Users who can edit others post, wait at least few minutes!

So I be posting my deals
Doing my own thing
It's not even few minutes and some user has already edited my post

Now that really grinds my gears

I usually post ASAP and then I edit as needed, YOU power users don't need to edit straight away, I am sure you guys have better stuff to do

Maybe Mods please put a limit of at least 10 mins

Just my suggestion and my opinion anyway


  • -4

    What's wrong if they edit if they see a mistake? I don't see the reason why everyone are forced to see a post with wrong information or typo for 30 minutes on the chance the OP may come back and edit it himself.

    Eg. f I was a power user and while on ozbargain I see a post that says the deal is starting today when it actually starts in a week's time, do you expect me to leave it up for 30 minutes? In that time there could be heaps of comments stating the OP has the wrong info and/or ozbargainers might read it and stop by the shops because they thought the deal was on.

    • +7

      Nah that's not what I meant bra. If there's a big mistake yea why not. I am talking about right after posting and I am myself doing up the finer details. I think you misunderstood me, my apologies.

      • +7

        I usually post ASAP and then I edit as needed

        But seriously though, it's not a race to see who can post a deal the fastest. Sure, we all need to edit at times, but if you're going to be too lazy or in such a hurry to hit the post button that you leave errors, then just accept that someone is going to fix it.

        I am sure you guys have better stuff to do

        What they have 'better stuff to do than' is sit around waiting for 10 minutes to pass, on numerous posts, and keeping track of who posted what when.

        • While it's not a race the recent monitary incentives makes posting deals lucrative for some people.

          5-10 min lockout seems reasonable.

  • +3

    JV will beat you to the punch anyway ;)

  • +7

    5-10 minutes lock for the power users sound fair. 30 minutes having the rest of the sites jumping up and down over the mistake without anyone can come in to fix it up — that would be problematic. Yes it's not the first time it was requested and we'll see what we can do here.

    • Thanks mate

  • +1

    It's not even few minutes and some user has already edited my post

    would you rather negative votes and/or abuse from members?

    We try and edit the stuff as quickly as possible to conform with rules/guidelines etc. AFAIK as soon as we press submit you can re-edit.

  • +2

    With this morning's update, there's now a 10 minutes period after the deal was posted where Power Users cannot edit the deals & forum topics.

    • Did you wait 10 minutes before making that change?

      Jks! Good work Scotty :)

    • Thanks Scotty

    • +1

      Ah…. I was just searching through Ozbargain for an explanation why I am unable to edit mistakes in posts. It has been annoying me somewhat. I like to get in early to avoid misunderstandings (e.g. this deal )
      Scotty, is this really necessary? People should not knowingly post deals that have major problems and fix it later. I'm with TRENT86 below on this - a few minutes make a big difference.

      • I think 10 minutes make a good trade-off at the moment. We'll take more suggestions however I do have to look at it from the point of view of posters who are rushing to push out a deal and trying to edit it later.

      • +1

        If it was say a major online deal where people are smart and rush to it before it's sold out or people crash the site then I just hope there are no major misleading problems with the post.

  • Never had a problem with someone editing my deals, I usually appreciate it as they are only helping. 5 mins could be the difference in someone racing to get a deal depending on what it is.

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