Coke Reward JB gift card are back
1000 tokens for $50 gift card
600 tokens for $30 gift card
400 tokens for $20 gift card
200 tokens for $10 gift card
Coke Rewards - JB Hi-Fi Gift Card 1000 for $50, 600 for $30, 400 for $20, 200 for $10

Last edited 07/04/2014 - 11:27 by 2 other users
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obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis
you forgot tooth decay!
And then someone will point out that Diet Coke and Coke Zero exist. Then someone will post some BS about aspartame.
You might also want to add all the diseases associate with bin foraging.
There's also the $100 gift card for 2000 tokens. Up to 5 redemptions so technically you could get $500 worth of gift cards for 10,000 tokens.…
Thanks OP. I got a $10 card.
waiting for these…got 5X$10 yay
There is a limit of 3 redemption per Member.more than 1 account..?
Not allow…
but some people still do it
Well they are treading dangerously.
People on here reported that they had all their accounts terminated and all their points forfeited without notice because they was using multiple account.Only one account per household?!
i had a read of their t&c's…they say accounts cannot be shared but they don't mention that it's 1 account per household…
…Token Accounts cannot be transferred or assigned from one Member to another Member (or to anyone else), or shared by Members.
A Member's Token Account may only be used by that Member in whose name the account is registered. Multiple individuals cannot share one Member's Token Account.
Why didn't you just get 1 x $50 card on the one account for the same 1000 points?. That would have made more sense rather than risking forfeiture of accounts and points.
He might have claimed the limit of $50 cards in the past already
max 100 points per week…so to get 1000 points
-1 account takes 10 weeks
-5 account takes 2 weeks (200 points each account)or one night if you enter 10 codes before and 10 codes after midnight sundayso basically you can put all the codes in sunday night and get the gift card…if you are after that gift card
There are pretty much the only worthwhile item to redeem your tokens for, correct?
although these are great- I redeemed 2000 token for a $100 Woolworths card recently, 95 points for a movie ticket are great value also. effectively you save almost $20 for the movie ticket for just 95 tokens- when they pop up!
The waxworks tour things i think is worth the points if your into that sort of things comes out to be $1.40 per 10 tokens (200 tokens). I guess not as good as the Hoyts cinema in value
All gift cards seem to have the same value. 10 tokens = 50cents. I prefer redeeming for gift cards I can spend at the supermarket, because I shop there all the time. I don't go to JB all that often, but it will get used eventually.
JB gift cards are valid for 24 months so you've got plenty of time.
Here is a copy-paste from the voucher I just redeemed from cokerewards for the $20 gift card
Original Value: $20.00
Current Balance:
Issue Date: 20-Dec-2013
As at: 7-4-2014
Expiry Date: 20-Dec-2015Looks like the cards were generated awhile ago (roughly the same date I used the $100 mastercard purchase (22-dec-2013) and receive a $30 egift card which I bought 4x$100 gift cards and got 4x$30 egift cards) , still got plenty of time to use it though. The 4x$100 cards I got are physical cards though and expire in 12mos after the purchase, bit shifty.
Yep the coles/myer reward cards are much better than JB. Give you more option of store. Target, Kmart, coles myer + price beat at Office Work. Some of the JB stuff that i actually want to buy is over price for me.
I'll likely put it towards a set of 3 for 2 blu-rays, but I'll wait until they have 20% off again.
Perfect. I joined late so don't have many points and I've been waiting for a good low point one like this. Thank you!
dam 60 points off .. another couple of weeks I'd be on this - still they seem to come up regularly enough.
Im passing on this this time.
last tim e i got a new Logitech gaming mosue from JB they sell for $69 and MSY for like $5? something
but its all free yes i get all my tokens free not bragging just saying.
so im saveing up for next round of myer/coles gift card or wish card.Awesome, it seems recently as soon as I get back up to 400 points they have this.
Just 13 more labels for the $20.
If someone can kindly lead me 13 codes if they got spares I will sent 13 replacements when I can.
Pm me if you can help.thanks
Your name is kinda ironic.
gold. I'd +1 but work browser doesn't let me.
