This was posted 10 years 10 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC - Steam] FREE Red Orchestra 2


In a fashion similar to L4D2, Portal & Faerie Solitaire freebies, if you get it, you get to keep it.

This freebie will last until Anzac Day for Australians (AEST).

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closed Comments

  • From my understanding, it should start in around 7 hours from now (although have also heard it could be up to 16 hours from now) and is available for 24 hours only.

  • Holy heckers, I was about to buy this game! Thanks OP!!!

  • Nice. I already own it and highly recommend it. It's not a brainless shooter, so there's a learning curve. Once you're past it though, RO2 is a very rewarding game!

    • +1

      Agreed, once you stop trying to run and gun you will find the correct pace. Its actually a lot more thrilling moving up slowly, hiding behind cover and hearing bullets whiz past your head.

  • Sorry Steam noob question here - do we need to download & install the game or just "buy" it when it becomes free??

    • +5

      Just buy it, then download and install any time.

      • thanks BTRaynes! :) still F5'ing…lol

        • +3

          yea there will be a button to click to add it to your steam account for $0.00, all your games get linked to your steam account and then you can choose which ones you want to download any time in the future on any pc using your steam login

    • +1

      The post states:

      Yes, Free! By navigating to and downloading the game tomorrow after the promotion starts and before it ends (the promotion will last 24 hours), the game will be free to keep forever!

      So you will have to begin downloading it tomorrow before the promotion ends to have it added to your list of steam games you own.

      • hmmm good point, but usually you only have to add it to your account and its always there. something to be mindful of i guess

      • +2

        So you will have to begin downloading it tomorrow before the promotion ends to have it added to your list of steam games you own

        This is the same rubbish people were spouting with the left4dead 2 post, all you have to do is click 'add free license' and once it gives you the confirmation screen it's yours forever. You definitely don't have to download it.

  • Thanks

  • +5

    So from what I can ascertain its just the Heroes of Stalingrad that is free.


    Please note: if you buy Red Orchestra 2 from this store page, you will get RIFLE-ONLY access to Rising Storm, NOT the whole game"

    • +3

      I'm a bit confused by this too - Rising Storm is a different game from Red Orchestra. "Following this, we will be rolling into a free weekend for Rising Storm (free for a limited time) as well as a discount!"

      • +1

        Yes it is a different game but at some point they combined the 2 games into one download so that you can switch between xpack and non-xpack maps in the same server. If the server goes onto an xpack map you only have access to rifleman class but other than that it's free to play all the maps.

    • +2

      The only limitation with the included Rising Storm multiplayer expansion is that you can only play using the rifleman class.

      All the maps are there, but if you wanna play using other classes like sniper, flamethrower, engineer, squad leader, etc. you will have to pay for it.

  • Great game, if you like this also worth checking out is Insurgency

  • Very good WW2 sim.

  • Edit: resolved

  • 7 minutes to go!

    • still not showing free for me yet?

    • +4

      Deals on Steam typically are started at 10AM their time I think. Since it is 1AM there now, it won't start for another 8-9hours.

      (I'm making a lot of assumptions on times)

  • This reminds me of the awesome Day of Defeat. Looks good, thanks

  • well supposedly start in 1 hours time.. unfortunately i wont be up then ^^

  • +3

    Is live now!

    • +1

      10717 MB btw

      • +1

        9.6GB on top of that for the Multiplayer.

      • 10717MB is Steams 'claimed' download size or rather, perhaps, is the install/extracted size.

        Red Orchestra 2 SP = 10717MB = 6.6gb download
        Red Orchestra 2 MP = 22000MB = 9.6gb download

        • When Steam quotes you the "Disk Space required" it always means the uncompressed size after installation. The installers themselves are almost always smaller.

  • +1

    If you are at work and have an android phone you can use the android app to add it to your account so it can join your backlog you already haven't got around to playing!

    • seems you can use the steam app on your pc as well to add it, but the steam web page is being OzB'ed for me.

      games in my library now anyway, will download it in a few days when the pressures off the servers.

  • +2

    Live indeed. Download server doesn't seem to be getting too hammered. It went at a steady 2-3MB/s for me.

    The Single Player (6.6GB) and Multiplayer (9.6GB) components show up as separate games in your library.

  • Started downloading. gl all

  • okay so it's on my account now.. do i really need to install this?

    • +3

      well…if you want to play it then yeah. As for whether you 'need' any video game, that's a far deeper and complex question.

      • +2

        well thank you captain obvious (that never gets old)

        but, no. once its in your account it stays there. you only need to download it if you want to play it. i have several free games ive never installed on my account. they just sit there unloved till one day i get bored enough and give them a try.

  • Its free and its on steam….Hoorayyyy

  • all over

  • Does the game actually appear as $0.00 during the free period or is the deal over and the play game button is for the free weekend only?

    • cant remember exactly what it said but the top option thats now $9.99 was the free one, definitely over

      Buy Red Orchestra 2
      $9.99 USD

    • +3

      Deals over. The button (which currently says $9.99) should say "Install" if it's free. You'd then click this and get a message saying it's been added to your library, and do you wish to download now or later.

      I too was late. Already had it on my two main accounts, just not my spare.

      Edit: That said, I've played it before and wouldn't bother again. I'd only get it because of the clept'o side of me which can't resist anything free :)

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