This was posted 10 years 10 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Voss Water 800ml Dan Murphy's $4.20 [In Store Only Now]


Ok probably not the best "deal" on drinking water (i.e. compared to your tap) but if you're just after the bottle this is probably the cheapest.

I got a few of those when I saw the forum thread and looks like they've reduced the price from $4.49 to $4.20.

Free delivery

Unfortunately they don't sell the smaller ones (375ml) :P Where can I get those?


Edit 1: Wow didn't know it's that popular. Still variant is now sold out! Sparkling left:…

Edit 2: In stores only now

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Dan Murphy's
Dan Murphy's

closed Comments

  • Are they glass?

    • +3


  • +22

    20 cent discount? YIEWWWW!!

    Lol I never thought I'd see the day where I would order a single bottle of water online… or order water from DAN MURPHYS.

  • +1

    I tried this water for the first time 2 days ago and it was incredible. But seriously the premium you pay because of it being in a glass bottle is ridiculous.

    • +34

      and it was incredible


      Do you normally dunk your head into a horse's trough when you're thirsty?

      • +6


        Voss water is incredible
        Bear Grylls
        Much better than own piss

        • +3

          VOSS Sparkling Water is "Certified Organic Thor Pee."

          It is not just ordinary water, it's "blessed" by THE Norse GOD.

          VOSS - Norwegian Water, Sparkles with Nordic elixir - Thor Pee!!!

          No Wonder, he found it Incredible !!!

        • Can also be used for killing vampires!

      • +1

        We don't have horses. You must be very privileged to have horses and filtered tap water.

    • +62

      Dr Dre Beats of water

      • +67

        Monster Cable Water. Now with silver-plated lid for extra microbial resistance and Glass 4.0, featuring dynamic-formless-liquid-containment-technology, utilises a special gas-liquid combination to ensure water stays inside the glass until you want it out!

        • +1

          this made me LOL - Lol for Friday Morning yay

      • LOL try Bling h2o, they have dedicated water bars/resturants ( just like wine bars) in the US it's crazy

      • +2

        Anyone who buys this water is tapped

    • +2

      I don't know what I had then, the voss water I drank was flat and kind of tasted funny. I am used to drinking chilled water that have been boiled though.

      • that's an odd choice or lifestyle…

        boiling water to kill the bugs in them because you have tank water or something?
        or not from Melbourne?

        • From Sydney, but boiling water is a common thing in (my) Asian households.

          Edit: Just read that boiling water concentrates heavy soluable metals, time to install a filter.…

        • +4

          Asian here, can confirm.

        • +1

          I'm an Asian and a Sydney Water ex-employee:
          Buying water filters or bottled water in Sydney, is daft.
          Sydney tap water is some of the purest in the world. The only thing you're removing are additives like calcium, for healthy teeth and bones.

          fyi, Those 'Brita' tap filters contain more bacteria than tap-water, since customers typically don't change them as often as recommended.

        • =0
          Thanks Urbanite, will continue to just drink my boiled water then :) Besides, too tight to get a filter.

  • +2

    smaller ones are available from Coles for about $3 for a 500ML =]

    • There is no 500ml for VOSS, its 375ml

  • +17

    Beers better

    • +22

      And cheaper

      • and prolongs life

        • +1

          and makes more women attractive

        • +1

          sometimes make more men attractive

        • i don't need beer to look more attractive.

        • +3

          yeah, you need a plastic surgeon.

          boom tish

        • don't need beer to make me attractive.

  • $7 delivery, not free delivery??!

    • +10

      DANEM314 for free delivery

      • Thanks =)

      • Code didn't work.
        " Sorry. We couldn't validate your promotional voucher. Check the code and offer conditions before trying again.'

        • it's case sensitive. also doesn't work with beer.

        • Code doesn't work for me in regional NSW. metro only?

      • I was called today by a Dan Murphy employee, saying That I needed to be using a everyday rewards credit card in order to get the free delivery.

        • I got the same, perhaps they were ozbargained.

  • +6

    Had these lying around in one of the conference I went.
    No one cared… until they checkin to the room and had these showing as $20 per bottle.
    Then everyone started stocking them back to their room…

    • Sorry for neg finger and eye don't work together at moment.

      Ah the joys of conferences - once had my c/c as registered card. No one owned up for the wines.
      Including the bosses (a/holes)
      At least it was tax deduction .

  • +17

    Blaze it.

  • +8

    It's not so much the water that makes this deal a deal, but the glass bottle is very handy and well-made. Especially for those us with an aversion to plastic food containers.

    Oh and before someone says its, $4.20 you say? Way ahead of you.

    Edit: (Damn you Devidz!)

  • +5

    combine this with amex deal.

  • +1

    Bought! I hope the bottle's useful haha.

  • +4


    I do enjoy my mineral water and It was from OZB where I found some previous deals from

    I have since ordered from them on two occasions and I highly recommend them, very professional and honest. Flat rate shipping was 11.95 sent from Sydney to Adelaide. Although they could not full-fill my initial larger order (called me to discuss and due to crazy shipping costs) they still sent me a case at a time.

    Anyway to answer your query they have the Voss 375ml currently at 50% 1.98 and have 50% off sale again on all orders for the month of April. Not sure if the offer is worthy of a a 'deal' but I do recommend these guys!

    THeir previous deal only had Voss at 25% off however for this month its all orders at 50% off.

    And if you're located in Sydney its free local pick up at their warehouse.

