Splitfish Pro on the PC

With regards to the BigW clearance deals containing the Splifish PS3/PC products (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/139267 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/139256), I thought I might offer up some points I came across that were of a painful nature.

My unboxing of these found no drivers, no PC info, no "current version" update help. So, when I plugged it into my PC I got nothing more than a HID input device successfully installed message. But, no evidence of input.

I tried updating the firmware on the device with an app which I thought was the correct one from the Splitfish site. It was not.


Check the dongle version, v4 is the latest, don't upgrade if it is. If it's not do exactly as the instructions say on the splash page of the tweak app (except I had to plug the dongle in before starting the app).

So, it's a "game controller" - not a mouse. If your target game supports game controller, lovely. Otherwise, it won't do squat - as I found out in World of Tanks. Or trying to use it on Windows 7 at all.
I got around this by downloading Pinnacle Profiler, which is pretty neat. http://pinnaclegameprofiler.com
If you use Pinnacle, the buttons aren't in the same place as the configuration screen. Hold the button to find out which one you're changing.

Mouse Settings
So, after all of the above, I got it going AAAANNNND… it was horrible. It skipped a good centimetre on my screen on every movement. I was sad. Then I Googled for about an hour.
* Go to Ease of Access, find the "Make the mouse easier to use". Go into and turn acceleration down to 0.
* Go to mouse settings and disable the "Precision mouse" setting.
* If you are using the Pinnacle Profiler as indicated above, go into Preferences and turn acceleration off there too.

Now, I'm loving everything except the mouse buttons - which feel cheap and clunky - but I mapped the side buttons to those and it feels better.
I hope this helps someone.


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