Which phone? Nexus 5 or Sony Xperia Z1 or ???

I am looking to replace my aging LG Windows 7 phone with a value for money Android smart phone and would like some help.

My current phone is used mainly for texting, a rare phone call, checking FB and Twitter and taking photos (I'm a senior citizen :) ). I currently use Liveconnected (optus) as my service provider.

I've read previously that the Nexus 5 is the best value for money smart phone. Is that still the case? I notice that there is currently a Sony Xperia Z1 LTE phone for sale at $479. Which is better? Any others that shine?

My budget is $500 max. Thanks in advance.


  • +18

    LG G2.

  • -5

    My Samsung Galaxy S2 has died.

    I'll mention how in case anyone has any suggestions on how to fix it…

    I dropped it - onto carpet, whilst I was sitting down - I could have actually tried to catch it as it was a slow drop, but I was in the middle of something and didn't think it would be a problem.

    Anyhow, there's no cracks or anything, but the screen went black. I took the battery out, and it didn't work, did it again and it did. That was a couple of days ago and it's been 100% fine. This morning the alarm went off without a problem (several times) and then now it's black again. I've plugged it in my PC / charge point and nothings happening. It's not making a noise or being recognised by the PC when I plug it in via USB so I guess that means that it's not the screen?

    It's a shame if I can't fix it as it does everything I want and I don't feel the need to upgrade. But I guess I might have to. I'm a bit concerned about being able to delete whatever is on the memory as well. I'm half tempted to sell it on ebay, should get $50 or so, but don't want to give out my personal info etc.

    Kogan has the Xperia Z for $369 which seems a very good price. My wife has one. It doesnt feel that great in my hand, and I'm not sure if I want a big screen - but the durability does make sense even if perhaps not required. I'm looking at the S3 mini and S4 mini on Kogan too - $199 and $299 I think. Samsung S3 is also a contender - $319. My wife used to have one of the S3 and I think I have a natural preference for it over the Xperia Z.

    I just use the phone as a phone, 3G is fine really but I suppose 4G makes sense. I like having expandable memory and want a good (but not great) camera.

    I don't feel the need to buy the latest phone for $600 - $900 - I just don't need it.

    • +2

      Regarding the Xperia Z — Would make more sense to pay the extra and get the Sony Xperia Z1 LTE for $479.

      The original Z had a screen tension issue where the screen would crack easily.

      • Xperia Z is an awesome phone with lots of sony accessories gadget.
        However u shud notice as well that there is this trend/rumour about this defect on the phone.
        lots of ppl are saying that when they wake up in the morning, they tried to open up their xperia phone but the phone doesnt display anything - but the phone isnt dead…its still on.
        when u receive a call, it will ring - it just it wont display anything.
        well… i think u just need to know abt this as well. i think this problem wont happen if u buy xperia z2. im not too sure.

        NB: one of the case link


    • Battery terminals bent perhaps?
      That'd explain why removing/replacing the battery "fixed" the problem and why the phone isn't recognised when plugged into the computer.

      • Cool - thanks for that. How do I check that out further, and is that likely a cheap fix if I need to take it to a repair shop?

        I just had a quick look at the battery connector - there's 4 metal hinge type of things and one of them does look a little lower than the others - but very marginally so. Does that sound like the potential problem?

        I called a local repair shop and they said it sounds like the screen could be cracked internally and if so would cost $250, which isn't worth it of course. I don't think it is the screen because the screen has worked fine since the drop (all day yesterday) and there's no sound / recognition when plugged into the PC.

        • +2

          Have a play and see if you can get it working that way again. Get a toothpick and bend pins a bit.
          A repair place is likely going to charge you at least $50 just to look at it.. Got to question whether it's worth the investment…

          If the phone is off and the battery isn't detected, it won't do anything when you plug it in. The phone draws all it's power from the battery, it can't draw power direct from USB. The USB charges the battery which powers the phone.

