This was posted 10 years 10 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Roku 3 Streaming Media Player for US $96 Shipped @ Amazon

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Just saw then. Roku 3 down from 99 to 89 down to $95.
Not much else to it I guess!

Order Summary
Items: $89.00 $84.97
Shipping & handling: $10.97
Total before tax: $99.97 $95.94
Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
Order total: $99.97 $95.94

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Good price for a great bit of kit and its even better when you install plex onto it. I bought mine back in December for $79… and its been plugged in ever since with no issues just using a travel adaptor :)

  • Thanks OP. Bought one for $95 a few days ago and just got refunded the difference through Amazon Live Chat =D

  • I fell ashamed !! After loads of research bought it from an Australian seller for $140 3 months ago.. Tried buying through Amazon that time and they added as $99 +$30 postage so thought its worth spending an extra $10 to buy in Ozi. This is Awesome DEAL …

  • +1

    What is main benefit of Roku 3 compare to WD TV Live? Can I subscribe to Hulu?

    • I have a Roku 2. Its working great since last 2 years. Hulu & Netflix both works great.

    • With a dns service yeah. Various guides on the internets.

    • Roku is a streaming device and a very good one. It's not for playing local content except for via plex. For Netflix and hulu is, there is no better option. One caveat : amazon's new device (fire) looks very good on paper. However it's very expensive to buy from AU. there's a few good services to allow for you to subscribe to Netflix and hulu, but I got negs last time I linked to a guide, so best to just search for "unblocking Netflix" or something

      • But how exactly is Netflix playback via Roku better than via WDTV Live Streaming Media Player?

        WDTV Live Streaming Media Player is similarly priced, doesn't require an adaptor and has local warranty.

        • Faster and better interface. That's about it. Don't expect drastic difference, but those things alone are worth $100 to me personally

        • I have the WDTV and while it does the job they have a lot of work to do as far as reliability and usability goes. Its sluggish and sometimes just stops working requiring a factory reset, I hear the roku is much better in this regard.

        • +1

          Comparatively the WD TV is far better at handling local content such as media fils stored on a hard drive NAS etc…

  • +2

    I would not bother with Hulu due to the adverts but would highly recommend Netflix providing you have a good internet connection with a fair bit of data :)

    Buying a Roku3 for us has changed the way we watch TV completely and with a strong online community to help you out should you get stuck :)

    A little review which sums it up nicely…

    If you want to watch Netflix/hulu ect you need to use a service that fools them into thinking your in the USA for example really cheap and simple to use. You can try a varity of unblocking services like getflix on free trials and even free trials of hulu/Netflix, we installed plex onto ours and watch a lot of BBC iplayer content and much much more.

    1. Do I need to set up a VPN (e.g. masking to get USA IP address) to get access to advertised channels? if so, any handy links where I can learn to do this?

    2. I have my movies collection on a NAS, currently accessing using WDTV Live. Can Roku 3 do this (i.e. accessing media files over LAN)? I couldn't find a definitive information anywhere (Amazon or Roku websites).

    Thanks for your help.

    • +1

      Plex can do that hers a link to their forums, please note it costs a one off fee of $5 to add it to your Roku box but its well worth it

      • Thanks StemCell,
        I'm assuming you are responding to Q2 above?
        From my quick reading, you need Plex Media Server running somewhere and your Plex Channel on Roku connect to the Server?
        my NAS is WD myPassport Live, which I don't think have an executable Plex Server that can run on it (it has Twonky-which I have manually upgraded to the latest version).
        Hence, do I need a separate Server machine to run the Plex Media Server to access the content on the NAS?
        Can Plex channel connect/access media files over Samba protocol?

    • +1
      1. I would recommend staying away from VPNs as they are just too slow for streaming. Go with Unblock-US, a great service for $5/month which just requires you enter their DNS settings in your modem/router. Be aware though, that if you are with Optus or Telstra Broadband, they lock down the firmware on the modems so you cannot do this. I had to get a second router and create a bridge in order for it to work. There are a few forums on Whirlpool around this.

      2. Get Plex - problem solved :)

      • Having recently switched I would recommend getflix over unblock-us

        • Thanks Martyn - looks like Getflix is considerably cheaper so giving to give it a try :)

      • I disagree regarding VPN with the caveat of saying that the free ones are no good.
        I've been with TheCubeNet for almost 2 years now; @ around $6 a month I actually get the same and even faster downloads from US sources.

        And of course Hulu and Netflix etc work great. Although I did hear that Hulu is cracking down on VPNs but in reality this is much harder said then done as they plan to do it by blocking the IP address used by individual VPS servers; which can be easily changed.

    • A vpn or a dynamic vpn, which is the more flexible option. You'd need plex to stream local content, which means you need a plex server running on your NAS or a PC on the network. You could just leave both devices connected. The roku is tiny and just hangs off the back of my TV.

