Sunrice Medium Grain White or Brown rice 5kg $6.49 half price COLES from 2nd April.…
Sunrice Medium Grain White or Brown rice 5kg $6.49 half price COLES from 2nd April.…
It's very hard to swallow a tablespoon of brown rice. 5kg will probably take me 5 years to finish.
It's very hard to swallow a tablespoon of brown rice.
You should really try cooking it first.
Brown rice should be 'chewier' than white rice, and have a nutty taste.
I know it is not 'good' for me this way, but I add Soy Sauce and Butter near the end of the cooking process (I use a rice cooker).
If you want healthy rice which taste good, get TAJ basmati rice. It cost around $17 for 5kg bag.
Adding soy and butter are worst than eating Jasmine rice.
High in salt and high in fat!
If you want healthy rice which taste good, get TAJ basmati rice. It cost around $17 for 5kg bag.
I also have, and cook, Basmarti Rice. However, I use it with Indian style dishes.
Adding soy and butter are worst than eating Jasmine rice.
High in salt and high in fat!
Yes, I acknowledged that it was not a healthy practice to add the Soy Sauce and Butter to our Brown Rice. I only ever purchase No Salt or Low Salt Butter, and the Lower Salt Soy Sauce (Kikoman) but of course there is still salt being added.
We eat, and I have in our pantry, Brown, White, Jasmine, and Basmarti Rice. Different rice for different dishes (cuisines).
i agree, its hard to swallow at first, but im cooking it everyday now, and im used to it already :-)
Pre soak it before cooking it will make it softer to swallow.. It has more nutrient as it's less processed compare to white rice.
Probably healthier but tastes like sh*t
And just why/how do you know what that tastes like?
brown rice is actually bad for many people. It aggravates my guts. being extremely low in GI. It leaches many nutritions into the poop as well.
white rice on the other hand, yum.
On the deal it says "brown or white". It is also medium grain :(
It says the same thing in the catalogue.
Australian Made, good to see! Thanks OP.
while that is normally a good thing.. Im not sure growing things such as rice here (which is much more suitable to other climates) is that wise a choice
SBOB is right. I'm all for Australian Made, but we are incredibly inefficient at growing the stuff - just don't have the right climate for it. Instead, we have to irrigate the bejaysus out of everything.
It's a better rice, certainly. But it is a dumb place to grow it.
I'm all for Australian Made, but we are incredibly inefficient at growing the stuff - just don't have the right climate for it. Instead, we have to irrigate the bejaysus out of everything.
According to the growers association we are the most efficient at growing rice, and make the best use of the water used. Are they fibbing?
Wow!. I'm going to buy about a whole years worth.
good, I missed the Woolies 10kg one, everywhere I went was sold-out
Can't do raincheck?
Eh, one of the top three foods I hate. Give me potato anyday.
Eh, one of the top three foods I hate. Give me potato anyday.
To each their own - (taste). I eat (almost) anything. Snails (sea and land ones), natto (fermented soy beans), eel, and so on. Depending on the dish, we use rice, potato, or bread. We still have frozen mashed potatoes from the Coles clearance.
Bought 35kg. The girl at the checkout gave me a weird look. Also grabbed some cheap Carmans museli bars.
I bought 80kg worth, took advantage of the spend $80 get a $20 voucher.
Probably healthier but tastes like sh*t…. instead better buy whole grain spaghetti