          Could also be a hairline crack in a circuit.

        • Thanks for that - I'll have a fiddle just in case I get lucky

    • If the screen goes black but the phone is still operating it's not going to be the battery pins. You can test if you can get someone to call you next time it goes black. If the phone is actually off,then yes battery pins among other thing could be the problem. Another option besides bending the pins is to fold a piece of paper and shove it under the battery cover so the battery doesn't move if it cops a bump etc. This happened to my brother's Samsung i927 Captivate glide after only 6 weeks, and I have to say in my experience Samsung does not make robust phones.

      If the phone is on, then there is a chance its the ribbon cable connecting the screen to the board, these often slip out after repeated shocks, only way to know is to open the phone, make sure the cable is in properly and them use some piece of tape so it doesn't happen again, although expect it to eventually.

  • @ ozmoto

    Why get the LTE version over this one?

    Sony Xperia Z 4G C6603 (Black ($369 on Kogan).

    Genuine question. Don't know if I need to factor in LTE or not in my decision.

  • +11

    The obvious advantage of the Nexus 5 is pure android without the samsung/sony/lg/etc. bloatware over the top, I love mine, I wouldn't replace it with any phone on the market and that includes the much newer Galaxy S5 or HTC M8 at more than double the price. Infact I won't be replacing it until Google Project Ara is released next year if one is to believe the hype.

    • +2

      I have the Nexus 4. Can't complain about it either. I like the big screen. And it felt a lot smoother than my SGS2. Would think the Nexus 5 can only be better than that.

      • +1

        My one complaint about my Nexus 4 is the battery life - I took it off the charger at 7 yesterday - spent a fair amount of time browsing - went to lunch and it was dead by 1. I'm looking at the lg g2 as a replacement.

    • Software isn't an issue when there are mods on the internet. With all those noob guides floating about every mum,uncle and dog can do it.

      • +8

        still takes half a day navigating the forums for first timers. The actual process takes 5 minutes, but the readings for beginners can take quite a while because they don't know what they're doing.

        • +1

          True, I do not consider myself a noob (considering I am an IT major that does a lot of console stuff) but it still took me half the day to put another firmware on a Galaxy tab.

  • The Samsung Galaxy S4 Plus (S4 i9506 with upgraded processor) is now down to $450 online. So that would be worth considering.

    There's not much difference between the Nexus 5 and S4 Plus.

    - Same chipset so similar speed

    - Slightly better battery life and display
    - has MicroSD slot
    - Better camera

    Nexus 5
    -Latest software upgrades

    • Thanks for suggesting the S4. Is the i9506 better than the i9505? I only ask because on Kogan the price is the same, but the RRP for the i9505 is higher.

      I'm thinking I prefer S4 over Nexus because I know and like Samsung, I don't have a need for latest software updates, and I do like all the advantages that you mentioned.

      • Yes the i9506 is better than the i9505. The i9506 has the upgraded processor. which apparently gives it improved battery life. From what I understand though, the i9506 currently has only Android 4.3 (update is coming soon) whereas the i9505 has Android 4.4.2.

  • +2

    Nexus 5 has negatives that might affect you more:

    -poor battery life meaning you'll be needing to charge around once a day or more.

    -no SD card support which might be a bad thing if you want to take plenty of photos and videos and keep them.

    -extremely fragile ( people saying it is very easy to damage and the costs associated with fixing screens etc are in the hundreds)

    I have a nexus 5 and besides the first two points, it's a great device.

    • +7

      You must have an app issue. My N5 gets the best battery of any phone I have ever had, period.

      • I think the less apps you have on your phone, the better it is. I think the apps that will drain the battery the most are Messaging apps such as BBM, Whatsapp, Line etc. Getting two messaging apps are more than enough. Furthermore, make sure you only have 1 email account or two on your phone. This also drains out your battery quickly. Turn off the automatic update will definitely help you.

