I got a flyer from the Dog Lovers Show in Melbourne today.
- New customers first order only
- $20 off orders over $50 before shipping
- $6.95 flat rate shipping to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide
These guys also pricematch + 10% (like Officeworks}. You can set your order to autodelivery to save more money. Once you place your order you can cancel the autodelivery (see previous discussion).
Example product:
Science Diet Hills Feline Indoor Cat
Paws for Life $62 - $20 + $6.95 shipping
Petbarn $60 + $4.95 shipping
Budget Pet Products $46.69 + $15.39 shipping
MyPetWarehouse $62 + $4.95 (or free pickup). This is part of their 15% sitewide promotion.
EDIT: There seems to be a discrepancy between the amount shown on checkout on their website and the invoice they send people. It seems to not be showing the discount. I'll see if I can get answer Monday morning.
From the REP:
Unfortunately the issues has not been resolved at this stage both our Marketing and I.T. teams are looking into it as we speak. We should have it fixed shortly.They fixed the issue on 7/5.
Is this for new customer only ?
Also, it says it's for 'food only'