Hi guys,
My Virgin Mobile contract is going to end fairly soon and I'm considering BYO plans from Vaya and Telechoice KM deals.
Here are some of my concerns:
- Telechoice (Kogan Mobile) uses Telstra 3G and NextG. Vaya is basically Optus 4G. I dunno who's better in real life in terms of speed and coverage. I mainly use data in Melbourne CBD and metro suburbs.
- Telechoice offers $500 credit and 1G data for $20 vs Vaya offers $18 for $650 credit and 1.5G of data. However, I like the fact that Telechoice includes International calls.
- Telechoice's deal is going to end soon and I might have to pay $50 early exit fee to Virgin. Vaya's offer is always available.
- I am using GS3 i9300 atm and gonna get Oneplus One when I can. I believe they both support NextG and OPO will support 4G as well
I lean slightly towards Telechoice but I'm not sure $50 extra is worth it. Also my friend mentioned that Telstra's nextG is more congested than it used to be because they are reselling it (not sure whether that's true though).
PS: If I sign with Telechoice now, can I activate my service later to avoid the early exit fee with Virgin?
Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advanced.
4G speeds will knock NextG out no questions asked. In terms of reception, in Sydney atleast, theres isnt much of a difference. Maybe the odd spot between 4 buildings in an alley way (I play ingress for those who wonder why I'm in weird places)
The data issue is a very big concern. Vaya calculated by 1mb round ups while Telechoice does 10kb.
I would go to your data log on virgin and down load or copy and paste it into excel and round each session up by 1000kb and get a new total.
Used the function =ceiling(<cell with number to round>,1000) then do it with 10kb.
I have about 35 sessions a day which sucks because even my 55kb session now counts as 1mb. To me 1.5GB by 1mb increments is less than 1GB by 10kb
Standard Call Rate 90c per minute
Flagfall 35c
97c + 40c Connection Fee
Small difference.
how do you know it is going to end? (genuinely asking… that thing was meant to end over 8 months ago)
1+1 is ??? cool phone lol. Do same analysis on that phone…..
overall. Kogran will be a better choice unless you really need lighting speeds. Ive always used my data for stuff like reddit so haha no big deal if i missed out looking at a few cats.
and activation date is up to you. You get the sim and you can call them later.