        • This is true but if you know how to control the situation the number of apps doesn't matter really. By control I mean monitor apps for battery usage and wakelocks primarily and uninstall/freeze/kill as necessary - which granted isn't something everyone wants to or is inclined to do.

      • +3

        I also have the Nexus 5, and I agree with BanSlavery that the battery life is poor. I've tried many things to improve battery but the average on-screen time is 2.5 hrs, at best 3. My previous phone, the S3, managed to get slightly better battery life. What is your on-screen time?

        • Don't own the device but I do recall reading that the Google Now feature where you can say "OK Google" to the device when the screen is sleeping is a major battery drain as it's constantly "listening" for your voice - that'd be the first thing I'd kill provided you don't want it.

        • Doesn't this only work if you have it set to US or have they updated it to work with Australian and British English profiles?

      • I've got the Nexus 5, got it after my S4 was lost/stolen.

        S4 had easily an extra ~20% usage with identical apps.

    • All depends on impact point on drop. A small drop which lands on a corner will crack the glass. The glass is fused to the LCD so repairs cost $200.

  • +5

    To be honest, your requirements in a phone seem pretty basic so I wouldn't think you'd need a particularly high-end phone- it'll just be a lot of features and processing power (and money!) gone to waste.

    The Moto G 16GB from DWI for $235 seems like a good option, although the camera at 5MP isn't the best and there's no microSD card slot if you take many photos.

    And so that leads to the question, how often do you take photos? And how picky are you with the quality?

    Otherwise, if camera capabilities are very important you could go a step higher towards the Samsung Galaxy S3 for about $320, or the mentioned Xperia Z for $369.

    Whilst everybody on these forums recommends the Nexus 5, and I agree that it's a great phone, it seems excess for your requirements and at ~$400-450 you'd be paying nearly double the Moto G for specs you probably don't need. The 'future-proofing' argument also doesn't hold weight either if you don't see your needs changing in the foreseeable future. I've recommended the Moto G for several of my older folks with similar requirements and they've all been happily satisfied by what the phone offers :)

    • This. I seriously wouldn't spend more than 235 if I had to. Buy something else with the change

    • +1

      Hello Johnn,

      I think the Moto G recommendation is the best option. For people who need reasonable android functionality, I think you can't look beyond this. I just realised it has dual SIM which is exactly what I was looking for but, could not find anywhere else.

      Thanks for the information, Much appreciated.

  • Thanks for the replies so far :)

    The Samsung S4 also looks like a good option but I'm confused by the different model numbers eg. i9506, i9500. I'm guessing the higher the number the newer the model??

    Refining my priorities for a new phone they would be:

    1. Good phone reception - 3G sufficient that will run on the Optus network (currently using Liveconnected) (living on the SW edge of Sydney with no 4G coverage)
    2. Texting
    3. Great camera for stills and video. While I normally use a Nikon SLR I don't always have it with me - unlike the phone. Being able to add memory would therefore be an advantage.
    4. Largish screen for basic internet browsing - FB, Twitter, IMDB …
    5. Don't need for music, games or 'work' apps but I do want an Android phone.

    If anyone wants to recommend a particular phone, can they maybe tell me where I can buy one for the cheapest price. After all I'm a retiree on a pension and after the budget next week I might not be able to afford one :)

    Thanks again.

    • +1

      i9500: 3G
      i9505: 3G + LTE (4G)
      i9506: 3G + LTE + faster processor (Quad-core 2.3 GHz Krait 400 vs 1.7 Ghz Krait 300 in the i9505)

      Last time I checked the i9506 was the same price as the others, so I would definitely go with that!

      Hmm given your camera priorities, I would say the 13MP shooter with the S4 would be a good choice. The Xperia Z1 also has a great 20.7MP camera with a larger 1/2.3" sensor, but briefly using in store and from reviews the S4 trumps it slightly in low-light shooting and I find the colour reproduction of the S4 to be more accurate to real life.

