Help ! Scoopon Voucher already redeemed by someone else !!

Hi Guys,

Not sure if anyone has experienced similar. Anyway me and GF bought 1c movie tickets from Scoopon at the end of last year. Forgot about them just recently found them sitting in my draw so decided go an put them to use. Got to the movies and was told they've been redeem already at different locations on different days !!!

WTF, just wandering if anything similar has happened to others here and also if there's anything I can do?

UPDATE: Just spoke to someone at who are the issuers of those vouchers. Apparently its a known issue that they unfortunately can't track who's affected, said if you send them an email with your voucher barcode they will get in touch with Scoopon to rectify the issue.

Email: [email protected]

They also have a working phone number 1300 650 449

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closed Comments

  • I have noticed the ability to do this with some of the sites.

    Check your link… and you will often find that the LINK itself stores the "coupon number", and the coupon number is what prints on your ticket/barcode.

    Change the coupon number in the link and BINGO - you now have a new coupon ready to print(that someone else has paid for). Simply present it before someone else dos and its yours.

    If your link fits in the above situation then I think you should go back to scoopon for a 1c refund. The link should really be "encrypted".

    • Thanks for the reply.

      Is 1c all I'm entitled to? I paid a monetary sum for provision of movie voucher, shouldn't it me up to me to decide if I choose the voucher or refund?

    • better do it sooner rather than later !!

    • I just tried to make an online booking with my voucher and the system says the voucher is invalid. Bugger!

        • my thought exactly, although when I spoke to experiencethis, they wouldn't disclose what the issues is but when I asked further they confirm its a known issue

      • Refer to my update above, get in touch with "experiencethis" they said they can resolve this

  • I had this happen to me and two friends the other day. We were told that two of the vouchers had already been used and the third one was ok. The employee ended up allowing us to use them after a while.

    • Lucky you, we were not so luck. Was it also the scoopon movie tickets?

  • Yes, sorry it was the movie tickets. I wonder if it could be scoopons doing?

  • Today I also discovered that my two Scoopon movie vouchers had already been redeemed by someone else back in April.I have just written a complaint to ExperienceThis. I wonder if anyone has got a satisfactory response from ExperienceThis.

    • email Scoopon, not Experience This.

      They(Scoopon) handled it pretty well for me.

  • What did scoupon or ET do?

    I show up with these rejected and have to pay full price - am now out of pocket a lot more than if I'd bought the usual $10 tickets online.
    So merely replacing the vouchers is not enough. Did they refund the ticket cost?

    Does scoopon have a phone or email address? the contact "form" is a horror interface designed to keep people away.

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