Now free on the store
Average of 4.8/5 stars on Google Play Store.
NeoCal is an advanced, award-winning calculator designed to work just like a real calculator, only better. The intuitive keyboard design provides efficient access to more than 230 financial, statistical, scientific, programmer, conversion, and date and time functions without having to access menus or lists of functions. The large 12-digit display includes thousands of separators and shows labels for calculated and stored results. Backspace, Undo, and Redo make correcting mistakes simple. The calculator is highly customizable to work the way you do. Enable the Precedence option to reduce entering parentheses, or enable the RPN option to eliminate them completely. Enable up to four display lines to see current and previous results. Choose your own theme for improved readability. - Perform advanced scientific, financial, statistical, date and time, programmer, and conversion functions - Choose from multiple keyboard layouts and user-selectable themes - Work with a user interface designed specifically for Android devices - Take advantage of an extensive user guide included in the app - Customize entry with an optional RPN input method
Will give it a go thankyou.