  • Yes you need a machine to run the plex media server, I use an old dual core laptop for this which has an array of hard drives attached. The Roku3 is a good player but it may not be the best and its not for everyone so research well before parting with cash :)

  • I currently have a HTPC running XBMC (plus sickbeard/couch potato etc) and I want to stream video to another TV in my house.

    Does anyone know if I can run an XBMC client on the Roku 3 to serve as an interface to the media on the HTPC, or can I only run a plex server on the HTPC and the plex client on a Roku 3? It's for my wife so I'd rather not have two different interfaces depending on the TV she is using :(

    Or are there any better alternatives?

    Thank you to anyone that can help!

    • roku 3 does not currently support xbmc due to the difficulty in hacking it. Roku does have an actively developed Plex client.

    • Switch to plex and you should have it solved. Understand you've invested time in seeing up Xmas, but plex is a solution and many say it is better.

      • ok thanks guys

        • +2

          Setting up xmbc I mean… Not suggesting you are santa

    • +1

      You can do this pretty easily with a Raspberry Pi (Revision B.) - with either RasPlex or Openelec depending if you are xbmcing or plexing.

      Openelec works quite well (Would recommend Hard-wired LAN or at least Ethernet Over Power for streaming HD content)

      Thousands of guides online to setting this up, but have 3 x Pi's in my place doing this job with openelec, response is def slower than a dedicated PC but works fine and is the cheapest way to achieve.

      Other option is exgovernment SFF pc wit an upgraded video card with HDMI, open elec and you are done.

      Remote control via android/iphone/ipad apps and you're done.

      • That's really interesting. Tempted, as currently host plex off full powered PC that I don't leave on all the time. But I think if I committed to the idea I'd probably buy a more powerful Synology Diskstation (my current one can't be a Plex server). This would bipass the speed issues you flagged with the Pi, but would cost probably $300-$400 more.

        • +1

          By a HP Micro server next time the pop up on here and then look at, works a treat and easy to setup (has a good plex server plugin for the plex fans) then at least you aren't stuck waiting for Synology firmware upgrades or ports of thing slike Sab, sickbeard etc - and you can always roll to windows or linux if OMV ever stops updating.

          *Not bashing you on Plex but XBMC and Plex are essentially the same thing, XBMC is more the tinkerers option and can be far more powerful/configurable than plex if you put the time in. People who dislike XBMC usually are expecting windows media centre…once you have ii set up right its amazing!

        • +1

          thanks mate, will keep it in mind. I know someone else that made the same decision. The beauty of plex to me is that it 'just works'. I know XMBC can come out just fine, but I spent a good day trying to configure it and came out worse off than a default Plex installation. But I understand if it's your passion and you want to commit the time required to get it perfected.

  • Can you set up the VPN directly on the device itself? My modem has Telstra VPN hardcoded so I can't set up custom DNS'

    • Afraid not LolwutMikka and jobler as far as I am aware you cannot run MBMC on the Roku3.

    • +1

      Yeah, have to do it on your modem/router. Unfort Telstra/Optus lock down their firmware so will need to get a second router and create a bridge in order to achieve it. Check out Whirlpool forums.

    • is it is a Netgear cable modem? If so you can edit the DNS its just a bit more difficult. As dogboy said a Bridge would do the job without playing with the Telstra modem to much…Keep in mind if you do set the DNS at the router level this it might effect your unmetered Telstra content. (if you use it).

      • It's a Netgear CG3100 I think, which is the ultimate cable modem. Care to point me in the right direction? The only unmetered content I use is MOG, but that's primarily on my mobile 4g so it isn't going to be an issue

        • +1

          I am sure this is on whirlpool somewhere - and I did have it working at one of our offices around six months ago - I am not at that office today so the below could be a little off, or Telstra may have firmware patched/changed it. The below also assumes some idea of computers etc.

          Ok, logon on to the Netgear router @ or whatever it is user password etc etc, Should have a basic settings option on the left, click on that, copy the IP, Subnet and Gateway from the table that is there, then select static IP. Then enter those numbers in but enter the DNS addresses from Getflix, Unblock US etc. Then hit apply/save. Modem/Router should reboot/reload.

          It may take longer to connect than normal, but it should connect. Then test it out. The only reason it may falter is if you turn off the modem for a extended period of time and somebody else gets issued your IP - AFAIK Telstra cable is still dynamic IP's so this could happen, also the Gateway and Subnet could change at Telstras end from time to time. So if its not working in two weeks, change back to Dynamic get new numbers and repeat the process, shouldn't be that regular though.

  • If I want something like unblock-us do I need to change the dns setting on my router with the Roku?

    • Changing the DNS on the router is the best option, yes.

    • The headphones are often overlooked; my wife certainly appreciates that I have them :)

  • So….if I just plug this into my tv, will I get a reasonable variety of channels to watch? I'm not sure I can do all the VPN, DNS stuff - I'm just not that computer savvy.

    Does anyone have some examples of the channels you can view?


    • There is private channels out there th at add content.. There is a variety. Just depends what you're into. Google roku private channels to get an idea.

