Best radio app bar none! Now FREE for a limited time.
Requires iOS 7.
Best radio app bar none! Now FREE for a limited time.
Requires iOS 7.
We got it free over a year ago, actually.
Requires iOS 7.x (why can't I edit this post?)
because I replied to it.
Such an amazing app! Thanks TA.
Totally Agree
Thanks! Great app
Sorry for my ignorance, but does this app receive actual radio, or is it streamed data?
Does it consume much data?
Depending on the quality of the stream… like 64k stream is roughly 30mb/hour of data.
So not that much… I frequently use it over my cellular connection! :)
Edit: Useful link —>
I don't think it does
unless you leave on 24/7
Best App ever(especially after they removed the stupid ads in the paid version), thanx OP
Otherwise wouldn't be pro !
no pro version also has a recording function
Wait a sec, the usual free app seem to have been removed from the AppStore !?!
Hmmm… that could be a sign that they are just about to make a major change to the Pro app and introduce in app purchases for certain aspects. But if you get in quick before they release the updated version then you may have access to those features at no cost.
Pro was updated today to 6.0! (and released for free… Hmmmm)
I would gladly pay a royalty fee to tightarse. Always a great find from this OP!
As long as the name 'tightarse' does not to appear on the statement, then that's fine
Best app ever.
Got it for free on Android the other week. Have been waiting for it to come up free on Ios too!!!
thanks, looks like they change the icon
ad version seems to be gone from app store
I brought this app about a year ago for $5
Best thing I ever did! Amazing and never let's me down whether it be in the shower listening, on the way to work on the train or at work… Sometimes in the car via Bluetooth! Great!!! A+
I've had this app for years, i use it all the time but it's especially useful when i go away. Perfect for hotel room tunes.
too bad android not getting the same love
got scared when I saw this title.
Paid for this app a year ago and still want to get my moneys worth
So relieved they aren't adding in app purchases for essential features like most 'pro' apps that go free
Thanks, great app. Get it!
shame it's expired..good find OP
missed it.
Nice find… picked it up before I went to bed last night (lucky).
Now I have it across both my devices Android and iOS, however paid for my Android one when I got my Android device.
Missed it :( :(
Using this app for quite sometime. It's the best radio app out there. It allows you to record but I cannot find a way to transfer the records on my hard drive.
I too have tried to work that out with little success :( I have some great little play lists recorded that I revisit from time to time. Radio Decibel - what a gem, live from Amsterdam, the land of awesomeness.
Been to Amsterdam and can't remember it being awesome… Maybe that's why it's so awesome!!! ;)
Record from Internet radio or podcast, ie, using Pro version of TuneIn. :-)
Well spotted… No ads in the Pro Version…
First time it's been free.