This was posted 10 years 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Uplay] Tropico 5 Preorder for $0.14 (Russian VPN or Proxy Needed)


It sounds incredible but it is. Tropico 5 preorder for 0.14$ in russian Uplay
It looks like somekind of bug and it can be fixed any minute now, so don't be late
Here is the proof of deal

Here is step by step tutorial - with Hola Unblocker:
1-Disable javascript in your browser.
2-Clear cookies.
3-Go to the link.
4-Click the big blue button to add the game to the cart.
5-Login with your e-mail and password.
6-Now just fill the fields wih your payment informations. You can use google translator to help you.
7-After doing that, you wil not be able to click the confirm button because you disabled javascript. Just click on the last field and press enter.
8-Then you get your order and payment info summary. Accept terms and conditions and press the confirm button.
9-Now just wait for the confirmation e-mail.

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closed Comments

  • Hi, is there something i missed as it keeps going back to my local countrys page.
    I tried it with Hola and using Russia but no luck.. Please Help - thanks in advance.

    • Guys you should use Russian VPN

      • You should mention that in the title, also probably add that to the price of the game as most people won't have a Russian VPN and will need to subscribe to one in order to get this bargain.

        • there are a lot of free vpn, just use Google search and you get a list of free VPN

  • Well it is showing $39.95 for me..But your link goes to ubisoft english site maybe that is the problem

    • You need to use a VPN so it doesn't redirect to an English site.

  • I couldn't get it to work with Hola either. redirected me to the UK store.

  • +1

    Putin uses this for training purposes.

  • +2

    worked for me. grabbed a free russian vpn from vpn gate. Looks like it also comes with Port Royale 3 and Anno Gold

    also received a confirmation email

    My visa card failed, but my 28 Degrees MC worked. The AUD in one of the screenshots is just chrome translating the abbreviation of rubles to aud

  • I have managed to access the russian site through hola but both my visa and 28degrees mc are telling me that 'resolution for payment is not received'..

    • Hola also got me to the checkout. But my CBA MC was rejected.

      • Just got it to work. After "one" more try. Not sure if disabling JavaScript worked, clearing cookies, deleting stored CC details from my account, or just entering the CC expiry date, instead of my DOB.

    • I finally managed to do it, I needed to register a new Ubi account with a different email address. No idea why, the new account has the exact same details but this time the transaction when straight through without issue. Cost me $0.19AUD…

  • Worked for me using VPN & 28 degrees mastercard.. infact, it was too easy!!

    Also, absolute pricing mistake… it would've been supposed to be 699 rubles reduced to 629 rubles.. but someone put in decimal places like our currency..

    That said, has anyone got the games yet in their games tab? Wouldn't surprise me at all if ubisoft revoked the 'deal'..

    • Yeah I've not managed to get the games in my games tab either.
      Wonder if they'll ever appear!

      • saw something about it taking a little while for games to appear in the library, so maybe we'll have to wait a few hours or something?

    • +1

      Yeah.. apparently games can take 48 hours to appear in account.. seems that the orders need to be processed… which is odd, must be some sort of human authorisation..

    • seems it has been fixed as it is showing 629 rubles now (using paid VPN)

  • Used Hola and got all the way through to the end but got the "Resolution for payment is not received" message. Anyone know how to get around this?

    • +1

      What CC?

      • CBA

        • +1


          I think visa, by it's nature, will fail every time when trying to get around regional protection.. it's like paypal in that it forwards your location to the seller, whereas (most) mastercard does not..

        • Mastercard. Eventually got it to work by following the instructions above to disable javascript. Not sure if that's what actually made it go through, but anyway, I've got a confirmation email now so all good. Thanks for your help!

        • Ahh excellent.. good to hear.. hopefully they ocme through with it and not wriggle out, somehow…

  • Worked for me just had to use a Russian vpn.

  • What does it mean by "Method of Payment" (Способ оплаты)?

    • +1

      I just typed in Mastercard. shrug

      • Thanks. I typed in "Visa" and it seemed to work.

  • Worked for me. Absolute steal (almost)!

  • I've tried with different browsers and Hola and VPNGate and I keep receiving the following error; PMT_000011 : ubiemea, ru_RU, There is money to authorize, But no Aurthorize delegated were applicable, 14810993942
    Any suggestions?

  • Nice deal already bought from steam tho :(

  • Awesome deal!

  • any luck guys? I can't get it through to RU site, always redirect me to UK site. I have tried using Hola and VPN. doesn't work…

    • Disable javascript in your browser settings. That's what worked for me.

  • For anyone being redirected to the UK or Australian site: turn on PeerBlock before clicking the link. That should block whatever server is trying to detect your location. Once you're on the Russian site you can disable PB.

    • thanks! it worked! I've got this message after the transaction finished.

      "Thank you for placing your order. Your order is processed on the results you will be informed shortly." in Russian of course. But haven't received confirmation email till now. Normal?

      update: all good. thanks!

  • Hmmm getting PMT_000011 : ubiemea, ru_RU, There is money to authorize, But no Aurthorize delegated were applicable, 14810993942

  • +2

    Got confirmation email but the games are not appearing in my uplay. :(

    • Same for me. :(

  • +3

    (profanity) mother's day. Was half way through the check out process when mum texted and I had to call her. When I come back those commie bastards had corrected the price.

