• expired

[NSW] Free Flu Vaccination @ MedClinic Parramatta Westfield


Free Flu Vaccination

MedClinic is running a promotion as part of the opening of their new clinic.
You just need to present your medicare card at the clinic to bulkbill.

Receptionist said that the promotion would run roughly till the end of the month

The clinic is located inside Pharma Save Chemists
Level 5, Westfield Parramatta

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Wouldn't it be funny if by 'free flu injections' they mean to just give a free shot of the flu germs? Doesn't mention vaccine anywhere :-)

    • +12

      well a flu vaccination is an injection of an inactivated form of the pathogen, it trains your immune system to deal with it. think of it as like punching dummy lol.

      • +2

        Quite right. My brain is still hungover :-(

      • +1

        it trains your immune system to deal with it.

        Same reason I can't ever quit drinking beer.

  • +3

    free is free

    • +2

      Well you're paying for it through taxes…

      • Best bargain is not paying taxes.!

  • +4

    Medicare Bulk Bill visit ~$37.50
    Flu Vaccine ~$8 (How much clinics get it for)
    Medical Centre: $$$ profit!
    Cost to patient $0

    • +5

      Cost of 10 minutes of doctor's time @ $100/hr: $16
      Overheads of 30%: $11.25
      Profit: $2.25

      • PROFIT!?!

      • +1

        It'd be a nurse doing it for sure.

        • +1

          And it would take 5 minutes max.

      • The real profit is the reduction in lost productivity so you can Ozbargain more.

    • +1

      A flu shot consult does not have a rebate of $37.5.
      It is a short consult of ~$16-17 (plus bulk bill incentive if applicable)

  • +12

    I'm an illegal immigrant with no visa and no Medicare card. This is not free for me. Neg from me.

    • +2

      You're doing it wrong. Contact your nearest Labor Party MP for further assistance.

      • +9

        Or contact your liberal party MP for a free holiday to manus island.

  • -8

    Not really free is it, the tax payer foots the bill

    • +1

      Think of all the people who avoid getting sick, taking days off work, not having to go to the doctor, etc

        • +7

          You're an idiot. Considering that influenza can cause respiratory distress or death, if the vaccine saves 1 ICU admission, it would be massively worthwhile already, not to mention the social costs no sick leave, and the potential death of loved ones. We spend far more money investigating for much more rare conditions, all paid for by Medicare in the ED.

    • +5

      Flu vaccinations do not give you the flu.

    • +6

      How's that tinfoil hat and police scanner treating you this fine Saturday evening, figarow?

      • I wrap my spuds in tin foil some times and keep the radios for 2-way only not really interested in what others have to say, tends to follow the same rhetoric.

      • Ha ah…classic

        There are always conspiracy theorists like figarow who live with in their own paranoid, uneducated world picking out random bits of information and making misinformed statements of things they simply cant grasp.

        To be honest we need some people with paranoia to push the imagination and keep politicians in line. Seriously without them we would never have learnt that it was the Jews who stole MH370 and gave it to the Rothchild family as part of their world conquest plans.

    • I swear I've read this exact same statement elsewhere on the site

      • -2

        Yep you did

      • Yeah he is a known troll, ignore him

        • -3

          "known troll" ok cool think what you like, got any advice for someone trying to help people realize that vaccinations are dangerous without showing troll like behavior?

        • +1

          I really hope you don't have kids. Cause if you do and you're not immunising them, I shudder at the fact that if they get polio or something along those lines, they will be suffering their entire life because a nutcase like you is allowed to procreate.

          Seriously… please… allow yourself to earn a Darwin award.

        • -3

          I really hope you take a look at this http://www.trackingvaccinations.com/allfiles/usa-decline-gra… and understand that it's hygiene not vaccinations that has saved us… Time to wake up people!

    • It is literally impossible to get the flu from the influenza vaccine. The vaccine only contains the influenza antigens, it contains no genetic material whatsoever, so the parts of the virus contained within the vaccine cannot actually replicate and give you the flu.

  • Just paid $35 at Terry Whites Chemist for this!

    Damn it!

  • -2

    The doctors know not what they are pushing
    And the public is attracted to Free
    Only a few were unwilling
    And were more inclined to flee

  • I would recommend getting the oral/inhaler spray vacation. The intra-muscular injection hurts like hell.

  • Thanks OP

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