I just +1'ed your attempt in +1'ing.
Ta. :) came home and did it.
You can only add 10 codes in a week, so I'd say your life basically isn't worth living anymore.
max 100 points per week…so to get 1000 points
-1 account takes 10 weeks
-5 account takes 2 weeks (200 points each account)Exactly, oh wow, a whopping 10 codes per week, are people really that lonely for such a terrible "reward", I really don't see how it's worth your time, which could be better spent enjoying your lives.
it's clear you don't take part and understand the point of coke rewards. it takes just a few seconds to enter in a 13 character code. i can do all 10 codes in a couple of minutes.
if it takes any longer than that and you're doing it wrong
so you don't think a free $50 or whatever gift card is "worth your time"? cool cool…..but what's that got to do with you looking down on people as "lonely" and dictating how people should spend their time?
Entering a code takes seconds. Even if we use a very conservative estimate and say the whole ten codes takes a whopping five minutes per week, that still averages out to $60/hr. Yes, it is absolutely worth my time.
If anyone can PM me one code, I will repay at least two in the next week or so.
First person only and if you aren't first I won't use your code. If you are first I'll let you know. Cheers
EDIT: found a survey waiting for me as per TDW's comment below, all good now :)
I am pretty sure connecting facebook give you another 10 points.
on average how many tokens does 1 coke give?
10 codes per bottle.
Each code (one code per bottle) is worth 10 tokens. In other words one coke bottle will give you 10 tokens to use after you redeem the code. Ignore what Pepsi to go said is wrong there's only one code per bottle but I say again that code is worth 10 tokens.
Is there an expiry date on the 'Tokens'(not code)?
tokens expire after 90 days if you don't enter any or redeem a reward
Yes, they expire if you don't add any codes or spend some in 90 days
edit: beaten
so 20 cokes gets you a $10 gift voucher..? seems untime worthy
you've missing the point. unsurprisingly. you don't drink/buy coke just for the tokens.
untime worthy
and that's not even a proper word.
50c each per code… not a bad deal if you ask me. Someone else here drinks/pays for the coke, I get the codes. Win win.
Apparently, high school English was also untime worthy.
My mistake.was meant to say 10 points.
Are these physical cards that get mailed to you?
yes. they get sent by registered post and take about 2 weeks to arrive, going by the Woolies/Wish gift cards i got last month
The JB hifi ones i have claimed have all been emailed to you
have they always been digital gift cards?
No, the first lot were physical.
No, they are PDF files emailed to you. You get them straight away.
emailed to you pdf files
all you do its either print them off and go into the store
or take you smartphone into the store and shoud them the pdf on your phone they will type the numbers off the e gift card and you walk out with your free item.These JB cards are e-gift cards which are electronic emailed cards. But you should be able to print them out and redeem in store. At least the last JB e-gift card I got you could as it was a PDF that had a bar code to scan in store.
thanks for clearing that up :)
Just redeemed one, can confirm it is an eCard but you can print and use it in store or show on your smart phone.
Damn 10 tokens short!
check down the right hand side of the coke rewards page for a consumption survey pops up from time to time. you can get an easy 10 tokens that way.
You sir, are a legend - that got me over the line. Cheers!
Is their any issue with JB if I go in with 4 vouchers at some point .. is it possible to use that many on-line for a single purchase? .. or even combine them somehow ( though I guess the issue of expiry comes up since they won't all be the same.)
in the store it's fine, think there is a limit on the line.
Yes there's a limit of 2 gift cards on the on line store.
Feel bad for the cashier when I finally buy a PS4. He's not going to be happy entering 10 gift cards lol
I bought an xbox one with 30 x $20 vouchers, (not from coke rewards), they were fine with it.
So I found a new way to collect these vouchers. I go to a few football matches, so I now bring a green plastic bag with me and pretend to be a cleaner after the match.
Swans vs Collingwood - 319 vouchers
voluntarily cleaning up after the litterbugs, collect free tokens = win-win :)
Right :/
Dude… if Ozbargain had an 'awesome award' of the month. You'd get it!!!
Great first post :)
In before the coke rewards haters …