This was posted 10 years 11 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2 Free Sweax Underarm Liners - Delivery Included $0 @ Cosmetic Discounts


Completely free including postage. Select 2 pairs of Men or Women underarms.

Product Description

Comfortable & undetectable, even under lightweight clothing like silk or cotton, these liners prevent perspiration stains from ruining fabrics. Youll save time and money on cleaning. A layer of soft, absorbent cotton lies next to your skin and absorbs moisture whist the waterproof layer keeps moisture away from clothing.


  • Prevents underarm stains
  • Helps prolong the life of garments
  • Provides all-day freshness


  • Non-slip adhesive backing
  • Cotton layer absorbs sweat and odours
  • Vinyl lining creates a barrier so wetness does not reach clothing

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Cosmetic Discounts
Cosmetic Discounts

closed Comments

  • +14

    These will come in useful for the next Ozbargain get together!

    • male could have dominate the numbers on this one. when is the next OZ get together?

    • +2

      The next weekend computer market you mean… Damn I wish people would SHOWER before going to those! You can bet you'll come across several whose stink will make you :-O dry reach.

  • Thanks OP

  • Cheers, got one

    • Which is your preferred armpit?

      • Depends which aisle seat side I sit at the footy..

        • Oh! ……. so you are not an Esserdon or Colliwobbles supporter then.

        • Nah, Krows 4eva!

  • couldnt check out with paypal

    • +2

      Hi, You don't need to check out with PayPal. Make sure you added the correct item to your basket "2 Free Sweax Underarm Liners".

      • +4

        I was just being lazy so I wouldn't have to fill in the form.

    • Select "Proceed to checkout" instead.

  • -2

    Don't even sweat it.

  • +10

    … and for those who suffer from Hyperhidrosis who've spent most of their life trying different things to combat it but don't want to wear liners, get Botox or go under the knife then there are several extreme anti-perspirant products available including MAXIM:… The reviews say it all. This stuff really is unbelievable. Nothing from the Supermarket comes close BUT make sure you read ALL the literature as it's so friggin' powerful it can irritate like nothing you've ever experienced and for some that can be a dealbreaker.

    I suggest you buy one bottle first to see if it's for you then order more once you're satisfied. One bottle lasts a very long time as most people only need to apply it once a fortnight/month. A big plus is that you can still use whatever deodorant you'd like each day but you definitely wont need to apply anti-perspirant once you use this stuff. Yes, it's that good!

    • I want to try that but im scared if i apply some to my face i will go crazy during work lol

      • Yeah, definitely not for use anywhere but the armpits!! I usually have a bad nights sleep with irritating, itchy pits all night after I apply it which indicates how nasty it is … BUT it just works so well it's worth it. Absolute life-changer.

        • +5

          That looks similar to a product here called Driclor (the male/female versions are the same, just different packaging) and yeah, it's a life changer. People say it will give me early-onset Alzheimer's from all the aluminium, but at least I won't be sweaty when I lose my mind. This stuff lasts close to a week, and the rest of my body sweats (which I think is natural), but my arms don't sweat for absolutely no reason like they used to. Makes wearing certain items of clothing possible.

        • Is it just being crammed full of extra aluminium-y goodness that increases effectiveness?

        • Unfortunately yes, I think so.

        • Hi all, just wondering, by using strong blockers like Maxim and Driclor, have you experienced 'compensatory sweating' elsewhere eg trunk, back, soles etc?

        • +1

          Yes, I think so but only slightly and only when exerting myself. Soles, back, palms etc. are all fine but I find I sweat a lot sooner from my forehead now… but that's it.

        • Cool, thanks for info! For facial sweating Neat 3B Face Saver Gel is amazing - even for non-hyperhydrosis. Eg if you go out to a malaysian or indian restaurant and order a super spicy curry, with that stuff on you will barely break a sweat, if at all - whether or not you can hack food that spicy anyway is a separate question :)

        • I've also experienced the same sort of thing. My armpits are thankfully sweat free and more importantly, less odorous, but during physical exertion it feels like I perspire slightly more from my back and chest. I wish I knew about this stuff at least 5 years ago, it would've saved a lot of stained shirts from being thrown out.

    • +1

      yes i'm one of those people who suffer from hyperhydrosis. it could be snowing and my armpits would still sweat. i found "no sweat" from the chemist down the road and it keeps me from sweating. give it a try.

      • Yep, same here. I had sweatier pits in Winter than Summer purely because the air wasn't as warm and didn't dry the clothing out as fast. Such a 1st world problem I know but sheesh MAXIM or 'No Sweat' type products make that 1st world a much nicer place (for everyone).

    • Botox isn't that bad too be honest. I've been using Driclor for a while, but could never reach the '2 weeks' of constant application it recommends because of the irritation. So I would have to apply it at least twice a week,and then some. Got a free trial of the Botox (the dermatologist guy was learning how to do it), and it works just as good as the Driclor as far as I can tell. An with the Mdeicare rebate for the cost of the Botox ($1000 - but as long as you do it 4 months or more apart), its only what the dermatologist charges (my place is 300-400ish). For something that can last ~6 months, and not need a second though, I'm more than happy paying that.

  • +4
    • Same active ingredient as MAXIM & 'No Sweat' above. Amazing stuff.

      • -3

        Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate.
        Same as most other deodorants, whether it is "hard action" or "hyposensitive floral".

        Research shows that if you put it in a box and double the price, it is more effective.

        • Ha, exactly what I thought… until I started using it :)

  • No sweat. Got them anyway. Thanks Rep.

  • -1

    I guess you wear these so you don't become a big drip?

  • -1

    Now all I need is one for my crotch

  • Is there any difference between the men and women's ones apart from the packaging?

    • +1

      Shape and size are different.

  • Thanks OP, looking forward to seeing its effectiveness.

  • Upvote for Driclor! Changed my life

    • Changed my Wife

  • Can you wear these with a tank top?

  • Not sure about this deal. Something smells funny.

  • Cheers. Will see how these go.

  • Got mine in SA today, cheers!

  • Got my sample couple of weeks ago. Thanks OP. Could also use panty liners for those looking for a cheaper option.

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