This was posted 10 years 10 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wii Console with Mario Kart Wii Game & Wheel Bundle $99 @ Kmart Starts 17th April


Wii Console with Mario Kart Wii Game & Wheel Bundle $99 @ Kmart Starts 17th April

Bundle includes

Wii console

Wii nunchuk

Wii remote plus

Wii wheel

Mario Kart Wii game

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Which version is this?

    • +4

      The Nintendo Wii version :-P

    • +3

      This is the version that does NOT have GameCube backwards compatibility.

      • You cannot buy the original anymore.

  • Wii consoles are all easy to hack to use as media players as well, just google completesoftmod.

    • +6

      yeh, if 480p and corrupt h.264 is your thing :)

      • Doh am I stuck with 480p now? I just modded it as my wiikey seems to have died and won't recover…

        • The wii max resolution is 480p.

  • +1

    best value. great game. couldn't get the controllers alone for cheaper

  • -1

    wtf theres BRAND NEW Wii consoles out there

    no WiiU but Wii?

    how the? hasnt the Wii been discontinued for years?

    • +2

      I think in Europe it was. But the Wii still sells around 10k units a month worldwide

    • no WiiU but Wii?

      It makes sense for any company to still keep selling their last-generation stuff as their new consoles get their footing (and get their games). It means different price points and far more software availability and it makes sense to sell as many of them as they can before they retire the older units.

    • +2

      Really? The Wii has a successor?

      I thought the Wii U was an accessory.

      • -1

        such a noob

        • Look in the mirror dude, pretty sure that's sarcasm

  • +2

    Great game. I got the bundle from bigW for $75 last year.
    Went to the trouble of soft-modding and adding a bunch of games, but the kids hardly play anything except mario kart.
    Extra controllers are cheap on ebay.
    And add another few dollars for a component cable. Composite video really sucks on most modern TVs.

  • Can you get it online? Don't know if I can get to Kmart on Thursday and no doubt they'll sell out pretty quickly?

    • +4

      Thanks Captain Obvious…can you, ehh I'm out…

  • +2

    Still a good console for kids to play some Super Marios.

    • -1

      Can't beat the SNES or 64 for those.

      Wii was a miss with the first party games compared to most other generations of Nintendo consoles (WiiU is looking like it will take that title though). Mario Kart Wii is pretty fun though, but I can have more fun for $100 than buying a Wii.

      • but I can have more fun for $100 than buying a Wii.

        Then don't buy one. There are lots of kids out there which would still enjoy it.

        • Just trying to point out that the Wii isn't the best for the Mario series and other first party Nintendo titles.

          If you think it's such a great deal, then why don't you give it a +1?

          EDIT: I just saw your post history. Nothing but putting people down and negs, no advise or anything positive. Guess that explains your comment and lack of +1.

        • +2

          Yep you're right, trying to drum some common sense into fully grown adults complaining and whinging about the lack of entertainment in a kids console can be a pretty depressing business. In fact, you're telling me I'm negative but all you've done so far is complain about Nintendo Wii's and my post history. Wow..what a refreshingly positive person you are.

        • +1

          the Wii isn't the best for the Mario series

          New Super Mario Bros. Wii was totes amazeballs!

        • +3

          Mario Galaxy was debatably the best game in the series.

          Not to mention the Wii can play most of the other Mario games.

        • +1

          DK Returns was another standout 1st party title.

        • +3

          Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
          Skyward Sword
          New Super Mario Bros
          Donkey Kong Country Returns
          Metroid Prime 3
          Super Smash Bros Brawl
          TLOZ : Skyward Sword

          You could even include Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story, as they were first-party games.

          Really great games, by any console's standards

        • The Last Story definitely isn't first-party.

  • +1

    Don't forget that Wii online game servers will be shut down in May 20th…

    • Don't forget that Wii online game servers will be shut down in May 20th

      For maintenance ?

      • +1

        Nope. Forever.

        • +1

          I sucks so much yeah? I play MK alot online & it will be sorely missed…for 10days until MK8 goes live! :P

          Now just need a Wii-U…

        • Yeah totally sucks cause I play Mario kart wii online still to this day. And even if you put the Mario kart Wii game on the Wii U you still won't get online.

        • +1

          Get Mario Kart 8

        • +1

          Yeh, as you would know Wii-U sales have been pretty slow for awhile. Shutting down the old server infrastructure is BigN's 'kick in the butt' gesture to push you to buy/upgrade to Wii-U to continue playing online.

          Have to say though it WILL definitely be worth it! (Rainbow Road drools at the amount of nostalgia :D)

        • Yeah I will go buy Mario kart wii U when it comes out straight away,it looks amazing!! I just hope there is a better deal on a Wii U console before then.

        • +2

          If Nintendo are smart enough they will release a Wii-U+MK8 bundle. I say its highly likely it will happen. They'd do the same when SSB-U comes out nearing Xmas holiday season.

        • I wish it would because as you said man that would be a great bundle! I've tried to find out about new bundles world wide but I see no new info

        • @grab_ur_freebies Nintendo not really deliberately did that. Blame GameSpy.

        • Yeah I read that bit on various sites. Nevertheless this may or may not work in their favor.

  • +1

    Going to give it a miss, already have 2 Black Wii and a 25th Anniversary Mario Red Wii all sitting brand new. Don't see the point to add a 4th to the collection.

    • +17

      Please keep us updated on all other purchase decisions you make.

    • +3

      lol do you buy one every time you see it mentioned on ozbargain?

      • +1

        Impulse buyer much? Prolly (like the rest of us) also has many OzB staples: tons of Eneloops, Cree torches etc.

        • Yes you're definitely spending your money wisely when you're buying stuff you don't take out of it's packaging.

