This was posted 10 years 11 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Olympus 25mm F1.8 $450 Ted's Cameras ($50 off)


Trade in any working or broken camera/lens in store or buy online with the promo code "trade50".

Cheapest I could find for Australian stock for this newly released micro 4/3 lens.

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Ted's Cameras
Ted's Cameras

closed Comments

  • lol. wonder if they will allow trade in of a broken tablet which has a camera on it…..

  • -5

    No Deal, how they can get away for charging such exorbitant prices for lenses is the height of human gullibility. Sand is cheap, Glass is cheap people!

    • Everything is cheap if you just think about what is used to make it.

      Material cost doesn't mean you should be getting it for that price.
      Everything you buy there is other costs involved, such as employee cost that went into designing and making the item.

      You don't make good lenses just by putting a few pieces of glass together. Lens design takes alot of man hours, which equates into money, which then equates into the price going up because they have to cover the price of hiring a team to design the item.

      Just out of the sake of how stupid your comment is:
      Selling a human should be cheap, because it only really requires 1 sperm and 1 egg, both which is redily available from any human on the earth.

      However the price goes up as time goes by, because you need to pay for certain things for the human. Like education & food.

      Which is why a human at 18yrs old generally costs around 1million due to all the additional costs to get the person there.

      • Lenses are generally only as expensive as they are because that's what the market tolerates. It's not really about what goes into them. (Just like perfumes and expensive watches and other "luxury items.")

    • dannyhc:

      If you think $500 is exorbitant prices for a lens, wait till you see those few thousands dollars lenses on the market then you may have a heart attack.

    • There's no doubt that the margins on lenses are often orders of magnitudes larger than on cheaper gadgetry. Yet it seems people care (or know) little, so demand remains unabated and they can continue to charge high prices.

      I agree it's annoying, but unfortunately it's also the way it is. Therefore those that want to get their hands on them might still see deals even though the prices are exorbitant.

      • Isn't that what it always about - demand vs supply?

        You could also argue why diamond is so stupidly expensive, it is just a piece of stone.

  • this or the panasonic 25mm 1.4? hmmm

    • I actually have the pana leica 1.4mm and am tossing up on trading it in for this.

      The 1.4mm takes wonderful photo's, but I like the size of this especially once the len's hood is considered.

      • I agree. And at 1.8 the olympus is just as sharp if not sharper.
        An even bigger positive: the olympus is a much more modern lens, focuses faster and the aperture blades don't chatter

  • Bought from Japan amazon with forward shipping. Olympus provide 1 year global warranty. Why pay more for AU stock?

    • How much all up and which forwarder?

      • +1

        $382 for lens, $20 for delivery. I bought on 3rd of March when 1 AUD = 90 JPY.

        Currently, it may take around $360 in total. Because price reduced on amazon jp, and AUD is nearly 95 JPY today.

    • Olympus AU won't honour the warranty, it's at their discretion.

      • Are you sure they won't honour the warranty? or are you just speculating?

        • I'm sure.

        • Overseas its around $300 inc shipping via forwarder from japan.
          Hmm extra $150 worth the warranty?

          Hard to say, because failure rates on lenses should be reletively low.

        • Current amazon jp price is around $340, so what are you referring to?

        • Haha damn looked at the worng one. was looking at the 45mm.

          Cheapest i see is: Y31,750 = $334, around $20 for shipping. so Domestic warranty = $100 premium.

    • +2

      I mentioned already below, discount cameras has it for the cheapest right now at $411 delivered from Melbourne.

      I got mine 2 days after the approx time of launch, great service from them all the time.

      Now I have 2 years au warranty on it as well.

  • +7

    Digidirect has it for 446 or so everyday and also discount cameras had it for $411.

    Don't bother with teds.

    • Nice one….I'm sure I looked at them a while back but thought it was more (or maybe it wasn't in stock yet).

      So can you confirm you get a proper invoice with these guys that you would be able to use for duty free?

      Am I able to neg my own deal?

      Also what do you make of the lens?

      • You can revoke your own deal, but you can't neg it. I'd either report it to the mods to unpublish or update the deal to the above link

      • Yep you get an invoice, I'll be claiming it on TRS soon.

        It's a good and light weight lens, I had the 25mm f1.4 panasonic a long time ago, that one's faster, but it is also heavier and more pricey.

      • what do you make of the lens?

        Olympus pride themselves as an optical company that also make cameras. Hence, most if not all their prime lenses are very sharp and well made. Their 75mm f1.8 is arguably the best lens there is for the m4/3 format.

  • +3

    Leederville Cameras (WA) have this lens for $399.…

    • Similar to discount cameras, totals out to be $415 delivered, but obviously discount cameras beats it by $4, great for people who live locally and can pick up.

  • Well, since Discount Cameras, Digidirect and Leederville already have better prices than Teds, sorry I have to neg this deal then.

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