  • +4

    I like Lipton iced tea bottles. They've got the thickest plastic and you can sometimes get 2 for $3. Plus you get iced tea!

    • +3

      And a massive insulin spike to go with it, bargain!

      • -6

        Sugar content in iced tea is usually a lot less than soft drinks and flavoured milk.

        • +9

          You might want to check out the nutritional info for the Lipton ones next time you're in the shop then, because you'll be in for a big shock

        • +1

          I believe as this post is about sparkling water that you should compare it with that rather that two other random products

    • Where do you get 2 for $3?

      Supa-IGA, Woolworths, Coles?

  • 1 bottle delivered for $4.20, that's not a bad deal:)

  • +2

    why would you pay this much just for water!

    • not only water but also glass :)

      • +1

        still crap just buy a good camelbak bottle comes with a life time warranty too

  • I also buy this purely for the glass bottle. They sell this in Canada for $8 plastic bottle.
    I was hoping to stock up in Norway but I was unable to find any Voss there…

    • I was hoping to stock up in Norway but I was unable to find any Voss there…


    • It's like the Fosters beer of Norway!

  • VOSS is the way!

    • VOSS is BOSS!

  • +11

    Too main stream. Like all hipsters I only drink my water from paper bags.

  • Bought 2 one for work and one for home for the glass bottle they look great. thanks

  • +2

    I bought a pair of 800ml sparkling at Coles last week for $4 each.

    • Coles Toowong also carried the small ones.

  • damn.. needed a new bottle for gym, but being glass, cant use this

    • When i was in Vegas late last year i picked up a few Voss bottles made of plastic just for this!

      Not sure where you can get the plastic ones in Aust

    • why not? I've seen guys at gym with these bottles.

      • well. in gyms, bottles get thrown around, dropped, knocked over etc… those guys must have the hard plastic version of the bottle. If it is normal glass, wouldnt it just break

  • +2

    Is it gorilla glass? …. lol

  • In store as well?

    Didn't think Dan Murphys sold non alcoholic beverages lol.

  • $5.99 doesn't seem too bad for 6 wine flutes in which to drink one's fancy water -…

  • I ordered 2 of these last time. Keep in mind that the 800ml bottles are HUGE! If you plan on using them as a portable bottle then I suggest looking at the smaller volume ones.

  • Oh great, now everyone is going to have them haha :p

  • I see lots of people in the office with this water bottle, i can't justify paying so much for a bottle, until my gf went to rebel and bought a bottle (NO WATER INCLUDED) for $20, not even glass.

    So in comparison, this can be seen as a deal.

    Additionally, people only buy this once, you pay for the bottle, not the water i assume.

  • Would rather have Goss water

    • That's Bross water!

  • +6

    With the right modifications, the bottle can be use for other recreational purposes :)

    • +3

      Do you have some illustrations for that?

  • Water for (profanity)..

  • If you buy instore you can use the current amex promotion of $5 off $15 for even more savings

  • I can get as much of this as I want from my work place for free! haha

  • +2

    Use a scrapper/mini razor to chip off the writing =) I am getting some etch cream to put some pretty stuff on my bottles!

  • +5

    These bottles are great. The slim diameter fits easily into car drink holders, nice wide opening means easy to drink and easy to clean and being thick glass they keep your drinks colder than plastic. Being tall and slim makes it easy to store in the fridge (upright or horizontal) and the caps seal well and last for ages. They're great for smoothies and green drinks too and look much cooler then the $5 flip top drinking water bottles that Ikea and Coles/Woolies sell.

    • Being tall and slim …upright or horizontal

      Giggity Giggity Goo! ;-)

  • +4

    I used the DANEM314 code, they just called up to say that the code was meant for rewards card holders. They offered me to pay the $7 on top of my order for 5. So I ended up cancelling my order all together.

    • They just called me up as well and said they couldn't find me on their system. Luckily your post prompted me to go through my emails to find my everyday rewards card no.

    • Yeah I had to cancel mine too

      • +1

        Couldn't you guys just tell them you want to click and collect?

        • The guy told me they were out of stock in-stores across NSW. If this recent update is correct (about in-store stock only). I just got scammed by the staff.

    • Same here. sucks, that code has been around for ages, I doubt they have followed up on it before :/

  • +2

    Sparkling sold out.

    These drinks are categories as Lifestyle drinks.

    WTF are lifestyle drinks?! Is that just marketing buzz word so it sounds more appealing and so we don't feel guilty spending money on overprice drinks? Why not so call it Hipster drinks?

    Woke up on the wrong side of bed today.


  • +3

    they just called me and said free shipping was for every day card holders. I cancelled.

  • +2

    People are buying empties off ebay in america for more than the full price!…

  • +3

    Great, ill take 200,000 as my kids refuse to drink any water that isn't from an Artesian source in southern Norway.

  • Missed it. Possible available in store?

  • Just got a call from Dan Murphy. They can only deliver it for free only if I pay through everyday card. I had to cancel the order because he was trying to charge me $7 del. charge

    • Same. Was the free delivery deal only for Everyday Rewards credit card members? I don't remember seeing any of those requirements…

  • +1

    I just went to a Dan Murphey's close to my work (Seaford).
    Didn't go there for the water, but I went and had a look on the shelf. There was plenty of both spring and sparkling in 800ml bottles for $4.20.

    • How long is this on special for?

  • +5

    Tests have shown that these contain 55.51 mmol/mL of aqueous dihydrogen monoxide. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

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