• expired

Neocal Advanced Calculator (Android) - FREE (Was $9.07) @ Amazon

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Now free on the Amazon.com store

Average of 4.8/5 stars on Google Play Store.
NeoCal is an advanced, award-winning calculator designed to work just like a real calculator, only better. The intuitive keyboard design provides efficient access to more than 230 financial, statistical, scientific, programmer, conversion, and date and time functions without having to access menus or lists of functions. The large 12-digit display includes thousands of separators and shows labels for calculated and stored results. Backspace, Undo, and Redo make correcting mistakes simple. The calculator is highly customizable to work the way you do. Enable the Precedence option to reduce entering parentheses, or enable the RPN option to eliminate them completely. Enable up to four display lines to see current and previous results. Choose your own theme for improved readability. - Perform advanced scientific, financial, statistical, date and time, programmer, and conversion functions - Choose from multiple keyboard layouts and user-selectable themes - Work with a user interface designed specifically for Android devices - Take advantage of an extensive user guide included in the app - Customize entry with an optional RPN input method

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • Will give it a go thankyou.

  • Seems to be $7.99 now.

  • Maybe it's only free to people new to the Amazon appstore.

      • How would I know if I'm in the au store or any other? All I do is log into the appstore app and normally these bargains posted are all good. I just got officesuite Professional 7 a few days ago and it was all OK.

  • +2

    Much good

  • +1

    Initially received a message "you are not eligible to purchase this app due to geographical restrictions". After 15 mins on phone to Amazon, it turns out that not only do you have to be at the AU store, you have to have an AU account. And to switch from a US account (I've held for 10+ years) you need to go through the Kindle store and change your country from US to AU. Tedious but done now. Thanks for the heads-up on the app.

    • No worries mate. Yeah it is a very tedious process, but think about all the free apps we've been getting the past week! ;)

      • Walter White never used a calculator.

        • +1

          Walter White? Doesn't ring a bell… My name is Heisenberg and I want to you say my name… correctly this time.

      • I was going around in circles for a good 10 minutes, one second it's $7.99 the next it's free, next my Kindle account is USA and not Oz, (repeat 10 times). Much easier to do on a computer and not android.

    • I'm having the same problem. Can you provide a quick run down of what you had to change and where it is hidden in all the settings.

      • Do it on a computer.

        I downloaded it on my computer from amazon.com.au, then go to your android to appstore -> menu top left hand corner -> Library -> my apps -> Cloud -> and it will be there. If you have a USA account you change it to a Oz one, but not sure if that matters.

  • +1

    Amazon is kicking ass lately with these Android deals. Thanks very much for the heads up, OP; genuinely useful app (I remember paying over a hundred for calculators like this only a few years back!).

  • It seems that you can 'buy' it on the Amazon website but when you go to the appstore app, it shows as $7.99.

    I had changed my kindle account (once again, I don't know if changing a kindle account would make a difference) to Amazon.com.au, although my kindle location was already set to Australia (confusing, heh), and I'm not sure if this was also necessary. After doing this, I loaded the appstore app and it was still $7.99, but I then tried the website for the first time, and was successful.


    • I went through an identical process, not very easy to use, especially compared to Play Store which is pretty amazingly easy, (and even let's you queue downloads) and 15 minutes later it worked, see comments above if that helps. Amazing calculator with different screens for accounting, interest, scientific, hexadecimal, length conversion and weight conversion (may have left one or two out)

  • +2

    0 permissions required

    Wow. These apps really do exist.

    I don't care that I may never use this app but I'll upvote this deal.

  • Very nice, thanks. Stock android calculator not very good, I hate it.

  • Also now available free on the US app store, for roughly the next 20 hours.

  • I can't find the setting to change my kindle account to Aus.
    Gone around in circles of "manage your kindle" ….too hard.
    The geographic restriction things is pointless, if it can be got around, although they have beaten me this time

  • Guys, JFYI, to switch between amazon US and amazon AU, just create a new AU account and register with an address, no credit card needed. Then goto your apps, click on amazon app store (click force stop, then clear data). Now login with your Amazon au account. If you need to switch, repeat the process and sign in with your US account. Best of both worlds.

  • the numbers add up on this one. :)

  • I keep missing out on these Amazon Appstore deals because I'm too late. Then when I do check the Amazon Appstore app, invariably the free deal is a game I have no interest in. Does anyone know if there a way of getting the daily free app from Amazon sent to my email or RSS feed or similar?

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