      Here's a great comparison by gsmarena of the cameras across the main flagships of last year (the Note 3 and S4 have the same camera tech).

      I think all the other priorities you mention are covered by pretty much all modern flagship phones these days. It's a shame given your requirements that you wouldn't consider Windows phone because the Nokia 1020 has an amazing camera (for a phone).

      I haven't done extensive searching, but you can get the i9506 for $445 delivered from DWI or $449 + delivery from Kogan. Both are grey imports- expect to pay more for Aus stock

    • That does look like a good option - great for the price - as is the Kogan HD+ - but I'd be thinking that it'd be better to spend a little more (just under $100 extra) to get the Samsung G3 - better all round unit, better camera, micro SD etc

      • Sorry, but after having a Kogan tablet (and returning it the same day I opened it), I wouldn't touch anything from Kogan again. Terrible build quality, and absolutely shyte parts.

        What about the ZenFone? (when/if it comes to Australia)

  • +1

    Perhaps a Galaxy Note 2 or 3 would be good for ya too. Judging from the list of activities you do on your phone, looks like screen size should be included in your decision.

    I don't think you need the latest and greatest in hardware for FB, Twitter, Msg and the occasional phone call. Camera wise, not too sure since i reckon any camera on the phone is useless (personally opinion).

    Software wise, you can always root your phone.

    Going from a Galaxy S3 to a Note 2 myself, it was nice since the bigger screen provides more detail compared to smaller screens. Could just be me though… go have a go at your local phone store and see if you can see a difference.

    Price wise Note 2 is $419 from Kogan and Note 3 is $540 from shopping square.

  • Proud owner of an Xperia Z :)

  • Thanks again for all the assistance :)

    Will probably go with the Samsung S4 i9506 although I might have a look first at the Note 2 or 3 ……..

  • +2

    Had two samsung devices, then switched to Nexus 5. Best decision I've ever made. I hate samsung bloatware, took up so many GB's of space with useless apps. Touchwiz was ugly and cumbersome, also you can't uninstall without root access. Don't underestimate how pleasant stock android can be.

    • The screen on the N5 is hard to fault, camera issues have been fixed. Battery life lasts the day if you know what you are doing and not running intensive apps in the background. 32gb at $480 delivered negates the need for an SD card. SD cards causes issues with 4.4 kitkat too.

      • LG G2 is a good option, but you will have to wait ages for updates and you may not like the software that comes with it.

      • Oneplus One is meant to be the 2014 Nexus 5 killer. Not available in Australia as yet.


    • Damn that seems like a pretty impressive phone, it comes rooted and a custom firmware =O

      Still, gonna wait for the note 4 to see what it has to offer first…

  • +4

    Does anyone else feel that davedrastic just took over ozmoto's post???

    • +2

      Not really, and what's the problem?
      Better that he use and contribute to this post than create a new and essentially identical one.

    • +1


  • +2

    I am using Nexus 5 for over 2 months now.I am not an intense user, but I am getting around 1d 18h battery on an avg.
    - I have put GPS in batt save mode
    - I have wifi & Data turned on all the time, except when im sleeping
    - I have sync turned on
    - I have apps like gmail,FB,G+,hangouts,whatsapp,viber,wechat,weather etc running in background
    - I have turned off "OK Google" keyword.
    These settings work very well for me.
    I think it depends on usage. I will surely recommend N5 :-)

  • +2

    LG G2 is a great phone and reasonably priced.

  • Neither, wait until iPhone 6 is released. Z2 and S5 should come down in price, then Note 4 should be out.

    Might even have Nexus 6 news then

    Compare then, else buy right now will be out of date very quickly

    • Sounds like the Nexus program is dead (ie low chance of a Nexus 6), but we have OnePlus One as a new contender in the budget price/high end specs arena.

