. I already have a preorder with EB so I'll price match with them. Thanks OP.

  • -2

    Definitely picking up a copy of kirby at this price! Do you simply need to show this image at the counter or is an online source required?
    I couldn't find it advertised on their site at that price.

    • +1

      It's not released until the 17th. I think Big W will update their website on day of release.

  • Does anyone know of a good deal going for the 3DS XL? I think the best I've found is $238 new from JB, or $198 pre-owned from EB. I know some stores (EB, I think?) have bundles for console and choice of crappy game for ~$250, but trading in the game only gives you $10-12 or so. I'm thinking the best option is to grab a pre-owned copy from Gumtree/eBay.

    • Gumtree most of the cases are cheaper than eBay.

    • Shin Tokyo in Adelaide have XL with 2 3ds games (selected games) for 249

  • Just picked up the Skylander bundle from JB with Nintendoland and Mario 3D World for $299 (They swapped their free Fifa 13 for Mario). By my math Nintendoland and Mario 3D are worth about $120, add to that maybe $60 for selling Skylanders and the figurines and the console works out at about $120.

    • By my math Nintendoland and Mario 3D are worth about $120

      nintendo land is worth about $20-$30 :)

    • Could you possibly post a receipt, that is very tempting to go down and purchase.

      • +1

        Hope this works

        Note that the JB deal also includes 2 years warranty

        • Thanks heaps!

        • Attempted to use your receipt at two jb stores. Got knocked backed twice haha. First store said they would have done the bargain if they had the skylanders bundle in stock (was a little surprised that it was sold out considering Wii u sales & jbs bundle isn't that great). Second store straight denied me saying the reciept could of came from anywhere and the sales assistant didn't like that it came from a forum. Ended up just purchasing the console bundle trading in FIFA & purchasing super Mario world 3D & donky long tf with the 20% off. Came to $400. Now I wait for Mario kart & the free downloable game!!

        • Just realized I could of got the bundle at big w then then have went to jb and got the two games & saved $20. Poor ozb skills :(

    • Just picked up the Skylander bundle from JB with Nintendoland and Mario 3D World for $299 (They swapped their free Fifa 13 for Mario)

      Hmm, interesting that they swapped the game for you. Makes me wonder if they would swap it for MK8 when its out (& if the bundle is still at this price around 31st).

  • Man I'm so tempted due to mario kart, but these rumours of a new/revised wii (nintendo fusion) are making me hold off to see what Nintendo announces at E3…

    • Get whatever will make you happy and entertained, for what it's worth the fusion could be just the plans for their next gen. I doubt it will be cheaper.

      • Absolutely correct. Especially when it comes to nintendo. However MK8 will make me happy but i can probably wait it out till smash bros comes out end of year. I'll get the lot together. got enough steam games to play till then haha.

        • I think people's main aim for MK8 is not only because they are impatient but because of the free game you get with it.

        • +1


          i can't pass up mk8 and wind waker hd for $68.

        • Are you supposed to link "this!"?

        • wind waker hd

          I own/finished the GC-WW back in the day. What are the differences/improvements in the Wii-U ver. that would warrant getting this over any of the other games?

        • haha i could have, but i'm lazy.

        • it's hd, has a new item that makes sailing a lot quicker and has a shortened quest at the end, i think that's about it.

          none of the other games interest me is all.

        • Thanks. I'm a (fairly) big Zelda fan & was thinking of 'collecting' this ver. (No box though…) & playing through it for nostalgia. The sailing was VERY tedious so you needed a lot of patience.

          Still have plenty of time to think about it. My other choice would be Wonderful 101.

        • Agreed Wonderful 101 looks great. And yes we have till 31st July.

        • They added an item to let you change the wind inatantly

        • +1

          Wonderful 101 is still my favourite game I've played so far this year. Not even upset that I paid full price lol.

          Unfortunately, it's fiddly and complicated with an enormous difficulty curve, and it's an exclusive to the underdog Wii-U, so I don't think it's really going to catch on :(

    • +1

      The Nintendo Fusion is complete bullshit by the way. Satoru and Shiggy have faith in the Wii-U, it would be a total flip of character to make a new one already, not to mention the losses they'll make.

      • (Incoming rant, basically TL;DR Nintendo is sticking with the Wii-U)

        And you know what else? Two things:
        1. A new Nintendo Console Generation (IE The Fusion) would portray the ecompany as clueless, with no faith in their products, jumping generation gaps and taking gigantic losses would destroy the company.
        2. They're bringing out their big titles (Normally the kind of 'once every 5 years titles' like Pikmin, Smash, Donkey and Kart) on the Wii-U, which displays to me that they're not going to reiterate anything from a particular franchise so quickly after the last's release. Satoru is also quoted as saying "Zelda and Metroid on the Wii-U is inevitable". Don't forget Retro's "Unknown Wii-U Title" that might be big news (Zelda? Star Fox? F-Zero? Ahmahgerrh)

        I, personally, don't see it as impossible for a Megaman exclusive game on the Wii-U in the near future. E3, even. Even though it will be INCREDIBLY safe, like "Mario Galaxy 2" levels of safe. That's purely speculation, based on nothing more than "Aduh, coz he's in da Smash Bruvvers" so feel free to dismiss this.

        Wii-U isn't going anywhere, people need to get over the graphics craze. Once we get those 3rd party developers innovating on the gamepad, we're going to see some amazing games. (Oh god it seems so far away) Unfortunately, Nintendo have lost the casual market all of a sudden because of the availability and price of smartphone and tablet games, so they need to go back to being serious about games rather than selling by gimmicks.

        Or you know. You could just go buy a bone, get all the sports and shooting games you could ever want. More pixels = better games after all.

        Said all of the bogans in the world.

  • Saw the 2DS for $93.75 at TGG today

    • On clearance? Noticed TGG doesn't have any gaming stuff on their website so they could be clearing gaming from their b&m stores too hmm…

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