  • Managed to nab this just before the price correction and got the confirmation email. Now just playing the waiting game and see if they pop up in my uplay. Cheers for the find OP.

  • +1

    Too expensive. I'm waiting till it drops below 10c.

  • +1

    Just received more emails saying (translated) "key code activated" for the two free bonus games. However, can't see actual keys in my account yet, nor are they appearing in the UPlay app yet. But at least this seems to be a sign they will be honouring it! :)

    • +3

      I got the emails as well. I also can't see the keys or the games in UPlay. I also came to the realisation that I have no idea what these games are. I have seen Tropico 5 advertised as a pre-order for ~$40 because I am chasing a good deal on Watch Dogs. After a bit of research it looks like Sim City, no idea what the bonus games are, I hope I get my 19 cents worth out of the games.

  • Has anyone got the 2 extra games in their uplay account yet?

    • No

      • Ah, ok.

        I got "Thank you for shopping at Ubisoft. Your key code activated for Anno Gold." but nothing in my uplay. Perhaps the 48 hour waiting time starts from that email??

        Oh well, will wait and see.

        • If this is standard wait times for ubisoft I am never buying from them again, I have bought games from steam, greenmangaming, origin and in all cases, I received a code instantly and could download straight away (I am referring to the free games not the pre order). Why does it take ubisoft 48+hours.

          I imagine some poor web administrator at ubisoft has had to tell his boss that he sold 1000's+ of copies of a game that hasn't been released yet at ~99% off. Now the head shed is wondering what to do (apart from fire the responsible individual), honour the sales or wear the hurt reputation of saying sorry our fault but no deal..

        • I've purchased directly through (US store) uplay in the past with the key instantly redeemed, I think the 48 hour wait is more for Russia / other countries.
          No idea.
          Hopefully it comes through but at 19c we haven't lost much if it fails.
          Unless of course you put your credit card info into a free VPN service. Then China has your card now.

  • It seems Ubisoft is reversing my order. Because I just got an email from Ubisoft. Google translated it to:
    Thank you for placing an order for Ubisoft 10 May 2014. However, your order was canceled, as payment for it had not been committed in the past 3 days.

    If you have recently paid for the order, do not pay attention to this message - your order will be processed upon receipt of payment. If at this point you have not made the payment, your order will not be processed. To purchase the chosen products you need to issue a new order.

    If you have questions, visit the order:

    Note: This message was sent from, the employee only for alerts; incoming messages it will not be accepted. Please do not respond to this message.

    • Odd

    • I got the same email on an account where I couldn't get the transaction to go through, I had to create a new Ubi account for it go through.

      Did you happen to have a couple of failed tries before it eventually went through?

      • My payment was accepted with the correct details after several tries with the wrong expiry date.

  • Has anyone got any of the three games in Uplay yet?

    • Still nothing for me.

      Is anyone planning to seek a refund if they don't get Tropico?

      • same

      • I've received the confirmation emails and the 2 email regarding port royale/anno saying the games are activated, but still nothing in uplay.

        More importantly my card has actually NOT been charged. So I think I won't be getting anything

        • I still have a charge for 19 cents pending on my card

        • Same here, .19c pending.
          A disclaimer on my card does state that international transactions can take up to 10 days to process.

          Haven't recieved the games yet or received any cancellation messages.

          Also wondering if a Russian VPN is needed to see the games? Could be that we are region blocked from seeing them?

          No idea…

        • Doing a google, looks like Uplay isn't region locked so the games should show without the need of a VPN.

          Also a few people on steam groups contacted Ubi support and were notified that they ran out of keys for the bonus games and are working on getting more.
          This is more than likely the reason we haven't seen anything show up yet.

          So there is still hope.

          Another theory from Reddit is that the bonus games will only show up once Tropico 5 is released

  • +1

    My order got cancelled this morning due to a pricing error.

    • Yeah.. same.. I knew they were never going to honour it.. oh well.. Will wait until it's $2 with all the DLC.. no use in buying it for full price and then having to pay it again for the DLC..

  • +1

    Yup, cancelled. Damn, and a day before release.
    Oh well, I did get a email shortly after offering a 75% off discount on Anno Gold, Settlers 7, Ghost Recon Future Soldier or Assassin’s Creed 3 Special Edition. Might see how much it makes Anno…

    So it wasn't a total loss.

    Be interesting to see if they cancelled all of them or just the last X% as a lot of people did get the bonus games.

    • From what I've read on other sites discussing the deal:
      1) The Russian store version of Anno is Russian language only, but you can download the English files from elsewhere and replace them after installing the game.
      2) The people who got either or both bonus games before their orders were cancelled were specifically informed in the cancellation email that they get to keep their free game(s).
      3) Money has been deducted from some people's accounts and has not been refunded even though the cancellation email said no money was withdrawn. Might just be a timing issue though. I had ~$0.20 on hold in my account for a while but I just checked and it's no longer withheld and wasn't deducted.

      What a shame. I'd just finished my last game and was looking for something new to try. Guess I'll wait for the Steam sale in 2 years with expansion and DLC included.

  • looks like they've also closed the payment loophole as well as I tried to buy Anno Gold for $3.25 or whatever it is, but payment keeps failing.. says something along the lines of 'payment resolution not accepted'.. Tried with both my 28 degrees mastercard and anz visa card..

    Also the coupon only works on the russian store..

  • I just paid 629rup which is still a good price just have to see if it goes through this time got conformation email. just needs to be approved

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