      • Edit, maybe I'm wrong.. Just read an article that a new codename "flounder" has cropped up in a Chrome error log.. Google Nexus Phone devices have recently had fish codenames, so Nexus 6 could be "flounder"

        • i also came across the aticle

  • +1

    if android go for the nexus 5 - no trash ware of on it. otherwise maybe think about nokia lumia 930 when it comes out, it will blow everything out of the water once wp8.1 comes out.

    • You could always root the phone if you don't want the bloatware from manufacturers…

      Anyway, how does bloatware affect the average user? If you don't use them, how does it slow down your phone?

      • when you have extra software running in the background to make things look pretty or hand gesture stuff samsung have, it will slow you down (only slightly) but still counts

  • Most of High-End Mobile phone offer incredible features. However, the features just get the battery life worse and worse every time. They offer a solution by using their so-called battery saving mode. This is, according to my experience, a scam. Let be honest to yourself, what a smartphone means without an internet. For me, i mainly use my smartphone for email, browsing through internet, and chatting. I am currently using Sony Xperia ZL, and for it to last 16 hours, I need to turn on the stamina mode which means the internet connection will be stopped when the phone is on standby or sleep. Therefore, it is really troublesome for me.

    If you are sick of this, you might consider purchasing Lenovo P780. I have one Lenovo P770 previously, but it has some flaws, such as the touchscreen is not that great, GPS is not working, small internal storage, and bad GPU. Other than that, it worked perfectly for me, and last 24 hours after my heavy use of chatting, calling, emailing, and browsing. Hope this helps you.

  • I have Nexus 5 and it is a decent budget phone. Camera isn't great. So I would recommend you to go for Sony Z1, which is splash, dust proof and has a very decent camera and battery life.

    So few months back Nexus 5 was best option, now u can have Z1 for couple of bucks more. It is best bang of buck at the moment for $479.

  • +2

    Nexus 5 for better value.

  • +2

    LG G2 !
    My G2 gets to 100Hrs of usage usually(mail, wifi, 3/4G) and if i'm careful with it the phone can reach around 180 - 190 hours without turning it off at night.

  • Nexus 5

  • Ozmoto, given your phone requirements are basic, plus wanting some camera use — pretty much any Sony Xperia phone is going to shine.
    The Nexus is a good basic phone, but has a low spec (eg.camera\finish) and with no SD slot you can't add to the limited memory.
    Samsung Galaxy S4 is also good option, and Samsung's Android is more polished than Sony and they release updates more often, but that will be of less importance given your intended usage.
    Xperia has arguably the best camera phones out there (short of Nokia's top end models), and Sony also makes all their current phones waterproof, which is a bonus. The Sony also has a better finish and style than most other phones in that price bracket.

  • I'm kinda in the same boat. Renewing my contact with Vodafone and on my plan I can get the i9506 for free, the Z2 for $10 extra per month, or the Note 3 for $5 extra p/m. Tempted to go Z2 but worried about the self breaking glass issues…

  • +1

    I have a nexus 5 and can't fault it. I will admit, I'm a bit of a Google fanboy, but it's a very nice phone for such a low cost.

    You could also consider the S4, I'm sure its price is dropping lately since the S5 was released.

  • -6

    Android is a sloppy mess. You can pick up an Ativ S which will eventually upgrade to Windows Phone 8.1 pretty cheap.

    • +2

      windows phones are so much worse when it comes to "sloppy mess"

      • Windows phones are the worst full stop

        • Did anyone of you have used the latest WP8 based Nokia handsets. Do you have real life examples of the issues faced as I havent faced any issues and it would be good to learn. I know one of my friends had issue with his Nokia 1020 and that was fixed by Nokia.

        • Blackberry?

  • +2

    Nexus 5 is the best

  • I recently bought a Note 3 and it's the best phone I have ever owned. Downsides for some would potentially be the size (still pocketable though), and TouchWiz.

  • +2

    Check this out, might be to your interest:


    Same hardware, cheaper, custom rom.