        • Yeah your right I am reminds me of the time I paid $40 for a Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock Band Bundle on Xbox 360 and had some twat last month from QLD on eBay buy it for $400 with $60 postage. Usually most of the new stuff I buy I put aside for my kids to have later on in life so hopefully they can make themselves a profit, if not where are you going to buy brand new 15 to 20 year old consoles for $99 in 15 to 20 years time.

        • Usually most of the new stuff I buy I put aside for my kids to have later on in life so hopefully they can make themselves a profit, if not where are you going to buy brand new 15 to 20 year old consoles for $99 in 15 to 20 years time.

          I myself still have a few gems stored away: Coleco, C64, NES, SNES. I imagine they are worth quite a bit now as they are still in very good cond (I take good care of my stuff).

  • +1

    Glad to know this bundle includes a Wii console

  • I have a Wii U and I want to play some of the old Wii games because I never owned a Wii. Does this bundle have everything I'll need? (Sensor bar, Nunchuck, Wii Remote)? Accessory packs at EBGames are like $79.

    (I know I could just use the Wii to play the games but frankly I don't want to add another device to my setup when I can just use the Wii U.)

    • The Wii U is backward compatible with Wii.

      • Yeah, thanks. I was asking whether this bundle will have the peripherals I need, specifically the sensor bar.

        • +1

          Don't need the Wii's sensor bar if you play Wii games on the Wii U. The Wii U sensor bar works.

          In terms of peripherals, from this set you can use it all with the Wii U.

        • +1

          He probably bought the Wii U basic pack, which does not come with a sensor bar. He wants to buy this Wii deal because its cheaper than buying a Wii Remote, Nunchuck, sensor bar and Mario Kart Wii separately.

        • Ebay and Gumtree… you can easily buy a sensor bar really cheaply if you look hard enough.

          I scored a full original Wii (with everying included) for $19.

        • +1

          Hasquarl is correct on all counts.

          Why buy a accessory pack with a nunchuk, wii remote+, and sensor bar for almost $80 when I can buy this bundle & get a game with it?

        • Ah, it didn't occur to me you got the basic pack, in that case, this is a good deal if you don't have any of the accessories.

    • +2

      Yes it does. :)

  • +1

    After gathering dust for more than a year I decided to give it away to my little cousins. A few weeks later when I visited them I was blown away seeing how much this little machine could be. Secretly, I regretted giving it away.

    I guess I was enjoying them watching not just play but jumping, swinging, boxing and it sure looked like fun.

    Highly recommend getting this little gem if not for yourself then as a gift for the little ones who don't care about high definition gaming. Rate it as "addictive and fun"!

  • I bought an used WII console pack for $49 from EB Games and bought an extra brand new controller (not original though) for $15 from Sydney Paddys markets in Flemington. The WII is not about high definition graphics, it's the game play that makes the WII unique and fun. I have soft modded it and using it as a media center as well. I am sure it's the best $49 I've ever spent on a gaming console.

  • +1

    I bought one of these for my 6yo daughter for Christmas (when BigW had them for $74). I softmodded it and added a hard drive with about 100 games. But all she seems to play is the original Mario Kart! I feel like buying this $99 bundle just to get an extra contoller and wheel, which would nearly be cheaper than buying them separately.

  • I got this pack as a bonus for buying a Panasonic tv back in 2010. Its was the old original white backwards compatible model. With Avatar, Mario Kart and Wheel. Unfortunately no Motion Plus controller which is necessary to play some titles like Wii Sports Resort, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Red Steel 2.

    Ozgameshiop sell official controllers and nunchucks at reasonable prioes
    $51.48 Wii remote plus
    $19.48 Wii wheel
    $75.48 Wii remote+ & Nunchuck.

    Compared to EBgames/JB/Target
    $69 Wii remote plus
    $98 Wii remote+ & Nunchuck

    You can get cheaper compatible Wii accessories. But from what I've read they just don't work as well as the original Wii products.

    I've also softmodded mine and installed games to a USB hard drive for convenience. Since on-line play has been and system updates have been discontinued.

  • +2

    Remember kids the Wii U Mario Kart is out next month.

    • I feel sad that I waited too long to decide on buying the Mario Kart 8 Shell Edition :( Now it's been delisted…

      • Shell Edition disappointed me. You're essentially paying for it. It would have been nice to have some more features in that edition.

  • +1

    For those getting a new Wii console, don't forget also to get a component av cable for better quality video. The Wii are pre digital - HDMI generation devices and come with the same analogue 3 wire av cables as the 16 bit consoles of the 90s.

    Also I have 3 Black, near mint motion plus controllers for sale. Got them for some 4 player Mario kart action but have since replaced the Wii with a 360. -_o PM if interested.

  • +4

    I was walking the dog back from the vets last year and a guy put out a wii and r\ockband out on the nature strip in front of his house

    I picked it up took it home and plugged it in and it worked

    Best ozbargain ever

  • Still a good console. great for kids.

    I still have a backlog of games on it. Graphically might not be the best, but gameplay/library is better than Wii U

    • I was looking at Wii games the other day and realized just how extensive the title range for Wii is. Sure there are alot of titles that were designed or will only appeal to certain types of people. Its also had its fair share of awful titles. Yet it still has many great games.

  • Have a Wii and the WOD and a harddrive with over a hundred games, Wii fit and 4 controllers…. no one touches it :(

    • +1

      Someone will be glad to take it out of your hands, if you want to sell

  • I don't think this deal is worth it, I purchased the same console bundle 2 years back for the same price, you would have thought prices on tech would drop by then. Much better deal was the $69 xbox 360 with 3 games delivered in boxing day for those wanting a cheap console. I ended up selling the wii for a profit on gumtree(lol) cause the graphics were terribad.

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