Hi guys,
Been renting for a while now and feeling like I should look to buy a property. After doing some calculations it turns out, although I will be able to make the repayments - it seems I will have a tiny amount left as pocket money after all expenses are taken out.
The last thing I want is to get a mortgage and regret it for years.
So, I want to ask - how was your mortgage experience?
For example -
- Did you struggle to make payments?
- Did you regret it?
- Were you able to still go out as much as you were?
- Did you have to eat at home every night?
- General experiences
- What you would have done differently after going through the experience etc.
- What sacrifices did you make that affected you the most?
Any feedback appreciated.
EDIT: Looking to hear from someone who sold a kidney for their mortgage
The answers to the questions will be affected by the size of the repayments vs take home pay. General guidelines are mortgage payments should not exceed 30% of your take home pay. Most pain and suffering is caused by people taking out too large a mortgage (vs income) and struggling to make the repayments.
Your first question should be how large are the repayments vs take home pay and that will give you a context to understand the rest of the answers and compare it against your potential situation. A comparison of the mortgage repayments against your current rental payments (+ monthly cash savings) will also give you an indication of how much your lifestyle might change.