  • +4

    Nexus 5 was the best value for money flagship phone last year (2013). This year, with the introduction of Sony Z2, Samsung S5 and upcoming LG G3, the older flagship models such as Sony Z1, Samsung S4 and LG G2 all had special discount deals and/or cashback promotions. The discounted price for those phones make them quite attractive, if not more attractive than Nexus 5 (as N5 has not had a price change yet since launch).

    When Sony Z1, Samsung S4, LG G2 are on special, they are worth considering. Sony Z1 has the 20.7MP camera. Samsung S4, LG G2 also have better camera than Nexus 5. S4 and G2 both have infrared. LG G2 can be hacked to do 4K 30fps video recording. S4 and Z1 support microSD.

    Nexus 5's price is competitive but no longer very attractive (and the 2014 version of Nexus 5 - could be called Nexus 6 will be released later this year). The reality is that unless you can get any of the 2013 flagship phones (Nexus 5, Sony Z1, LG G2, Samsung S4, HTC One) at a discounted price and/or you are travelling overseas soon (GST rebate), it may not a very good time to buy a previous gen flagship phone right now.

    • Agree hence wait a bit for the current flagships to drop. You want to buy at the right time at the lower end of the curve with phones unless you don't mind paying top dollar for the latest and greatest…

      Need to measure up also whether the next phone is at right price and can perform well for next 12-18 months. I'm holding on my s3 is already 2 years but right now don't think the flag ships are worth the price yet. About 4-5 months after the flagship released probably best to do so price wise and before the next gen gets out

  • +1

    Google One Plus One, thanks me later ;)

  • china phone.

  • If photography is important than would only consider a Nokia 1020 or Sony X Z1.
    If you are using DSLR you would love the Nokia 1020 and I think it is within your budget. (being using Nokia 1020 for almost last 10 months cannot complaint.)
    I have 2 email constantly updating my emails, have FB, Whatsapps, live weather and some more apps that are constantly linked - yet I get a day out of my Nokia 1020

  • I have personally used Samsung S4 and didn't like it.
    We have in our home, a Sony X Z1, HTC1 and Apple 5C along with my Nokia 1020.

    We compare phones and performance. Both my kids love their Sony and HTC and I love my Nokia 1020. (And they agree that if its camera nothing beats a 1020

  • +1

    OnePlus One http://oneplus.net/ 64GB for $350

    Arguably better than the Nexus 5 and cheaper. Only downside is community support (ROMS, kernels etc) however it is powered by Cyanogen Mod so it's not too bad stock.

  • I have the nexus 5. I would get this one if I were u. Turn location reporting off and that will sort the battery issues out.

    I have dropped it a few times, no problem.

    Slick, fast, much improved camera over initial release.

    Highly recommended

  • +1

    Hey buddy…
    Look for oneplus one phone.
    Its really good for price.
    Its not available in Australia yet but if u know someone in US or canada who can post it for u.

  • hi
    if you want the best bang for your buck you really should get wait for the nexus 6 if your not in a hurry as it has tonness of upgraded specs. Fingerprint scanner, maybe and much higher megapixel camera.

  • Thanks once again for all the replies! Lots of great suggestions.

    As I'm in no great rush to replace the old phone I might just hang off for a while and see what happens with prices. :)

  • +1

    yeah sooo the nexus 6 is alot better spec wise and it will have a much greater battery life according to many forums. Definitely worth the wait…. welll thats wat i am doing.

  • +1

    Finally took the plunge yesterday and bought a new Sony Z2 outright from a Telstra shop. I know, it was more money than I originally intended on spending but I fell in love with the specs and being a Telstra blue tick phone.

    Just waiting for my new sim card from Liveconnected.

    Thanks again for all the input from everyone :-)

    • Congrats. Is it unlocked and how much you paid?

      • Yes, unlocked and was $672 from a Telstra shop as recently advertised on this site :-)

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