      I see u r in Perth. If your sor I can help u sort it.but it really is a piece of pics to setup


    • No mate, you really need hulu plus or Netflix. You can do it: two fields on your router set up screen. Easy.

  • Don't update if I get one though. Netflix will be hard coded to Google dns. Ways around it though

    • Fizzydrink it autoupdates itself but the google issue should you have it is easily solved by…Quoted from whirlpool

      (I have the Roku 3 and use have used unblock-us without issue for a couple of years. Netflix and amazon work great, that is until today. I found that the Roku insisted in querying google DNS ( rather than the unblock-us DNS I provide via DHCP. Reseting roku didn't work. Querying the unblock-us service status using my browser showed I should be fine. However, both Netflix and amazon could tell that I'm in Australia."]
      ["I finally created a firewall rule (I use pfSense) that blocked destination Now Roku works fine.")

      Now this is what I did to solve the issue..

      I have the exact problem with the logging in as above, also within the Netflix app it shows my IP and that of googles which I believe is how its detecting me, now I have blocked in my router and its currently working.

      • cheers,
        had mine working , was just saying that it will happen and to be wary…
        glad you found how to get around so ppl here know.

      • +1

        For reference of others, fix instructions are at…

        This was necessary for me to do last night, as it ended up failing to connect to Netflix 90% of the time. I'm now succeeding 100% of the time.

  • Is this better than the apple TV or they just have similar functions?

    • Relatively similar I think. I'd check how tightly Apple restrict your flexibility and maybe check whether you need to buy one from the states in order for you to be able to 'fool it' that you are in the US. I have one device (Onkyo) that is hard coded to AU, meaning I have no hope of convincing it to access US content. I don't know if this is the case with the Apple TV, but I could see apple being just this annoying.

    • +1

      AFAIK No need to buy an Apple from the USA, I can confirm AUS version will give you access to Netflix no problem, as long as you have the DNS info from getflix or unblock US - just need to change that on ATV or router, and set country to USA, absolute worst case you may need to spoof a US itunes account which is easier than riding a bike. Works quite well and if you have the DNS also working on Ipads its easier to browse netflix on there and send to ATV.

      Roku is a better product IMO than the ATV, the remote is pretty cool, but if you already have an ATV then its almost the same thing…as is everything else if Netflix and Hulu are what you are chasing…says the man with a HTPC (XBMC), Chromecast, ATV2, Roku 3, OUYA, PS3, XBOX 360, Raspberry Pi and probably some other gadgets that can easily run Netflix/Hulu.

      And still I find nothing I want to watch, ahh the burden of choice.

      • Ha ha, great. Thanks for the feedback a22andrew and PonyTable. It seems ATV should be enough for me in this case.

        Another plus to the ATV is that you can use the DNS trick to watch stuff from China too. I think I will give the Chromecast a go when it is available locally.

        • Keep an eye on They are in beta at the moment, but when they go live you'll be able to keep your DNS the same (the netprotect one), but have it dynamically change your location service by service, so you can be in the UK as far as Netflix is concerned, the USA for Hulu, and watch state sponsored news from China, all without changing your DNS. I'm using the beta and it is working 99% of the time.

  • Down to US$84.99 + US$10.97 shipping now.

  • I've ordered one.

    Do i need another power adapter/pack?
    Or just one of the cheep US->AU adapters (~$2)

    • just bend it slightly in an angle with pliers to fit au sockets. free way

      • Thanks :)

      • Or, as I did, just plug in a spare adapter of the right voltage (I think 12v,but check what it says on the transformer). I had one from an old router that was perfect.

  • -7

    dude this isnt a special price.. its been like this since ever. THUMB down.

    • Usual price is USD95 or 5% discount, with shipping it would be approx $106.
      Now it is 15% off, so effectively you're saying around Usd 10.
      Good deal!

    • actually, when i posted the original deal, it was $89(just for the roku), which is kinda special seeing as lately its been 98+

      cheers though!

  • I just picked one of these up from Amazon last week for AUD 103.28 (including delivery). It was off their marketplace & virtually brand new condition :)

    Particuarly looking forward to Netflix & premier league football (private channel)

    • can you advise on the private channel?

      • I have an app on my Android called 'Roku Channel Guide' that includes private and public / normal channels. You just browse and add them to your account. Really easy. Not sure if it's on other platforms.

        My data connection is crapping out or I'd check for premier league.

        • cheers, i have that (or 1 similar) ill have another look, there was heaps so may have just glossed over it

  • +1

    Received my roku today and set it all up, massive improvement over the WDTV. Thanks OP

    • Did you get it from Amazon? How long did it take from ordering to receiving the unit?

      • +1

        I ordered it on the day this was posted (4/5) received yesterday so it was 11 days delivery.

    • Have you installed plex and the unofficial app store… on your pc, easy to do and some of the channels are great.

      • Yep, installed plex straight away. Will I need to pay for plex at some point?

        • Yes, before you delete your card details from Roku its best to purchase plex, this then leaves you free to delete your card details from Roku to stop any unwanted purchases when using the Roku box (I like to be careful).

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